
Chapter 174 Learning About Amy's Childhood

The sound of the cutlery resounded across the quiet table. They had used a smaller yet round dining table to fit them. It was filled with different dishes.

It was a different atmosphere than what Amy was used to. With Zach, they often threw in a few words here and there when eating. Her idea of a family dinner was that of sharing conversation over a warm meal; just like at Stella\'s. It was always noisy but fun. Amy felt her eyes prick with tears at the thought of the older woman.

She felt Zach\'s hand on her thigh and gently caress her since both her hands were on the table. She blinked back the tears and looked at him with a small smile. Just him worrying over her was comforting enough.

Soon, the table was cleared and dessert was served. Oh! There was so much to choose from. Zach\'s lips lifted when he saw his wife\'s eyes lit up from the food.

"I dont think I can eat any more", Nicole sighed as she patted her stomach. She looked at Amy and chuckled, "It must be nice to be pregnant."

Amy\'s hand movements briefly halted before she continued serving herself. She had indeed eaten a lot with Zach and Victoria refilling her plate plus it tasted good! She could not help herself. But this comment from Nicole...

Her expression was calm as was her soft voice. "What do you mean?"

"I envy your appetite especially with your pregnancy", she smiled.

"Well", Amy looked up at her and a smile graced her features. "Too bad."

Too bad Nicole couldn\'t eat however she wants or too bad Nicole wasn\'t pregnant? The air turned awkward on the table as Nicole\'s smile froze.

Zach simply smiled and helped his wife acquire more desserts. If she wanted to eat more, it should be no one\'s business. Xavier was left in between feeling the need to comfort his girlfriend at the same time suppressing his laugh at Amy\'s comment.

He cleared his throat and changed the topic. "So, mom said you guys went house hunting?"

"Yes! We found a good one at Crystal Palace", Victoria said excitedly. Amy\'s brows involuntarily went up before she relaxed her expression.

"Crystal Palace? I heard it\'s hard to get a place there", George asked, very surprised. He had been vying for an opening until he gave up and bought his own penthouse elsewhere.

"We were lucky", Nicole responded with a smile. Then she looked at Zach and Amy. "You guys look good together. The world would go crazy if they found out about your baby!"

Zach looked at his brother in warning and Xavier nodded.

"I\'m sure, but it\'s not for the world to know", Victoria intervened with a playful chuckle though she was serious. "Ah! Why don\'t we move to the living room? The guys can chat amongst themselves while we girls get to know each other", Victoria suggested.

And so the setting changed. The men shared a bottle of Scotch barely holding a conversation while the ladies sat together.

Amy was still eating and had a glass of juice beside her. She watched Zach leave the room leaving her to wonder where he was going. He always told her before doing so. She smiled at how easily that had become a habit. The man came back later with house slippers in his hands. Looking at his feet, he had changed into a pair. He knelt down before her and removed the heels to replace them with the slippers. Amy felt her heart melt at his gesture.

She cupped his cheek with a warm smile, "Thank you."

He took her hand and kissed the palm. "We\'ll be in the game room. Call me if you need anything but I\'ll still check on you", he said quietly to which she nodded. He pecked her lips before getting up.

Victoria cupped her mouth to suppress her squeal at the cute exchange. She looked at George to tell him he could have the same but the boy looked away knowing her intentions. Xavier chuckled at this.

"And I\'m calling it a night", Henry announced as he got up. "Lovely meeting you Miss Oswell."

"Likewise, Mr. Frost", she responded with a smile.

"Mm. Don\'t stay up too late", he pointed at Amy and Victoria.

"Yes, Dad", she responded while Victoria glared at him when he winked at her. That cunning man!

Nicole nodded at Xavier who gestured that he\'d be joining the boys. She concealed the disappointment in her eyes as she had hoped she would receive the same treatment as one Amy received.

"We can finally relax", Victoria said with a chuckle once the boys left.

"Yes", Nicole responded with a chuckle as she patted her chest. She turned to Amy with an apologetic smile, "I\'m sorry about earlier. I was so nervous I said the wrong things. I didn\'t mean to offend you."

"It\'s fine", Amy said with a smile of her own.

"Thank you! Phew!" She pretended to swipe sweat off her forehead with a chuckle.

"Yes, don\'t take it to heart Amy. Nicole is a nice girl. You won\'t believe how I met her", Victoria chuckled.

She began to retell the story. The three ladies found themselves laughing at what now was a memory. The atmosphere became comfortable with Victoria\'s non-stop stories.

Close to an hour later, Zach came back to collect her. There was that appointment they had the next day. And so they called it a night. They had just settled in bed when she gasped in realization.

"I forgot about the lipstick! I could-" she tried to get up but was pulled back.

"No, we\'re not trying anything until we\'re in the clear", he gently said.

"But I could-"

"It\'s okay, baby. I\'m okay", he assured her with a kiss on her head.

She relaxed in his arms with her head on his chest. He played with her hair as he fell in thought. Something that had caught his attention earlier during dinner.

"Crystal Palace?" He asked.

Her brows went up before her face relaxed into a smile. She decided to give him a simple and honest answer.

"From the time I was young, my dream was to have clothes on my back and a home. Plus, it\'s where I lived before I fled to West Village."

,m "I\'m curious about something", he started and she gave a hum in response. "What was your childhood like?"

"My childhood? Mm..... I don\'t know how best to describe it. I grew up at Good Hope Orphanage in West Village."

"West village? So going there wasn\'t a coincidence", he commented in realization.

"Yeah, it was like going back home though my memories are not as great there. It wasn\'t doing too well so we had to scramble for a lot of things. I wished for a good family to adopt me but I never got lucky in that department. Mm.... The only time I was truly happy there was when I was in the library surrounded by books. Knowing I\'d have to leave the orphanage, even if I didn\'t get a family, I needed clothes on my back and a home. That\'s where A.J The Lord Hacker was born with the help of online video games tournaments."

"A.J The Lord Hacker", he tasted it on his tongue.

She giggled, "Cheesy, isn\'t it?"

"No, and it\'s true. There\'s no one like you", he admitted. He was genuinely impressed with her.

Amy\'s smile grew wide and she blushed, "I know."

Zach overturned them with him on top before he captured her lips with his. He had resisted for far too long. He wasted no time and assaulted her mouth with his tongue. He used one arm to support his weight and used his free hand to grab the back of her neck as he deepened the kiss.

"Mmmm", she moaned softly. She loved it when he held her like that whenever they shared a kiss.

His tongue intertwined with and caressed hers, sucking and tasting every nook and cranny. He could never get enough of her addictive taste. He groaned when he felt her fingers lace through his hair. Her touch sent a numbing pleasure to his scalp and he loved it. He broke the kiss for them to catch their breaths and just in time before he could lose it.

"Let\'s go to sleep", he whispered as he lay on his side and pulled her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight", she whispered back.

Tomorrow was a big day. What arrangements had Zach prepared? And if she was in the clear, does that mean they could finally....?

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