
Chapter 813 - 813 [Bonus chapter] GENDER REVEAL IV

“I’m for team baby boy today,” Jillyanna said when Cayenne approached her. “I’m even wearing blue for him.”

“I’m for the team baby girl. We have so many boys already.” Jade commented and to support her, she was wearing pink slippers and pink hair accessories. What she said earned several agreements from the adults. “I hope it’s a girl so I can share my Barbie dolls with her.”

“Where’s Stefan by the way?” Magnus asked when he noticed that Stefan hasn’t come out ever since he came two hours ago. “Is he busy with work again?”

“No, dad.” Cayenne retorted instantly in defense. “He’s sleeping. He had been feeling nauseous all day and he kept vomiting. I’m feeling guilty for him.”

“It’s that bad?” Travis questioned while holding Raizel in his arms. Even after two years, this man still couldn’t let go of his child. Raizel has turned 2 years old already and he seemed more attached to him than ever. Sometimes, Jill would even post on her account that she was a little jealous of her son. “You’re probably having a boy if he’s that exhausted.”

[The exhaustion must have doubled, then.] Cayenne thought to herself when she realized that she’s having two little boys in her stomach.

“I’m awake, love,” Stefan mumbled on the phone and Cayenne looked up to the second floor instinctively. Seeing her reaction and the AirPods she was wearing, everyone could tell that she was having a call with her sleeping husband all this time. Fleetingly, Jillyanna saw Travis in Cayenne. Her husband was very much like her in this aspect.

On the other hand, Jackson who came to get Cayenne’s signature was held up. He wasn’t really in a hurry but he wanted to go home and watch the new episode of the anime that he has been following. He didn’t want to miss it but Cayenne was so busy, he didn’t want to disturb her and she told him to wait already.


“Yen wants you to relax and take this chance to rest,” Kyle told Jackson since he was no longer holding the camera. Luiz took over the vlog and he was very happy to do so. “You’re always cope-up with work and you don’t like to hang out either.”

“It’s tiring to go out just to have fun. I can always have fun in my room.”

Kyle has no retort to that. People have different ways of having fun and you can’t just impose your ideals on someone who likes to take things differently. At the same time, he knew he would feel bad if he would just leave the man on his own. “Let’s go over there. Don’t just hide here.”

Not long after, Stefan came out from their bedroom and his eyes scanned the living room already to find where his wife at. As soon as he saw her, his expression mellowed and he walked a little faster to reach her.

“Good evening, everyone!” The organizer greeted them since Cayenne decided that she should host the event as well. She would earn another service fee for hosting so she grabbed the opportunity. Most of the time, they would only plan the event but the client will get another host for it. This time, it was her and her company alone. They earned big time for a single party.

The host gave her personal message, thanking the couple for choosing her small company to prepare this special event that would forever be stamped in their hearts and minds. After that, she approached Magnus, Jonas, and Reuben to give their message to their future grandchild as far as they knew; not grandchildren.

Jonas: I’m sure you are going to be a lovely mother just like your mom and whatever comes out, be it a boy or a girl, I have no qualms about it. I just pray that your child will grow up healthily.

Reuben: Personally, I hope it’s a boy. Then, Stefan will have a successor because if it’s a girl, I’m worried that many men will come after her. At the same time, I want to see a mini-Yenyen so, I also hope it’s a baby girl. Good luck Stefan if it’s a baby girl. You will have to ward off a lot of evil beings.

His statement made others laugh because it was what most fathers feel when they’re having a baby girl. Hearing it, Travis couldn’t agree more. He has been keeping an eye on Ethan already because the little guy was the closest to his daughter.

Magnus stood up to receive the microphone and he stared at Cayenne’s stomach. “Ever since I heard that Yen is pregnant, I’ve always imagined if the child would be like Stefan or would be like Yen. And I couldn’t make a conclusion up until this moment. Whether you’re having a boy or a girl, or in between, I don’t mind it. I just hope that you won’t keep the child for yourself, especially Stefan. He can be very overprotective. I’m starting to worry if I’ll ever have a chance to hold the baby.”

Stefan only grinned evilly at his father and Magnus could only shake his head.

As the great-grandfather, Ferdinand also gave his speech. After all, the child will be the heir to their ever-growing empire and he has been waiting for this day to come.

“Child, I wish you a thousand years to live and I hope that you won’t give your parents a headache. In the many years to come, no matter what the obstacles you’re facing, remember that many people have your back. Don’t shoulder life alone.”

Cory and Jose, Stefan’s maternal grandparents also gave their speech to the unborn child and they were looking forward to seeing the child or children rather – which they didn’t know yet.

After their speech, the host called for Cayenne’s brothers as well as Stefan’s cousin Dominic. Luiz has long set up the camera to the side and he wasn’t worried about other angles of the video, he can always get them from the bodyguards who were joining them as well.

“Personally, are you expecting a nephew or a niece?”

Luiz: Niece

Kyle: Nephew

Dominic: Niece

“So, since you will be the child’s direct uncles, you will be responsible for the gender reveal.” The three gentlemen were excited and nervous at the same time as they waited for the host’s instructions. “Do you love sweets?”

“Not much,” Dominic said and the other two agreed.

“Only Yen and Jade love sweets,” Luiz added which made Cayenne giggle in her seat.

“Alright. Don’t worry, you will surely love the cupcakes we prepared,” one of the staff pushed a cart and there were nine cupcakes on the plate. “There are three cupcakes for all of you and don’t worry about the flavor, we mixed it to make it fair. Aside from the cream fillings, we slipped something inside that would reveal the gender. Ah! Just a reminder to everyone, we don’t sell these cupcakes. We baked them, especially for this occasion. So, please erase the notion that we’re not following sanitary protocol.”

“Can we start eating now?” Kyle asked with his restless fingers. He wanted to know the gender soon.

“You may start eating.” The host said and everyone was watching carefully what they would get inside from the cake.

Even Monet who joined in on the fun through a video call couldn’t contain her excitement. She was also looking forward to seeing the gender of Cayenne’s baby.

“Ah!” Luiz exclaimed when he finished eating the cupcake and found a very tiny plastic figure of a white angel. “Well, I can’t tell if the baby is a boy or a girl from this. It’s cute, though. Can I keep this?”

“Yes, you can.” The host responded while keeping watch of Kyle and Dominic. There was a meaningful smile on her face but they couldn’t tell what was the reason behind it.

“Oh! I got it!” Dominic said and pulled out a tiny plastic figurine of an angel with a sky-blue undergarment. He caught something at the bottom and it made him frown. [Baby A?] He thought and looked at Kyle’s cupcake in hand. “Uhh. So, is this the baby’s gender?”

“Wait!” Kyle mumbled with his hand in the air. “I got something.”

“Oh, my god! They’re having a baby boy!” Luna exclaimed but then, she looked at Cayenne who was grinning mischievously. “No way.”

Everyone looked at her and she blinked her eyes several times while trying to calm her heart. She may not be the mother but she will become a godmother soon and her heart has been thumping wildly because of her excitement. Realizing what happened, she was jumping in joy.

“You’re having a twin?!”

Then, the guests shifted their attention to Cayenne and Stefan.

“So, why did I get a genderless angel?” Luiz blurted out and everyone widened their eyes in shock.

It seemed like realization dawned on them already.

“Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dumrique! They’re having triplets! However, only two were confirmed to be boys. The one that sir Luiz is holding represents the third child. It could be a girl or it could be a boy as well. Congrats!”

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