
Chapter 284 - Do You Want To See Him?

Lin Xiaofei woke up after hearing the noise of drizzle rain hitting the roof and cold wind blowing through the window.

It was already dark outside, she realized.

Turning around in the bed, Lin Xiaofei didn\'t feel Qu Xing Xu beside her. However, when she turned to her side, she saw him sitting behind the wooden table, looking at a scroll with a serious look in his eyes.

As though he noticed the slightest movement on the bed, Qu Xing Xu slightly turned his head, and their eyes met.

"Good morning." He told her. A gentle film in his eyes replaced the serious look he had earlier.

"Good mo--… It\'s night already." Lin Xiaofei corrected him.

Qu Xing Xu chuckled and put the scroll down on the table, and walked to the bed. He sat down by the edge of the bed and put her hand on her head, "Technically, it\'s morning since it is past midnight. But if my wife says it is still night, then she\'s right."

Shock ran through her mind after hearing him say that.

She shot up from the bed, the sheet slipping from her naked body. "Why didn\'t you wake me?"

When she got back to their room, it was still afternoon and bright outside. So, how long did she sleep?

Seeing the sheet covering her body slip down and revealed her naked body, Qu Xing Xu\'s eyes significantly darkened. His throat feels parched as though he had run a marathon for an hour without drinking and stopping before he moved his eyes away.

"You were sleeping so adorably. I couldn\'t find it in myself to wake you up." He said while he draped the sheet to her body so she was covered and he wouldn\'t be tempted.

Lin Xiaofei groaned and rubbed her cheeks. She looked far from her usual appearance and temperament of being elegant, and instead, she looked extremely cute when she does this.

"Why? Do you have some plans today?" Qu Xing Xu stood up and heated the teapot once again.

Without looking up, Lin Xiaofei replied, "Yes… I have to go and see Yu Fangzhu."

Suddenly, the cold atmosphere in the room became colder as soon as her words landed.

Lin Xiaofei would be stupid not to realize and sense this, and she wanted to slap herself awake. Didn\'t Qu Xing Xu just bully her because he was jealous of Yu Fangzhu? And now that she just mentioned that bastard in front of him again wouldn\'t this mean she\'s already signing her own death sentence?

Lin Xiaofei bit her lips and glanced at Qu Xing Xu through her fingers. As she expected, the man before her stood by the other table in the room, endlessly pouring tea to the cup, and he didn\'t seem to notice that the tea was overflowing and dripping down the table.

"Be sensible, Qu Xing Xu." Lin Xiaofei tried to calm him down. "I\'m going to see him before his death. I already planned to kill him today after getting what I want from him."

No response was received from the man standing in front of her.

It was true that Lin Xiaofei already planned to end Yu Fangzhu\'s life. There was no need to keep him alive anymore. It was just that Lin Xiaofei wanted to prolong the pain he would feel in his stay in the Qu residence and torture him.


Qu Xing Xu put down the teapot on the floor. The noise it made after the bottom of the teapot hit the table\'s surface made Lin Xiaofei flinch and sat upright.

"Do you really want to see him?" His deep voice rang inside the room.

Lin Xiaofei, however, didn\'t reply. Saying yes was already the same as signing her death sentence while saying no gave her the feeling that the bed exercise earlier will repeat once again, so she chose to be mum this time.

But who said that staying silent was a good thing too?

After all, staying silent is also the same as acknowledging one\'s crime.

And thus, Lin Xiaofei was bullied by Qu Xing Xu once again.

It was only after an hour, and after she begged him to stop, Qu Xing Xu really did stop. But of course, Qu Xing Xu didn\'t let go of this matter as he followed her down to the dungeon where Yu Fangzhu was kept.


The sound of the door opening vibrated in the corridor, giving an eerie sense of feeling to whoever heard it, but Qu Xing and Lin Xiaofei didn\'t feel anything as they entered the prison room.

Inside the room, the guardsman was already standing straight on the side. He felt Qu Xing Xu\'s arrival since the moment they stepped in the disguised entrance to the dungeon. The splatter of red liquid made him look like an artist who played around with his paint all day long, but it destroyed this image and made him look evil because he carried a bloodied hammer in his hand.

"Your highness. Milady." He respectfully greeted them and lowered his head.

Qu Xing Xu merely glanced at him and walked to the center of the room. On the other hand, Lin Xiaofei turned to the guardsman as she asked him a question. "Has he talked?"

The guardsman nodded then shook his head.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked him again.

The guardsman still didn\'t look up, and his back trembled in fear as he answered, "He only revealed the account book was located. But he didn\'t reveal the last thing milady asked from him."

Lin Xiaofei showed no surprise in the expression on her face. She already expected this from him, but she still felt a little bit disappointed.

"What did you ask from him?" Qu Xing Xu interjected.

The guardsman shut his mouth. Although he was loyal and will definitely tell Qu Xing Xu what Lin Xiaofei asked from Yu Fangzhu, he felt that the two should talk about this rather than him telling it to his master. Besides, Lin Xiaofei was there. Why would he shoot his mouth off?

Lin Xiaofei walked to his side, the hems of their clothes touching as she said, "Yu Fangzhu and the previous concubine, his mother, hid an important heirloom my father left for me. I want to know where they hid it."

This was the first time Qu Xing Xu heard her mentioning her past life\'s family and was momentarily surprised.

As if she could read his mind, she nodded her head. "I told him who I was."

Qu Xing Xu finally glanced at the wretched body of Yu Fangzhu and dangerously narrowed his eyes.

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