
Chapter 286 Xavier's Thoughts And Feelings

"Don\'t make me regret sending you to Savvy\'s instead of the academy", she said in a tired voice before she yawned.

"You know, I can walk to school alone. You look tired." He stood up and packed his book in his bag. The look she gave him was did not call for a verbal response. "Okay. Let\'s go."

The two walked hand in hand going to his school. Oliver once again noticed that his sister was being quiet and he knew it wasn\'t the fatigue.

"What\'s wrong?" He looked up at her but she did not hear him. "Lorrie?" He shook their joined hands.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Are we seeing Xavier this weekend?" He asked with anticipation glistening in his eyes.

"Uh.... I don\'t know."

"Can you ask him?"

She had not heard from him since the day before and she was too scared to initiate a conversation with him. Even just thinking about their situation now made her stomach make an unpleasant twist. She subconsciously squeezed Oliver\'s hand in the process.

"Let\'s not disturb him if he\'s busy", she said in dismissal.

\'Grownups are so complicated\', he mused.

The man in question was in his office buried in mountain of work signing off documents, reading through files, and making calls. A knock was heard and he hummed in response, permitting the person to enter.

"Sir, they\'re ready for you", his secretary said.

He didn\'t respond and simply closed his tasks and went to attend the meeting. He got so immersed in work he didn\'t realize how time had flown by and it was time to go home.

"Are you sleeping here again, sir?" his secretary peeked through the door. Xavier looked up from his computer with brows raised in subtle shock. "You\'ve never been one to arrive earlier than me. With all due respect."

"Hm. Well, I\'m going home. You little show off", he added making them both chuckle as he tidied up.

They took the elevator together going to the ground floor where the parking lot was.

"Goodnight, sir", she greeted as they went separate ways.

"Goodnight", he answered as he walked to his car.

He slid in the back and took his tablet to read through files. The engine roared to life and they started off. His chauffeur did not dare make noise as the man attended to work.

Xavier remembered something when he thought back to the conversation he had with his secretary. Where was he going to sleep? Albany means he would see her, and he was not ready to see her until he figured out his thoughts and feelings.

"Drop me off at Zach\'s", he told the man.

"Alright, sir."

He resumed looked at his work but only found himself reading the same line five times. He put away the tablet.

The very woman he was avoiding for her sake was plaguing his mind now that he was not physically at work. He didn\'t want to be an asshole by causing a heartbreak where there shouldn\'t but damn he missed her so much.

"Xavie?" Victoria greeted in surprise when the door was opened for her just as she was about to go outside. He smiled and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "What are you doing here?"

"I\'m wondering the same about you", he said with a teasing smile as he stepped inside.

"You!" She said with a smack to his arm.

"Ow! Mom, I think you dislocated my shoulder!" He whined, feigning a hurt expression.

"Is that right? Let me fix that for you!" She gritted her teeth whilst beckoning him to go to her.

"No, I\'m good!" He ran away before she could reach him.

She scoffed as she watched her grown son run away. He dared tease her about overstaying their welcome at Zach\'s place, but her grandbaby was barely a month old. How could she bare to go back to her huge and very empty home whilst everyone else was here?

"Did I hear Xavier\'s voice?" Stella appeared from behind her, pointing over her shoulder in the direction she heard him.

"Yeah. He might be spending the night", she said with a shrug.

"I better tell the kitchen to include him when making dinner", she turned to go into the direction of the kitchen.

"They always make more than enough. It should be alright", she stopped her.

"You\'re right." Stella happily walked to her and joined her at the door. "Shall we?"


Whilst the two grandpas spent their leisurely time on beer and soccer, the two women decided to go for a walk and chat away whilst enjoying the evening\'s fresh air. It was also a way for Stella to exercise her leg although she does more than enough of that with carrying Roserie around.

When dinner was served, the family enjoyed their meal accompanied with light conversation and of course some laughs. Xavier disguised the downturn of his mood through being cheeky and loud at dinner. He didn\'t want anyone to worry and they were his problems to deal with.

But once he was alone, his thoughts robbed him of some good sleep. That\'s why the next day he dove straight into work, meeting after meeting, appointment after appointment, and endless documents that required his attention.

Lorraine was constantly on his mind and the more he thought about her, the more guilt gnawed at him. And now, fear. Fear to love again, to love so soon.

As days went by, with Xavier throwing himself in that cycle, Victoria started to pick up on his mood. He was cheery at home but she knew when he was genuinely happy and when he was trying to conceal his true feelings. They met again as the two women were about to go for their walk and he was coming back in.

"Good evening", he greeted them with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Welcome back dear", Stella responded.

"Xavie", Victoria held his arm with worry etched on her features. "Are you alright?"

He gave her a small smile and nodded. "Mm. Just tired. I\'ll see you at dinner."

With that he disappeared into the house. Uneasiness bubbled up inside his mother\'s heart. She moved to go after him and find out when Stella held her back, shaking her head no.


"I know you\'re worried but let him be. Maybe this is all he needs, us letting him deal with whatever it is."

Victoria sighed, "Why do I feel like it has to do with the new girl?"

"Ooh! Now I want to know", the gossiper in Stella reared its ugly head, however, she restrained herself. "But we should still leave him be."

"Ugh. Sometimes I forget that he\'s all grown and not my little boy anymore", she sighed again as the two went out of the house.

"I\'ve never seen you worry about Zach like that", Stella commented earning a look from Victoria that screamed \'really?\'. Stella nodded, "I know what you mean. We all have that one child we just are always reassured about. For me, it\'s Alex. But Nora..."

"Oh", Victoria chuckled based on the stories she\'s heard about the girl. "How are things with her and George?"

"Actually, I don\'t know. I should check on him. That poor boy", she shook her head as she looked for his contact in her phone making Victoria laugh even more.

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