
Chapter 136 Evil Blood Of The UNDYING?

"Shhh . . . Don\'t talk. We\'ll get you fix."

Damn! Why was this [Teleportation] skill only working on me?! It should also work for the creatures I was carrying.

<It\'s because the Teleportation Spell is still low leveled, Host>

"Thomas, can you teleport to the infirmary?" Did the kid have the skill unlocked already?

". . . Thomas?"

I glanced at Thomas when he was no longer responding.

He was staring at me with a smile on his face. "It\'s too late for me," he gasped, and I saw how his HP turned to a single digit and then zero.

I shook my head. "N-no . . . No. NO!"

"S-sorry . . . d-didn\'t want to give them . . . your gil . . ." he stifled a laugh despite the pain and the tears dropping nonstop in his eyes.

I gritted my teeth. "Idiot! Haven\'t you heard the news?! I have plenty of gil!"

Thomas only beamed one last time as he was slowly turning into particles. "T-thank you . . . Y-you are the first person . . . who is nice to me . . ."

Hot liquid fell to my cheeks and dropped to Thomas\'s cold skin. His eyes were half open, tired and lifeless, filled with unspoken grief. His smile told of how happy he was that his sufferings were over.

He might be okay with this, but I was NOT.

He would NOT die like this!

System, I don\'t want him to die!

<He is already dead, Host>

Then do something!

I thought that you are powerful!

I thought that you could make the impossible possible?!

<New Item appeared in the EVIL SYSTEM SHOP!>

ǁ E V I L  S Y S T E M  S H O P ǁ

❺ Evil Blood of the UNDYING

Couldn\'t accept the death of a love one or a friend?

Then this item is for you!

A drop of this blood will guarantee the complete revival of your love one!

Works one time only!


The revived creature wouldn\'t be the same.

If you\'re still okay with that, then be ready to pay the price!


100 000 Evil Points

ǁ E N D ǁ

I didn\'t care about the warnings.

The important thing for me was to save Thomas.

Without a second thought, I bought the vial and poured its contents into Thomas\'s lips before he could totally turn into particles.

It only contained one drop, and I was freaking out if it was enough.

The vial of the [Evil Blood of the UNDYING] broke and disappeared from my hands, but Thomas was still unconscious. His body turning into particles stopped, leaving half his head.

"T-Thomas?" I called his name, but there was no reaction for five seconds.

Until the air went still. I felt an invisible grip on my throat, like someone was choking the life out of me. My lungs were burning for air. The world around me seemed to be spinning, and I could hear a distant ringing in my ears.

I tried to gasp for air, but I couldn\'t seem to do so like there was no oxygen to breathe. I couldn\'t move anything below my neck.

"What\'s happening?" I asked, trying to make sense of what was going on.


I forgot about the pain and the thought of breathing when dark particles slowly circled around Thomas and, piece by piece, formed his body from head to toe without a limb missing.

He was naked in my arms, and that was only when I noticed the scars and wounds on his body in gruesome black and blue. Some fresh, others healed.

And everything pieced together on how he refused to change clothes in front of me. Or how he didn\'t want to take a bath together.

It made me wonder when the bullying started and why he didn\'t go to the infirmary to heal his wounds. Or maybe he did but didn\'t receive the proper treatment he deserved.

Whatever it was . . . it only added to the boiling rage that rose in the pit of my stomach.

Poor kid.

Poor Thomas.

He was too good for this place.

Too good.

Those words were running in my head like a broken record on repeats as I put clothes on him and carried him back to the dorms.

The ringing in my head never stops. My anger only rose as I walked that familiar path back to our room.

I saw a lot of players pointing their fingers at us and whispering to themselves as I passed the corridors of the dorms.

All of their faces held the glee of a gawker and none of the concern for their fellow human being.

It made me sick.

It made me want to puke.

I didn\'t want to stay here any longer.

Someone barged into my path, asking the usual thing – –  money.

He was screaming and jabbing a finger at me as if I owed him the world.

My vision was dimming. My head was going to explode. My anger was at its limit, and before I could murder him with my bare hands, I hurried past him and didn\'t glance back.

I quickly locked the doors the moment we got inside our room. I closed my eyes tight, and burning spots twirled around in the darkest of my vision. My knees were about to give way as I panted for breath.

Shaking with anger and exhaustion, I carefully laid Thomas on his bed.

As I stared at the kid, fat tears rolled on my cheeks. There was a hollow place inside me where my fear had been.

This was me basically giving up. I had no more reason to hold on. I finally realized how completely backward this world was. I was always careful and followed the rules but got punished for doing so while they got their happily ever after.

But Thomas . . . I will always remember and would never forget that it was you who made my hope alive that not all humans were bad.

You\'re the reason that I was able to hold to what sanity and emotions I had left.

Thank you . . . thank you for not betraying me.

I promise . . . I will avenge you.

Even if it cost me what little morality I had left.

Activate . . . Evil Heart.

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