
Chapter 561 Predecessor's Acquitance

The announcer\'s voice echoed through the arena, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you the new World Chess Champion...Fein!" The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Fein stood up from his chair, a slight smile on his face.

He walked down the aisle to the stage, where he was presented with the championship trophy. The crowd continued to cheer as he lifted the trophy high above his head, the light glinting off of it.

Fein took a moment to let the cheers die down before addressing the crowd. "I am truly honored and humbled to have won this championship. Magnus Carlsen was a formidable opponent, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have played against him."

He paused for a moment, looking out at the sea of faces in the audience. "But this victory is not just mine. It belongs to my family, my friends, and my fans who have supported me throughout my journey. It belongs to the chess community, who have inspired me to become a better player. And it belongs to all of you, who have come here today to witness this historic moment."

The crowd erupted into applause once again as Fein held up the trophy once more, a smile spreading across his face. He had achieved his dream of becoming the world chess champion in his past life.

As Fein stepped out of the arena, he was met with a sea of fans eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of the new world champion. Excited cheers and applause filled the air as fans pushed and shoved their way closer to him, holding out their chessboards and pens, hoping to get an autograph.

Fein smiled warmly at his fans, appreciating their enthusiasm and dedication. He made his way through the crowd, signing autographs and taking pictures with his fans. He could feel the excitement and happiness emanating from the fans, and it warmed his heart to know that his achievement had touched so many people.

As he made his way towards the exit, a group of young children approached him, their eyes shining with awe and admiration. They eagerly held out their chessboards, asking Fein to sign them. Fein crouched down to their level, signing their boards and chatting with them, his own smile growing wider with each passing moment.

It was moments like these that made Fein realize that he wasn\'t just a world champion chess player, he was also a role model and inspiration to many young people. He promised himself that he would continue to use his intelligence and talents to make a positive impact on the world, just as he had done in the game of chess.


As Fein walked out of the restaurant, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. "Fein! Is that really you?" Turning around, he saw his old friend, Hiro, jogging towards him with a big smile on his face.

\'Who the fuck is this? Oh...\' Fein\'s S rank memory suddenly made him recall the one in front of him. It was his predecessor\'s best friend! \'What a bad luck to meet an old friend of the old Fein!\'

However, Fein still decided to go along and act. After all, he was Fein now. In his memory, his predecessor\'s friend wasn\'t that bad. In fact, Hiro was a good kid and has a good moral compass.

Fein couldn\'t believe it. His predecessor and Hiro had been friends since childhood, but they lost touch when Hiro left the country to pursue his studies. "Hiro! It\'s been so long! How have you been?" Fein exclaimed, embracing his friend.

Hiro grinned from ear to ear. "I\'ve been good, man! Just keeping busy with work and stuff. What about you? I heard you\'re a world champion now!"

Fein chuckled, feeling slightly embarrassed by the attention. "Yeah, I guess I am. But it\'s not as big of a deal as people make it out to be."

Hiro shook his head in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? You\'re a freakin\' genius, man! I always knew you were destined for great things."

\'If it was me, yes. I\'m really destined for a great thing. But if it was my predecessor, I don\'t know about that.\' Fein suddenly felt a warm feeling of nostalgia wash over him. He didn\'t know why, but he has a good impression towards Hiro. "Hey, do you want to grab a drink and catch up some more?" he asked.

Hiro\'s face lit up. "Absolutely! I know this great bar nearby. Let\'s go!" and the two friends walked down the street, reminiscing about old times.

\'Where is that?\' Fein sighed helplessly but didn\'t voice out his thoughts. Still, he knew that he just need to go with the flow.

Fein and Hiro stepped into the crowded bar, the sounds of chatter and clinking glasses filling the air. They made their way to a small table in the corner and sat down, their backs to the wall.

As they waited for their drinks, Fein and Hiro caught up on old times, reminiscing about their past adventures and discussing their current lives. Hiro shared stories of his travels, while Fein talked about his recent chess championship win.

Their drinks arrived, and Fein took a sip of his beer, relishing the refreshing taste. Hiro ordered a shot of whiskey and downed it in one gulp, letting out a satisfied sigh.

As the night went on, the bar became more crowded and lively, with music blasting from the speakers and people dancing on the small dance floor. Fein and Hiro continued their conversation, laughing and joking as they enjoyed their drinks.

Eventually, Fein noticed a group of rowdy patrons at the bar, their loud voices and aggressive behavior causing a commotion. Fein immediately stood, ready to humble them if needed, but Hiro simply waved it off, telling Fein to relax and enjoy the night.

Fein reluctantly agreed, and the two friends continued their conversation, the noise and chaos of the bar fading into the background. As the night wore on, Fein realized how much he had missed his old friend, and he made a mental note to keep in touch more often.

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