
Chapter 322 Who Is Amy?

Victoria helped her removed the bottle she had filled up and put it away while Stella helped to cover her up whilst making sure she and Roserie were comfortable. Victoria now helped the doctor and his team in as Zach spoke to him.

"Aaah! The little princess is here?" He greeted with a warm smile.

"Yes", Amy smiled.

"Great! How are you feeling today?" He continued to ask.

"I\'m not my usual best but I feel much better, thank you."

"Splendid. And you must be Dr. Glynne", he shook hands with her.

"Yes, we spoke over the phone", Susan replied.

"Yes. So Amy, I have your results. From the tests we run last night, there\'s nothing alarming showing. But we would like to observe you a little more just to be on the safe side."

"How long will that be?" Zach asked.

"A day or two, not more than that. If nothing else shows up, you\'ll be on your way home. You might experience a mild case of Blunt Force trauma but nothing more."

"May I see her chart?" Suzy asked politely and the doctor obliged while he continued to explain the symptoms of BFT that they should look out for. Suzy nodded along in agreement.

"But if it gets any worse than what I\'ve mentioned, please visit us as soon as possible", he concluded. "Any questions?"

"Um", Suzy started. "May I request one more test to be done? An ESR. I just want to know what the numbers are especially since she gave birth not too long ago."

"Of course. Of course. The nurse will help you with that as well as delivering the results."

"Thank you. Jen, they\'ll want to get your blood sample for this", Suzy explained and Amy obliged.

A nurse came up to her and did as asked before the doctor and his team left the room. Zach now turned to the older couples, "I think you should go home now."

"Zach, how will you manage without us. You have two people to take care of", Victoria disagreed.

"Don\'t worry mom, I promise we\'ll be fine. Besides, we have Suzy with us", Amy said.

"Tell us if you need anything else", Victoria said making Stella nod in agreement. They finally took their leave leaving the three adults and baby.

"Is she asleep?" He walked over to take a peek.

"No, she\'s wide awake and still feeding", she answered while softly caressing her little face. Zach kissed the top of Amy\'s head before disappearing into the bathroom. Susan sat herself on a seat next to Amy\'s bed which reminded Amy of an important topic. "Boyfriend, huh?"

"Stop", Suzy broke into an embarrassed smile.

"It was bound to happen, I mean look at you. He would be a fool not to", Amy commented with a smile.

"Thank you but that won\'t stop me from asking what exactly happened to you? Do you know how worried I was when your man sent for me", she frowned.

Amy did not exactly want to go into details but decided to explain in a way that she would understand still. "You know the circumstances around my being with him and giving birth to this one were so secretive?"


"There was a special reason for that, a bad one, well let\'s just say we took care of that last night which led to me being here", she explained putting it simply. However it only fueled Suzy\'s curiosity on one thing.

"Zach I know who he is but you, you don\'t seem like a regular Joe", she commented with narrowed eyes making Amy smile. "Who are you?"

"This is embarrassing and I\'ve never done this before but for you", she extended her free hand for a hand shake. "Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Amy Jennifer Harper I am a technician but, I am also know as A.J the hacker."

"As if", Susan\'s lips curled downwards, giving Amy the look that says \'I don\'t believe you\'. "I know A.J is a man", she replied.

"You know?" Amy\'s brows shot up.

"Yeah. He saved some plane passengers from terrorists some years back, Trevor and I were on that plane and he became a fan of A.J that day. That\'s something I can never forget", she shuddered at the memory. "And I heard from the flight attendants saying it was A.J and they referred to him as a \'he\'. So Jen, it\'s okay if you don\'t want to disclose your real identity, I have a wild guess as to who you could be, but I\'ll leave things be."

Now Amy was left curious to know what Suzy thought if not what she had truthfully already told her to be. Her curiosity could not be satisfied as a nurse knocked and came into the room with the test results.

"Thank you", Suzy said looking at the paper before sending the nurse away.

Zach walked out of the bathroom in a set of fresh new clothes. He had finally taken a shower after the long night they had. He saw the frown on Suzy\'s face and could sense it was something bad.

"How bad is it?" Amy probbed.

"Bad", she replied as she walked back to her seat. "I\'m not happy with the numbers. Your stress levels are way too high. I\'ll say this as your doctor not a friend, it doesn\'t matter what your job demands of you but right now you need complete bed rest, away from the stress, no strenuous exercises, just rest. You\'re barely a month in after giving birth but don\'t forget the amount of stress that put on your body. Give your body all the time it needs to heal. I repeat, no strenuous exercise or anything else until I say so, understood?"

"Of course", Amy replied.

Suzy looked over at Zach who nodded before he went to carry his daughter. He had missed the little one. He settled in the sitting area, attending to his daughter who lay on his chest whilst getting some work done.

He deliberately left the two women to play catch up knowing they hardly saw each other. Suzy was a great help to the couple during the day, assisting them where needed until evening fell where Zach had someone send her home to rest.

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