
Chapter 105: University Awaits!

Chapter 105: University Awaits!

(Hydra Star System – Planet Eleron)

(Zrudread University – Teacher’s Offices – East Wing)

“Hmm…. I think these four candidates can be added to the training camp roster,” Instructor Selvon whispered to himself as he typed a series of commands into the main computer.

The carefree look typically present on his face was long gone as he mulled over the difficult choices to make.

The elite class at Zrudread University received the most resources and specialised training but staying in the class was not an easy feat.

Spots in the elite class must be earned and students could not relax based on the results of the entrance exam.

Only the top thirty students in the entire year would be able to qualify and usually the bottom half of the elite class would be swapped out frequently after every exam.

The two-week training camp before the start of the semester was to lay the groundwork for the intense work schedule of the elite class.

Typically, the first round of eliminations would occur after the first midterm at the end of September but Selvon had a different idea in mind for this year.

In addition to the thirty students who qualified from the entrance exam, he would add an extra seventy students who could compete to steal a spot and move up from the main class.

Selvon did not want to have his young pupils experience that level of pressure so early but the recent affairs of the Earth Federation left him no choice.

The Earth Federation may be a universal powerhouse, but it was surrounded on all sides by three other powers with hungry appetites.

The war with the Insectoid Empire was not going as well as the media portrayed it to be.

Both sides were in a stalemate and had sustained heavy losses.

Neither side could gain any advantages even when the god and ascension stage cultivators stepped up to join the fight so eventually the high tier combatants withdrew.

Insectoids and humans had high reproductive capabilities so these losses would not put a dent in their populations, but it was different for the Mendolesa.

Mendolesa warriors had low birth rates and most did not seek out the use of artificial insemination to get pregnant.

It was important to raise the standard of the elite class graduating from the university to give them a better chance of survival once they reached the border.

Selvon may act and look like a heartless warrior but every time he received word that one of his students had died in battle….

He would feel a piece of his heart breaking.

There was no worse feeling in the world than experiencing the pain of losing your students.

The training camp was to be held on one of the lunar colonies privately owned by the university and Selvon planned on putting those one hundred students through hell.

Warriors are forged in fire and adversity.

“Astrid, Sophie, Ethan, Marcus, Jodi….” Selvon grinned silently as he looked up the profiles of a few students that he had classified as high potential seedlings.

He looked forward to seeing which students would eventually make the cut and secure their spot in the elite class.





(Two days later- Private transport ship D-012)

“Hi! I’m princess Cleo, it’s very nice to meet you,” Cleo smiled nicely as she shook hands with Qiana.

Cleo was casually resting her head on Sophie’s shoulder and enjoying the soft body of her beautiful girlfriend.

“Likewise, it is an honour to meet a proud daughter of heaven,” Qiana gave a short bow as her diplomatic training kicked in.

“No need for the formalities. Any friend of Sophie is a friend of mine,” Cleo declared proudly.

Sophie giggled at the serious look on Cleo’s face and the atmosphere between the three girls relaxed instantly.

The trio were on route to the Hydra Star System to join the rest of the elite class in the training camp.

Few details were given by the university and the elite class candidates were only given the location and time when the camp would begin.

Astrid was already close by the lunar colony so she would be arriving early and waiting for them at the site.

Apparently, there was to be no communication with the outside world once the session begun so Sophie had already promised her dad to take lots of pictures.

Duke Peterlor was very nervous to see his daughter leave for University and had made Cleo promise repeatedly to look after his precious treasure.

Cleo had met the father daughter duo at the airport and her obvious love and concern for Sophie had earned Rokan’s reluctant approval.

This approval was still subject to a lifelong trial where he would make sure that the princess always treated his daughter properly.

They had met Qiana onboard the vessel as she was quietly reading one of her favourite novels, but the title alone made Sophie blush.

Did this girl have no shame reading those sorts of novels in public?!

Transport ship D-012 was a lot smaller than the one used for the entrance exam and it was the equivalent of a luxury private jet.

The seats were made of high-quality memory foam, the meals were custom made by five-star chefs and each passenger was given their own private suite.

Although Cleo claimed that she suffered from nightmares and had brought her belongings into Sophie’s room.

Naturally, it cost a small fortune to buy a ticket, but money was something that a princess, duchess heir and a future countess did not lack.

Sophie was living the life of a rich second generation!

There was a man-made stargate that led to the Hydra Star System so the journey would only take about one week to complete.

Sophie and her friends would arrive the day before the training camp begun.

It was going to be the start of her university adventure!

(Meanwhile- Transport Ship A-923)

“Sorry but this spot is full.”

“Don’t sit next to me you lowly commoner.”

“God, they let anyone join Atlas University.”

Mocking jeers and taunts were directed towards a skinny girl who was dressed in a simple white blouse that stood out among the sea of fancy dresses and uniforms.

The girl was quite pretty with purple hair that swayed gently from side to side and an oval face with soft, delicate features.

Vivian tried not to cry as she was repeatedly chased from different areas of the transport ship by stuck up noble kids.

She was fortunate enough to win a scholarship to the elite class of Atlas University but the relentless bullying by her soon to be peers had doused her enthusiasm.

These nobles were absolutely horrible!

Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as she walked around while trying to find an empty section.

“Hey, you,” a firm hand grabbed her arm which caused poor Vivian to gasp in surprise.

Vivian froze in shock as she was guided to an empty seat by a strange girl who then sat her down and resumed staring out of a window.

“Um…thank you,” Vivian whispered as she turned to get a better look at her kind saviour.

The girl next to her was dressed in the uniform of a high noble house and had a natural air of arrogance with cold eyes.

At first glance, one would assume that such a girl would be just like the rest of the nobles, but Vivian could tell that she was kind-hearted.

Vivian could feel her heart skip a beat when she saw the beautiful side profile of the girl’s face.

She did not know where this burst of confidence came from, but she could not help but continue to talk.

“My name is Vivian. What’s your name?” Vivian nervously asked while holding the hem of her dress.

The girl ignored her for a few moments which caused Vivian’s mood to sink lower and lower, but then she unexpectedly gave a brief reply.

“My name is Leona Braveheart.”

“I only brought you here because your tears were ruining my good mood.”

“If you don’t want them to bully you, then become my follower,” the girl spoke in an unfeeling tone, but Vivian could see that the tips of her ears had slowly turned red.

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