
Chapter 34 Where To Build? Hmm . . .

So, me, exploring the vicinity was cut short by the appearance of a much more significant threat.

"Can you fix this?" I didn\'t know the correct term for the problem we\'re facing now.

We\'re standing on the shore with the giant waves rolling in the sea like they would swallow us whole.

"If this little rain can cause this sea to rise at this level, then I don\'t know what seven days of rain would do."

The waves reached the shore, and some water already stretched up to the coconut trees. If the rain lasted until the whole night, then I was afraid that the waters would have reached the grass plains.

A good thing that the grass plain was low. About a meter low that could help retain the water before it reached my house.

However, how much it could hold before it overflowed was an entirely different matter altogether.

And I wouldn\'t take that chance, no matter how small it was.

"The good thing is, the grass plain is low and can help hold the water just in case," muttered Athena.

I rolled my eyes. Tell me about it.

"My lord," Athena faced me, "Pressed with little time, resources, and manpower, I suggest we construct a breakwater first."

Daedalus nodded in agreement though his stony face remained grim. "Just as Athena said, my lord. However, I\'m afraid that we still wouldn\'t make it."

My heart thumped. "What do you mean?"

"A single breakwater is already considered a massive-scale construction. Even if it\'s just made out of rocks, the rocks it requires are enormous. And with just me and two workers, we wouldn\'t be able to finish building it on time on top of the other things that we must accomplish."

The veins in my head were pounding hard again. It was working for a solution – overtime!

"Then tell me what you need to finish all your work in time?" I said, tapping my foot on the sand and massaging my temple.

My nice bath was delayed, and it looked like no one was going to sleep tonight or for the days to come.

However, I wasn\'t going to push my body passed its limit. Dying of exhaustion would beat the purpose of this whole thing after all.

"I need at least two A grade master builders. Four more miners, the higher the grade, the better," said Daedalus without batting an eyelid.

I bit my thumb. Where would I get Tokens for that? Should I destroy another village?

<Host, forgets. Old players have tokens~>

". . ."

Old players?

<There are others before you who were transported here. And by this time, those who survive would already have acquired some tokens>

You mean to tell me . . . I needed to kill players for tokens?

<It\'s an evil eat evil world down here. It\'s bound to happen sooner or later>

. . . I see . . .

Or maybe I could just relocate to somewhere safe?

I spun around and asked Athena about my plans, "How about we retreat to higher plains? Above a mountain, perhaps? Is it ideal to build there?"

"Some people also chose to live in the mountains, but that pertains to a world where beasts didn\'t exist. If we relocate on top of the mountains, then we will have to double our defenses, for it\'s the home of many beasts."

". . ."

"But . . . ," Athena continued, "There are rocky hills around our territory located past the forest. It\'s not home to many beasts since there\'s no food source that could sustain them. We might . . . build our house atop the rocky mountain."

"Might?" I didn\'t like the sound of that.

Athena closed her eyes and looked to the side. For once, her face registered doubt though only a little. "I haven\'t seen the place, and there might be flying monsters resting there.

"However the good side of having your house built in a higher place, not many beasts are present, you\'re out from the danger of the waves, and you have the height advantage in case of enemies suddenly attack you.

"The downside is, the escape route is limited, and there might be beasts up there."

"Not to mention food that wouldn\'t grow in its rocky soil," I added.

Hmm . . . "How about if I joined a town or kingdom instead?"

"Out of the question, my lord," Athena immediately countered. "With SSS and SS grade tokens with you, everyone would be after your throat."

"My options are limited, huh."

I sighed to the heavens.

The more the situation pressed me, hammered me to the ground, and cornered me with no hope, the more I wanted to struggle.

"Very well then. I\'ll take the easy route."

". . ."

". . ."

Athena and Daedalus looked at each other, and I enjoyed it when Athena\'s beautiful otherworldly face cracked into a slight frown.

"I\'m going to kill some players."

As the system said, it was an evil eat evil world down here.

Daedalus and Athena merely looked at me with blank eyes. They didn\'t care about mortal lives, that\'s for sure.

System, were there any quests that reward with numerous high-grade tokens in one go.

<A New Main Quest appeared!>

‖ E V I L S Y S T E M

M A I N Q U E S T ‖

❶ Make Amara Goldstein fall in love with you and smash her heart to pieces


+100, 000 EXP

❷ Kill 4 Players

There is a tournament to enter the Capital city of Rustin held in the town of Roselake. Players are seizing this chance to enter the safety of the capital and have a much greater life even as just one of the soldiers of the King and acquire many perks.

Kill four players that already have all their ATPs in the twenties.


+40 000 EXP

A-Grade Tokens x 4

‖ E N D ‖

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