
Chapter 191 Learning About Zach's Life And Family

"What\'s going on with everyone?" She asked. "And why do you guys address your dad by his name?"

"It\'s a long story", he warned as he picked up her other hand and played with her fingers.

She nodded at him, giving him a go ahead. He hummed in thought before he settled on where to start.

"My Dad hasn\'t always been present in our lives for as long as I can remember. He tried, but juggling between running the company, being an agent, and having a family wasn\'t as easy. We never knew who he was and thought he was just busy with business matters. But he tried, he was close to us but more with Xavier.

"Later on, things changed for the worst. A partner of his, a woman, made things difficult for my mother because of her crush on him. She took advantage of the fact that Mom didn\'t know about his other life and taunted her.

"When he found out what she had done, he reported her for unprofessionalism and had his assignment changed to a field agent with a team. She was sent to one of their branches around the world. He explained to my mother the truth and showed her the evidence, risking his job because of the FD-291."

"FD-291?" Amy\'s brows furrowed in confusion.

"It\'s similar to an N.D.A for FBI employees."

"He really wanted to save his marriage?" Amy asked with a soft smile. It was believable especially when she saw the love in Henry\'s eyes whenever he looked at Victoria.

"Mm. He\'s not sure if she forgave him but she stayed with him though the damage had been done. I learned the truth when I got enrolled as an agent and he told me everything. Of course, I punched him for it although I understood."

Amy chuckled at this. She could picture an angry but younger version of Zach punching his father. He also chuckled.

"Has it always been your dream to be an agent?" She was curious about this.

"I..... don\'t know if it was a dream but I was drawn to it, especially the danger that comes with it", he said and realization dawned on him. "It must be one of the reasons I\'m attracted to you."

"Because of the current situation?" Her interest had been piqued.

"Not that, you\'re a danger to this", he patted his chest making her laugh.

"Cheesy", she commented.

"It still made you blush", he said before pecking her cheek before resuming his story telling.

"So at that time, Xavier had taken over the company while I worked under Dad\'s team before I was given my own team. I got used to addressing him as Hot Head or Henry. He liked it. As for Xavier, it\'s simply hatred.

"He had witnessed how badly hurt mom was. It made him grow overprotective of her while the experience brought out a lot of mom\'s insecurities. His hatred and her insecurities grew when he would frequently leave for missions. That was when I had taken over the company."

"And you? How did that affect you?" She could not help but ask in worry.

He briefly fell quiet and sighed before he answered. "Seeing how she acted unbothered to a lot of things: Dad\'s inability to balance things out, the torment on her and their marriage...."

It made him develop indifference to a lot of things. Just like his mother never showed it to people how she truly felt about certain matters, Zach developed the same habit. He had really picked up his mother\'s mannerisms. Amy guessed this. And the fact that for such an effect to take on them, this must have happened for years. Also, it didn\'t make sense to her for Henry to leave his family when he should be with them instead.

Though she found it amazing how different and great Zach turned out especially when he\'s with her. Or could he be masking his true feelings and letting her see what he wanted? This thought worried her.

"After everything, I decided I didn\'t want to lead a life like that. A life that makes my family miserable. Instead, I would be there, love them, and protect them with all that I can."

Which explains why he was obesessed with finding her and never letting go. She had become his family. She and the baby. She caressed her belly at this thought as her heart melted. She was learning a lot about Zach and he was being real with her.

"What about Xavier?"

"Dad tried to set things right but Xavier had completely shut him out. Having known the truth, I thought to step in and be the mediator. Unfortunately, something happened to Xavier."

"Something that made you leave the FBI?" She guessed.

"Mm. Something I wish to never repeat itself", he said with a tone full of venom.

She frowned as her heart ached from detecting the hurt and anger in his tone. It must have been a life changing experience for the boys.

"What happened to him?"

Zach rested his chin on her shoulder and let out a sigh. Then he began retelling Xavier\'s dark past. Amy gasped in shock as she listened and Zach tightened his hold on her.

Although he was retelling something unpleasant, he was calm and collected because her presence did that to him. She gave him a sense of comfort and so much peace. Something he didn\'t know he was missing until she came into his life.

"Seeing Xavier now, I would never have guessed he went through something so horrible...", She shook her head in disbelief. "And you, you must have had a hard time too."

"We survived it", he said with a soft chuckle.

She sighed. He spoke like it was all in the past but she could tell it still bothered him. And now this new Victoria situation.

"How do you feel about your mom\'s announcement?" She asked.

He briefly fell quiet then spoke. "Honestly, I don\'t like it but that won\'t be a problem for long."

She turned her head to look at him after detecting the mischief in his tone. And sure enough, his lips lifted into a smirk.

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