
Chapter 341 Breakfast With The Family

The next day

The Frost mansion was quiet with the sound of birds chirping into the early morning. A sleepy Victoria caught on the cluttering sound from the kitchen as she made her way down there. Expecting to see the kitchen staff, she found someone whose back she easily recognized because of the pajamas she wore the previous night.

"Amy?" Victoria took in the sight of the woman, prepping her ingredients for the sumptuous breakfast she planned to make.

"Good morning, slept well?" Amy smiled brightly at her.

"I did dear, thank you. What about you? Why are you up so early? Your friends are sleeping in."

"Well, someone decided to wake up at 3 a.m and fell asleep an our ago, to wake up again for a diaper change thirty minutes later. Now she\'s sleeping peacefully with her Daddy", she said grumpily.

"That\'s motherhood for you", Victoria chuckled. "But we have people for this."

"I know, but I thought it would be nice to make something for you all", she smiled a warm one.

"Fine. I\'ll help you", Victoria moved to wash her hands on the sink when she saw Amy\'s expression freeze into a horrified one. "Geez! I\'ll only help with cutting anything that needs cutting. I won\'t go anywhere near that stove, I promise."

"I didn\'t say anything", she replied cheekily.

"That expression said it all", she shot a glare at her while Amy giggled from amusement.

Victoria let out a sigh that made Amy stop laughing and raise her brows in question. "Is it about the cooking or is there something else.....?"

She pursed her lips with brows furrowed, seeming to be troubled in thought. She sighed again, "Dear.... What do you think of that girl?"

"Who? Lorraine?" Amy questioned earning a nod from the older woman. "In what way?"

"In general. Do you think she\'s a good person?" She asked a little more quietly.

"Um", Amy stopped what she was doing to give her full attention and give an honest answer. "I know her professionally, but not personally. But so far, she seems alright."

"That\'s just it. They all seem nice at the beginning. I\'m worried about Xavier dear. It hasn\'t been long since he walked away from the disaster that was Nicole. I couldn\'t even see her for the monster she was. My boy hasn\'t had the best luck with love. He\'s been hurt too much. His past actions should not be exused but I let him be for that reason."

Amy walked over and took Victoria\'s hands in hers in a gesture of comfort. She gave her a kind smile. "Mom, I understand your worries and concerns. It\'s only right for you to feel this way and it\'s okay. Unfortunately, you can\'t shield Xavier from any possible heartbreaks but still, I think he grew stronger from those experiences despite how terrible they were. And we can\'t let the past cause us to be prejudiced against any possible loves he may find."

Victoria let out a heavy sigh. She knew Amy was right but she could not help her worry over her son. The two broke apart when they heard approaching footsteps.

"Morning", Lorraine walked in with a bright smile. If she overhead them, she didnt show it.

"Morning Lorraine. I made coffee, help yourselves", Amy said, smiling at both women.

"Perfect! Just the way I like to start my day", she gave a grateful smile to her before making one for herself and Victoria. She sniffed the pleasant aroma before taking a sip that quickly woke her up. "So, how can I help?"

"Help yourself to whatever you can make", Amy replied.

"Wow", Victoria said dryly with obvious bitterness. "Your attitude took a whole 180 when she offered to help but not me! Now she knows that I can\'t cook thanks to your unfairness."

Lorraine looked uneasily between the two women. But Amy pursed her lips, trying not to laugh. "Mom, if you hadn\'t said a word, she would have thought I was not letting you cook simply because you\'re my mother-in-law."

"I just exposed myself, haven\'t I?" She smiled sheepishly making Amy shake her head.

Lorraine internally sighed in relief and smiled. "I would never have guessed because Xavier is good at it. I assumed he learned from home."

"He\'s self taught", Victoria replied proudly.

"Impressive! I guess Zach too", she stated, instead of asking, having no doubts.

"Uhh....." Victoria looked at Amy awkwardly who chuckled.

"Zachery is good at many things but cooking is not one of them", Amy said with a smile.

"You make up for it in that department", Lorraine replied, smiling.

"Exactly", Amy shot her a playful wink.

Nora walked in and went straight to Victoria\'s side to give her a back hug and smack a fat kiss on the woman\'s cheek making her laugh. "Someone\'s having a good morning."

"Some good morning sex does that to you", Nora replied cooly.

"Nora!" Amy gasped before she started laughing along with Lorraine.

"Dirty! Dirty! Get off! Get off!" Victoria shrugged off a laughing Nora who went to make her coffee before joining the girls. With more hands at work, breakfast was soon ready. "Leave that, I\'ll have someone set the table for us."

"Alright, I\'ll go wash up then", Lorraine said.

"Me too", Amy agreed while Nora nodded along.

They all left for their respective rooms. Amy could hear Zach\'s voice before she even opened the door. When she did, she picked up on Roserie\'s soft cooing.

"Mommy\'s here", Zach announced and turned her around so she could look at Amy.

The little one instead looked at her surrounding, finding the ceiling interesting. It was only when Amy chuckled and got closer that Roserie dropped her gaze on her. Amy bent down to kiss her on the lips.

"Good morning cupcake. Did you have a good nap with Daddy?" She asked softly.

"She was awake barely ten minutes after you left", Zach replied. "We\'ve been awake since then?"

"She didn\'t cry?" Amy was shocked at this.

"No, she just wanted to play", Zach said with a smile.

"Wow. Our little cupcake is growing up, aren\'t you? Aren\'t you?" Amy cooed lightly rubbing her nose against her daughter\'s earning gummy smile that melted her core. "Okay, I smell. I need to shower."

She pecked his lips before disappearing into the bathroom. She discarded her clothing, left her ring on the counter before surrendering herself to the hot water that instantly relaxed her. She hummed to a tune as she did so. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and she turned to find Zach walking in.

"Where\'s Roserie?" She asked, seeing as he was undressing too.

"With Henry", he answered.

He held her gaze as he stripped out of his PJs. He knew what he was doing to her judging from the way her eyes followed his every movement. He soon bridged the distance between them and grabbed the nape of her neck, pushing her against the wall to plant his hungry warm mouth onto hers.

Amy breathed heavily into the kiss. His tongue fought hers for dominance but when he twirled and sucked on hers, she completely surrendered herself to him.

His strong arms were firmly wrapped around her, holding her in place at the same time letting her feel his thickness, hard and ready for her between them. He broke the kiss to let her breath only to assault her neck with hot kisses, nibbling on her sweet spot.

"Ahh", she buried one hand in his thick hair, drawing him closer to get more and the other traveled down south. Zach took in a sharp breath when he felt her fingers wrap around his girth....

A good thirty minutes later, they were out of their room in another matching set of clothes. At some point, when they were out of the shower, Amy went to get Roserie to bathe her. The whole family now gathered outside to have their breakfast outdoors.

"This is amazing ladies", Xavier gave them thumbs up.

"Yeah. It\'s so good", George agreed.

"Great job", Zach said to Amy in particular. He was shamelessly being biased.

"Geez", Henry shook his head at Zach who could care less while Amy smiled sheepishly.

"Your Dad says you\'re leaving early?" Victoria said looking at Amy and Zach.

"Yes, there\'s something we need to take care of", Zach replied.

"It\'s not you trying to go back to work, is it?" Victoria narrowed her eyes at him.

"No, it\'s mine", Amy said with an apologetic smile.

"Oh then that\'s fine! But we have to meet up during the week to discuss your wedding", Victoria reminded.

"A phone call would be-" Zach muttered under his breath only to feel Amy\'s fist hit his thigh under the table.

"Of course", she replied with a smile before giving a silent warning with her eyes to Zach.

Geez! If not for the book club ladies, he would not be this paranoid. Yes, she knew how much that story had messed with him without him admitting it. She sighed quietly, that was one problem, the other yet bigger one was one she would face that afternoon: Gwen.

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