
Chapter 154 Life Could Not Be Any More Perfect

She could not even say a word as she pointed to a room down the corridor. Who goes to another person\'s home carrying a whole bed in hopes of a sleepover? Amy\'s lips spasmed as she watched the scene before her.

She and Zach could hear Xavier instruct how the bed should be positioned. He soon reappeared with those men and went out only to come back with a mattress followed by pillows, bedsheets, and blankets.

"This is for you", he pushed a trunk towards Zach who caught it with ease. So he hijacked his boys to earn a sleepover here, Zach\'s eyes narrowed at him.

"Um", Amy started.

"Yes, sis?" He turned to her with all his excitement.

"Just curious, do you... do you plan on prolonging your visit here?" She asked with a little hesitation.

"No, no, this is all for tonight", he said.

"And you brought a whole bed?" Amy was still befuddled by this.

"Uh.... Think of it as a \'welcome to the family\' gift from the groom\'s side", he nodded at his own statement.

Amy\'s lips spasmed. Groom\'s side? They were not even married. However,she was touched by the gesture. But,

"What if I had no spare room?" She asked.

"We brought sleeping bags just in case", George answered as his hands busied with flipping the delicacies in the frying pan.

"If worse comes to worst, we were going pitch tents outside", he said with a smirk directed at his brother as he walked back to the kitchen.

They were really prepared. She felt a hand on her lower back and turned to look at Zach.

"I\'ll go set these up", he said to which she nodded. He pecked her cheek which immediately colored red. He smiled at the sight before dragging the trunk away.

From her room, he could hear the three comfortably fall back into conversation. The sound of Amy\'s laughter tickled his ears. She had such an enchanting laugh he could not get enough of.

He opened the drawers and continued setting up his clothes. His movements were unhurried and precise like always. But as he hanged a suit, a piece of Amy\'s cloth fell. It was a hoodie. He was about to put it back in when the tag caught his attention. The letter J in gold italics was imprinted on it.

His brow arched. He looked at her other clothes and saw the same brand on the tag. Interesting....

Once he was done, he went back out to join them. He saw Amy\'s face light up at the food served on the counter. He walked over to settle beside her to see the dishes the boys had prepared. White rice, Greek white bean soup served with toast, pesto chicken tortellini and veggies, and a Cobb salad.

"Wow! You guys are amazing!" Amy was in awe.

"Right? I could easily become a celebrity chef but I don\'t want to put people out of business", Xavier gloated.

"Such a brag", George shook his head. "Sis, why don\'t you taste it first?"

George gave her a serving spoon which Zach took. He served her a little bit of everything and gave her the plate. He forked the first bite and brought it to her mouth. Amy felt embarrassed by this especially with the audience, but she still opened her mouth for him. Zach watched how she sucked in the fork with her plump lips before releasing it. It bothered his friend down South. To make things worse, she moaned when she started chewing. His wife was too innocent.

The flavors exploded right in her mouth she could only raise her thumbs up at them. The two men exchanged a high five and settled on the stools opposite the couple before they all began eating. Friendly chatter echoed around the four as they shared the sumptuous meal.

Even Zach who was quiet most of the times commented here and there and laughed along. He paid attention to all of her needs, serving her, helping her wipe her mouth, and from time to time, the two would steal glances at each other.

It wasn\'t long before the plates were wiped clean. Amy rubbed her belly, Zach had his arm around her waist, George played with a toothpick in his mouth, while Xavier had his elbows plopped on the counter.

"This was perfect", Xavier started. "I can\'t wait for you guys to come back to the city so we can do this often."

"I\'m sorry", Amy said.

"No, I know the situation is complicated. And as risky as tonight was, we had to at least see you and welcome you to the family", he said.

"Mm-hm", George nodded.

"Well, I\'m glad you guys came. He didn\'t say it but I know he\'s happy you guys came", Amy nudged Zach with her elbow making him smile.

"Oh! We know", Xavier said with a smug smile.

Amy yawned and Zach took that as a cue for them to go to bed. They said their good nights with the boys insisting to do the dishes. Zach carried her to bed making her feel embarrassed in front of the men. He gently set her down once he kicked the door shut. She glared at him as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"Don\'t look at me like that. You\'ve been prescribed bed rest", he pointed out. She huffed when a knock was heard.

"Zach?" George called out.

Amy pointed to the bathroom to which he nodded before he went to get the door. She went to brush her teeth and change into her pajamas while he attended to George. The latter gave him a tablet.

"The report", he quietly said.

Zach skimmed through the contents. Something interesting caught his eye. He looked at George with brows furrowed who nodded in confirmation.

\'This Stella woman...\', Zach mused before giving the tablet back to George.

"Goodnight, sir", George said to which Zach have a court nod.

"George you can\'t leave the dishes to me alone! You used the most pots here!" Xavier nagged.

Zach closed the door behind him. Amy was out in pajama shorts and a huge shirt, but her baby bump was apparent. She looked so beautiful. She smiled when she caught him staring. He moved to go brush his teeth. When he came back, he found her sitting in front of her dressing table, in the middle of her night skin care routine.

She watched him through the mirror as he removed his shirt revealing his six pack abs and muscular torso. Amy\'s eyes were alert as she kept her gaze peeled on him. With her attention on him, he removed his trousers next leaving him in his boxers.

"You\'re not sleeping like that", she said at the hot sight.

"Clothes can be uncomfortable. You should try it", he winked at her before settling under the covers.

As she was done, she went to join him in bed. She lay down and saw him open his right hand like he was holding something big and round. She raised her brows in question.

"Just remembered how full your titties felt in my hands", he said.

She smacked his arm and pulled on the sheets to cover her shy self as she gave her back to him. "Goodnight, Zachery."

He chuckled as he lay down and pulled her into his arms before placing a kiss on the back of her ear.

"Goodnight baby", he whispered against her ear.

His hand went to her stomach where he started caressing it. With her eyes closed, she started humming to a tune as he moved his hand.

"What song is that?" He whispered.

"Cupcake\'s goodnight song. It\'s \'I choose you\' by Sara Barailles", she replied softly.

"Can you sing it?" He asked. She was skeptical about the request mostly because she fell shy. "Please, I want to hear it."

Amy fell quiet, trying to muster courage for this bold request. Her hand fell on top of his that was on her stomach before she started singing softly.

"Let the bough break let it come down crushing, let the sun fade out to the dark sky..."

Yeah, life could not be any more perfect than in that moment, but the thing about Stella....

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