
Chapter 50 - Dead Rises

There is an empty bedroom but the group decided to just sleep in the living room. Adam told them to sleep but its really hard considering what did happen today, and what will be waiting tomorrow... The morning sun has risen, The girls did get about two hours sleep...



Loud sound can be heard from the unit upstairs, everyone awake in shock.... The sound could be heard moving towards the balcony...


The group just about to move to the balcony when a human body fall down from the top. It hits their balcony and continues to fall... blood can be seen on the balcony railing



Rahel was screaming in shocked, Jason and Adam pick up their weapon and walk slowly to the balcony... nothing can be seen upstairs. As the person who fell from 9th floor.. seen unmoving on the ground... probably dead. Adam slowly closed the balcony door...


The five of them looking at each other... Thinking about the body inside the bedroom, their heart beat faster.



Another loud sound can be heard in the hallway...


"Open up please... help me!! something happens to my dad" Its a woman voice, she\'s knocking a few doors asking for help"

"Don\'t open it!!" Rahel shout.

"We need to know what\'s going on.."

Adam gives a look at Jason, he noded. Weapons ready they slowly unlock and open up the door... This apartment is very exclusive, there are only 12 units on each floor. As there is no electricity, the hallway is pretty dark. There is only one window in each end. The woman currently knocking the unit three doors down. When Adam was about to call her, the unit that the woman knocks actually not locked... she opens the door.



A figure jumped at her.. two more figures follows.. three of those things swarming over her... Blood splash out everywhere... The scene is really shocking to Adam and Jason... They were stunned... one of those things turn and facing them.. it moves closer step by step. Its a pale looking man with blood spill out of his eyes and all over his mouth... A walking corpse, a zombie.

These days there are lots of movies depicting a zombie, but looking at the screen and facing a real one are two different things. The gore and smell are suffocating.

Seeing only one of the thing approach, Adam muster up the courage to pick up the axe

"Watch my back and watch the door"

Adam advance closer and swing the axe to the zombie head.


The swing was not strong enough to cut off its head, but it seems to get the job done. The undead sways over and falls to the ground. Adam pulls out the axe and swings it one more time to be sure


This time the swing severed the head. The zombie no longer moved. The other two zombies still enjoying their breakfast at the moment... Adam turns around and saw Jason.

"Jason behind you!!"

Jason was staring at the scene, he didn\'t realize another one of the undead already behind him. There is another door open at the back. Probably this zombie is the woman\'s dad.

Jason was a little bit panicked, he wasn\'t prepared, he got pushed down by the zombie. He struggled to break free from the zombie on top of him. The zombie actually has some strength. Adam was trying to run back when suddenly...


The zombie was stabbed by a knife in the head. Blood splashes at Jason\'s face. The zombie stop moving... It was Daisy, she came out and help.

The last two zombies just finish their feast and walk closer to Adam. Jason woke up, he noded to thanks Daisy and stand behind Adam. The zombie moves weren\'t as slow and rigid as in the movies but it still slower than most living human. Adam and Jason work together. Jason smashes one of the zombies with a hammer. When it drops Adam swing the axe to the head. Jason then tackles the next one and push it to the wall. Hold its neck so it can\'t bite. Adam took Jason hammer and hit its head.

Adam and Jason walk around and check the unit that was open. just to make sure there is no zombie left. Afterward, Adam screamed, "We have cleared the hallway.. is there anyone else in this floor?"



no answered...

Either there are none left alive or they are too afraid to come out. Adam and Jason head Back to the unit.

Melissa and Rahel both are still tense. Jason still has blood on his faces. There are some seen in Adam clothes as well. They are now 100% sure the doomsday video is true... before they want to plan on anything they need to take care of Sally\'s body inside the bedroom. Although Adam, Jason, and Daisy already have experience killing a zombie, its a different matter to kill strangers and someone they knew. Rahel and Melissa don\'t want to do it. In the end, again Adam stepping up for the task. Daisy actually volunteers to help him...

They went inside the room and as expected Sally corpse currently crawling, scratching and bitting the bedroom floor. Adam put a clean bed cover on top of her... took a deep breath and stab the head with a knife. He then covers a second clean sheet to cover the body. He decided to just leave the body in this room at the moment. After what happened, even after thoroughly clean up the room, no one will be willing to use this room again.


Noise can be heard outside, they went out of the room and find Melissa drawing a knife facing Jason...

"What happened?"

"Adam. Look at Jason\'s shoulder!!"

After washing up his face and changing his clothes, the group can see a bite mark in between Jason neck and shoulder.

"Yes, I didn\'t know I got a bit... until just now... "

"Let me see that" Daisy move over and trying to see the bite marks, she then put on some alcohol and make a simple dressing patch to cover it.

"The doomsday video never says anything about being turn into one with a bitemark...that\'s just something we know from the movies. we should wait and see... this could be nothing"


Looking outside the balcony, they can see fire and smoke all around the city. There are gunshots and explosion. They start seeing some of the zombies on the streets and people running away from them... There are more zombies than humans can be seen on the streets. Things turn to the worst.


"So what should we do now?" the group not sure what to do they are in conflict.



"Because of the doomsday message, hopefully, the government have prepared some countermeasure... first option Plan A, is to wait it out...we have enough supplies to last a few weeks if we ration well..."

"the second option Plan B, is probably what\'s been in all our mind since yesterday... we could go search for our family, we could start with the one closest... Rahel home?"


Melissa jumps in and says "I vote to just wait it out... there are probably thousands of those things on the street it\'s too dangerous"


Adam thought for a while and ask the group to follow him to the other bedroom. He walks to one of the wardrobes, there\'s actually a secret compartment.. inside there are three pieces of GLOCK pistols, six magazines and two pieces of combat knife.

<GLOCK 19>

Catridges : 9mm

Rate of fire : 1,100 - 1,200 RPM

Effective firing range : 50 m

Magazines Bullets : 15

"What do you think? feel a bit safer now? these are my father spares.

"Your father has 3 spares hanging around... who\'s your father again?"

"I told you already he\' a high ranking police officer"

I will hold one, my father thought me how to shoot before. Anyone here has any shooting experience?



Jason said, "just some experience in game..." Adam responds "that will do, anyone else?" Rahel doesn\'t want it, so it\'s between Melissa and Daisy. They both knew at a time like this, a gun could be the difference between life and death.

Melissa hurriedly said, "give one to me, I need one."... Daisy doesn\'t want to fight for it but then Jason said "you can have mine Daisy, I think I\'m better at using a hammer and this combat knife. Jason smile at Daisy, she saves his life today... he plans to return the favors.

Adam continues "Although we have this gun, I suggest to stay here for a few more days. This apartment is a good shelter it will be hard for a zombie to come up here. We see the situation for a few more days if nothing change then we move, what do you think?"

"Agreed, plan A it is then"

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