
Chapter 2 - 2. A Royal Earthquake

The child had a dream that night. He found himself in endless grasslands. There were lots of animals around him and all of them were friendly to him.

With smiles and giggles, he played with all of them. Then he sat down under the shade of the only tree in that grassland. He had forgotten about all his problems outside that dream. ​​

"What is your name, child?" a kind male voice came.

The child jolted up with caution. "Who is it?"

The tree suddenly bowed a little with its branches acting like its hands.

"Yes, it was me. I do not have a name or I would have told you." The tree said.

"Okay, mister tree. I am Magnus." the child politely introduced himself.

"A very good name. It means greatest. You will do many great deeds in the future it seems, just like what my master said. Would you like to eat an apple, Little Magnus?" The tree asked.

Magnus patted his tummy innocently. He was indeed hungry. "Mummy said not to take food from strangers. They take you and make you work in mines."

"Hahaha... your mum is absolutely right. But, I am a tree, I can\'t even move, how will I catch you and take you anywhere?" the tree asked.

"Umhmm... Oki, I will eat an apple." Magnus was convinced.

The tree\'s branch suddenly grew an apple. The tree lowered its branch for Magnus to pluck it. The apple looked shiny and juicy.

Magnus had never seen a tastier looking apple than this. He had spent so much time looking for his mother and had only drunk water so he was hungry. Hence he quickly started devouring the apple.

While chewing he looked at the tree thankfully, "It is tasty."

The tree nodded. ~Of course it would be tasty. It has the inheritance of the greatest wizard and a slightly lesser great king.~

The tree was obviously biassed towards its creator.

After eating the apple, Magnus started feeling sleepy. "Mister tree, I will sleep here. Wake me u..."

He couldn\'t finish speaking as he softly fell down. The tree quickly caught him with its leafy branches to act as a cushion.

But the tree was shocked for some reason as soon as he touched him. "OH! this is a surprise, but a welcome one. At least now I can rest easy that I made the right choice."

The tree soon started shining in golden light and shrunk down. It kept on shrinking until it was just the size of a 1-inch bead. A thread made of grass held the bead like a locket. It then tied itself around Magnus\' neck. No one except Magnus could see it and it could never be lost as it was now tied with Magnus\' soul.

~Ah, I can finally rest now. My branches have been aching from standing for so many years. Good luck, kid.~




"Kid, what are you doing here? Illegally occupying public places is a crime."

Magnus, who was sleeping on the concrete pathway in the park, slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and there was no tree. He felt a bit dizzy and heavy-headed.

"Mummy?" He voiced, remembering that he was still lost.

The policeman realized that the child was lost. From the clothes, he looked like he belonged to a decent family too.

"Are you lost, child?" He politely inquired.

Magnus couldn\'t think much about his dream and the tree at the moment. All he could think about right now was finding his home. He remembered that his mom told him to find the uncle in a weird hat and dark blue clothing if he gets lost.

He nodded, "Do you know where my home is?"

The policeman scratched his beard. "No, child. But you can come with me to the station. I\'m sure your mum must have filed a report there."

Magnus nodded and followed the policeman. All the while he was looking back at the place the big tree was supposed to be.

"When did you lose your mum?" the policeman asked.

"Yesterday at the parade," Magnus replied without thinking.

"What?! The parade was a long way from here. How did you reach this place?" The policeman asked.

Magnus was a bit embarrassed now. "I-I ran to find mommy."

"And you got lost? Haha, no worries, kid. I also used to get lost when I was your age. We will find your mom soon. You can call me Uncle Tom. I just joined my duty a few days ago and I will become the best cop in the city in the future. I will someday get a medal from the queen herself." The policeman introduced himself kindly and also gave some unnecessary information. He gave the vibe of a funny uncle that tells unfunny jokes and laughs at them all by himself.

"I am Magnus Grant, uncle Tom." Magnus also gave his name. He was a bit anxious at the moment so he held his t-shirt from the chest.

[A/N: Don\'t confuse it with Gaunt, which is the house surname of Salazar Slytherin\'s descendants, Voldemort belongs to this one.]

Then he felt something under it. He quickly took it out and saw a wooden bead tied around his neck.

"We\'re here. Come." Tom stopped him from exploring the strange locket around his neck.

Just as they entered, another policeman, who seemed to be Tom\'s senior, yelled.

"TOM? I told you to patrol the streets. You are too fat and need to lose weight. Honestly, if it wasn\'t for your sick mother I wouldn\'t have given you this job." The man yelled at Tom.

Magnus didn\'t like it. But he was too small to do anything and he knew it. But he was still upset with this loud man as Tom seemed kind to him.

Tom just smiled awkwardly. A moment ago he was talking about becoming the best cop and here he was getting yelled at.

"Inspector, I was patrolling but I found a lost child," Tom explained the situation.

"Then yo..." The inspector stopped yelling as he felt his left pant pocket was too hot for some reason.

"FIRE!" A sergeant nearby shouted and brought the fire extinguisher. He quickly unloaded the extinguisher on the inspector. In fact, a bit too much and it looked like the sergeant was even enjoying it.

"Inspector, it must have been your cigarette lighter." the sergeant said, trying to divert everyone\'s attention from what he had just done.

The Inspector angrily glared at everyone there and ran back to his office.


Magnus was smiling gleefully when he heard the call from his mother.

He turned around and saw his mother standing at the entrance with his father. Both of them looked like they had not slept for the last night. Their hair and clothes were all in a mess.

"MUMMY!" Magnus shouted and ran up to her. He jumped and got caught in a hug.

There were tears in his mother\'s blue eyes. She was good looking with a kind face and above-average height. She also had blonde hair.

"My Magnus, I\'m so sorry I didn\'t hold your hand tightly." She cried while hugging him.

Magnus was also very emotional but stopped himself from crying as he knew that if he cried then his mother would cry even more.

He patted her shoulder and spoke in a breaking voice, "I-It\'s okay mommy. I-I am fine. Look."

She looked at his face that had a bit of dirt on it and his messy hair. He didn\'t look like he had an easy time at all. And that had a reverse effect on her and she cried even more.

Eventually, his father had to come to save him. He patted her back and assured her everything was right.

Magnus\' father had a tall and lean build with reddish hair, just like Magnus\'. He was wearing round glasses and was supporting a stubble for a beard. His face was good looking and definitely worthy of his mother.

Magnus looked at his father with grateful eyes. "Yes, mummy. Let\'s go home. I am hungry."

"Yes Yes... Adam, bring the car over here. Magnus must be cold too." She shouted at her husband.

"Grace, you are overreacting now." Adam tried to argue.

But one angry glare from Grace made him give up and go out. He knew if he didn\'t, then he\'d be sleeping on the couch that night.

After she signed the papers at the police station, they left for their home.



In a certain room, a magical quill started moving and wrote a long name in an old-looking book.


Buckingham Palace,

While Magnus had a touching reunion with his mother. It was like a storm had moved the foundation of Buckingham Palace and the royals living in it.

A certain stone tablet started shining. Until now it was only meant to be seen as an old artefact belonging to the first-ever king who united England and fended off the Saxons, the last will of some sort from the great King Arthur Pendragon.

It was just a stone with some words inscribed on it but now it seemed to be showing some greater meaning.

Queen Elizabeth II was informed of the situation. She knew that it was a grave matter, after all, what the stone tablet said was clear and now that it was shining, it meant it was real.

"Whomever my legacy deems worthy will be the rightful king of England and its affiliated kingdoms. Whence the light shines on this lifeless stone, the rightful king is born. Honour the decree or be cursed by the eternal magic of the Prince of Enchanters"

These words were ringing in Queen\'s mind. It was certainly the biggest tribulation the royal family had to ever face and if this time they didn\'t win then there wouldn\'t be any royal family left from her line.

"Your Majesty, the wizards have arrived." Queen\'s assistant informed her.

She took a long breath and headed out to meet them. As the queen, her life was of utmost priority to the country. Even though she and her family had nothing to do with the wizarding world, the ministry of magic still sends wizards to keep her safe from any hostile wizards.

She was thankful for this as she knew that most wizards don\'t place the royal family in high honour because not a single wizard appeared in their family line.

They were just muggles for the wizarding world. Muggles with a bit of extra administrative power. She also kept herself from offending these wizards because she knew that many of these wizards belonged to families more ancient than England itself.


[A/N: Here goes chapter 2. As you may have felt, I will be focusing on the growth of MC. It will be a bit slow. He does not know anything about the magical world and he will not suddenly become OP. He will still be very strong and capable but not overly OP like Grandpa Universe. Though by the end he will be OP.

He will have many wins but he will also face some losses that will make him grow as a person because right now he is childish. But one thing will remain, his love for his family. He will not be overly nice to everyone like Grandpa but still will be a nice person while being ruthless to enemies.]

[You can see the Dream, the quill and book and Buckingham Palace on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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