


"Let\'s go and play with Tilt-A-Whirl first." Cayenne held her husband\'s hand and led her to the first ride that she wanted to take.

"Let\'s go and try the bumper cars." Stefan suggested for the next ride.

"How about the haunted mansion for the third place?"

"Then, let\'s have the log ride."

"Then let\'s take the carousel and we\'ll…"

The two of them went from one ride to another, exploring almost the whole park in the afternoon. She had been laughing the whole time, screaming happily, grinning from ear to ear while having a great time with her husband. Some people were looking at them with envy while some felt inspired.

There were families, group of friends and other couples in the theme park who were enjoying the place just like them. As for the body guards, they couldn\'t help themselves but admire this couple as well. What you see in public was still the same in private. If they\'re sweet in public, they\'re even sweeter in private.

Many female visitors were taking pictures of them and Cayenne didn\'t really care about it. Ever since their relationship got revealed to the public, she didn\'t shy away from it anymore. She held her high, dignified and sophisticated while wearing Stefan\'s last name next to her name. Even though she\'s married to him, she still remained humble and kind.

Stefan took her hand and this time, they decided to just stroll around while eating a cotton candy. Cayenne was slowly nibbling on the food as they walked.

"What do you want to do after taking this break?" Stefan asked while giving her water to drink.

"There\'s a movie that I want to watch with you. We still have an hour before the movie starts and the cinema is not far from here so, let\'s just stroll around for a little bit."

"O-okay." Stefan answered almost immediately.

Cayenne would feed him some cotton candy and Stefan would help her drink the water which he was holding. He wanted to buy her some other food but she refused to eat another kind of food which was really surprising.

After half an hour, they left the amusement park and went to the cinema in order to watch the movie that she likes. When Stefan saw the title of the movie on their tickets, his eyebrow raised a little bit higher than usual. The title itself already gave him a little bit of an idea of what the movie would be like.

"You want to watch this?" Stefan asked her as they lined up for the popcorn and drinks. Since she just ate some sweet cotton candy, she opted for salted caramel popcorn but she only bought the small portion knowing that Stefan didn\'t like pop corns that much and she couldn\'t finish a large size by herself. Instead of soft drinks, they bought water this time.

"Ma\'am, the cinema has a tight security and I believe that nothing will happen to you with sir Stefan by your side. Do we still have to follow you inside the cinema?"

"It\'s fine if you won\'t but I\'ll be happier if you guys will watch this movie, too." Cayenne responded because she really like the movie so much. The thriller was already enticing and there were many great reviews about it. She didn\'t want to pass this chance to watch the movie with her husband.

The leading bodyguard scratched his head with a faint smile on his lips. "We\'d love to watch movies, too. However, we don\'t think we can relate to this movie at all."

"Oh." Cayenne mumbled softly while looking at them. "Fine. You can do whatever you want for the next one and half hour. Come back here after the allotted time."

"Yes, ma\'am."

Cayenne turned to her husband with a frown on her face. "Don\'t you have anything to tell them?"

"Nope. You\'re the rule."

"Hmp! You don\'t even acknowledge your own words in some instances."

"Those are special circumstances." Stefan grinned at her and even though they didn\'t mention what instances were those, the bodyguards have a clear idea of what was that all about.

As soon as the couple enter the cinema, the bodyguards left to do whatever they wanted for the next one and half hour. Some went to buy things that they like and some went to play bowling. Others were playing inside the arcade center while the others chose to watch an action movie.

Back to Cayenne and Stefan, they were sitting right next to each other and was waiting for the movie to start. Cayenne was holding the popcorn once again while Stefan just took a little from time to time.

Once Again is a movie about betrayal and forgiveness. It\'s about giving second chances to those who love and learning how to cope with broken heart. It\'s a movie showing how people mend a broken relationship and how they could start over again. And it wasn\'t just these things that made Cayenne like this movie. It\'s because she can see herself on the character that the actress portrayed. It was as if the movie was created for her. The events were very similar to her experiences which made her feel a little bias towards this movie.

Stefan was also bothered with these similarities, and not just bothered, his guilt was stirred up as well. The things that the male lead did for the girl, he did it to Cayenne as well. The hurtful words that the male lead threw to the female lead, he said those words to Cayenne as well.

In fact, he also felt that the movie was really made for the two of them.

In the middle of the movie, Stefan tightened his hold on Cayenne\'s hand and he kept glancing at her. He glanced at her when the female lead broke up with the male lead. He glanced at her when the male lead chased after the female. He glanced at her when the male lead started dating someone else. And the next time he glanced at her was when the female lead realized she still love the man and when she wanted to start over with him, she saw him with some other woman. However, at this moment, Cayenne was already crying. In fact, ever since the male lead and female lead of the movie broke up, she also felt that her heart was breaking into tiny bits of pieces. As the emotions continued to build within her, she could no longer hold on to her tears. They started pouring like dam that burst after a nonstop and heavy rainfall.

Stefan pulled out his handkerchief and wiped her tears again and again but Cayenne couldn\'t stop her tears. She felt so sad for the female lead and even though they still ended up together at the end of the movie, her hiccups and sobs still continue. She wasn\'t the least bit embarrassed about it though because there were so many of them who cried because of the movie.

She was not the only one with puffy eyes and she wasn\'t the only one with a helpless boyfriend. There were so many of them.

"I didn\'t cheat." Stefan mentioned. "I didn\'t really want to let go of you. I didn\'t find another woman to replace you either."


"I still love you and always will." Cayenne nodded her head while wiping her tears when she heard these words. "I will never let you go."

After some time, Cayenne finally stopped crying. She finally smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "I know that and I love you, too."

The two of them hugged for a little while before coming out of the cinema. When they met with the bodyguards, her puffy eyes shocked the other men and they immediately shifted their eyes to Stefan.

Seeing their intense gaze as if they were accusing him, Stefan instantly raised his hands. "I didn\'t cause this to her. It\'s the movie."

Cayenne just chuckled and the bodyguards smiled faintly. They were worried that the two of them fought. Thankfully it wasn\'t the case.

After the movie, Cayenne asked Stefan to drive the car to Serenity restaurant. It was the place where she booked their dinner date. Before, Stefan would always buy her flowers and give her some stuff during their dinner date. This time, she wanted to do something special for him. She didn\'t give him flowers but she gave him a small clear jar with lots of origami paper stars.

She had been secretly making these things but she didn\'t know when to give it to him.

"Did you write anything on the origami?" Stefan asked even though he kind of guessed her answer.

"Yup. Just read it when I\'m not around."

During dinner, she filmed the restaurant and their food and wine. She also showed them holding hands and sometimes the jar was caught on camera but she didn\'t mention it. She felt a bit shy that her gift was very simple.

Although she didn\'t mention it, Stefan posted it on his social media account the next day. Cayenne might not say anything about the jar but that doesn\'t mean her subscribers wouldn\'t know it.

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