
Chapter 392: The Connection Strengthens

Chapter 392: The Connection Strengthens

The time stood still at that moment. An eternity that passed neither slowly nor quickly.

Sophie stared at the beautiful girl on the other side of the screen and found herself speechless. How could mere words describe how she was currently feeling?

There was just so much to say but nothing would come out of her mouth. Words alone could not convey the gut-wrenching mixture of emotions that were filling her chest.

Sophie wanted to cry, laugh, and scream all at the same time. Here before her very eyes was Cleo and she could finally see her girlfriend again after three long months. 

Three months… of hell. 

Having to fight mad religious cultists, go through ridiculous trials for a so-called ‘Sun God’ and even kill a slave trader. 

And those were just the parts that Sophie wanted to think about right now.

Thanks to the video-feed that was displayed on the top right corner of her communicator, Sophie could see the silly grin that was plastered all over her face.

“Hey… it’s… it’s been a while… sorry… I’m um… getting a… bit excited,” Sophie stuttered nervously as her hands trembled slightly.

Smooth. Real smooth.

Cleo’s expression of shock and disbelief immediately changed, and a teasing glint appeared in her piercing green eyes.

“Take your time darling. It has been some time since we last talked… I mean… I heard some rumors that you left to claim a harem of ten thousand beauties,” Cleo whispered in a serious tone.

“WHAT?! Where did you hear that nonsense from?!” Sophie exclaimed in shock. 

She was about to defend herself from those baseless accusations when a loud chuckle came from the other side of the screen.

Cleo smiled widely and Sophie realised that her girlfriend had just taken the opportunity to tease her as usual. 

Sophie could not help but laugh along with Cleo not because she found the joke funny but because it made her feel that everything was going to be okay.

In that shared moment, Sophie felt at peace. 

The joyful sounds of her girlfriend’s giggles were more soothing than even the finest musical symphony.

The laughter finally stopped, and a rare moment of silence filled the atmosphere. Both girls were unsure of what to do next.

It was not an uncomfortable silence but rather it was a quietness that added to the tranquility of the moment.

“Is… is it really you?” Cleo finally spoke with a hint of vulnerability in her voice. 

Sophie was shocked when she heard the deep hurt and sorrow hidden in her tone. 

Cleo was putting on a brave face and acting as if everything was normal but there were certain details in her appearance that stood out.

Her fingers kept tapping the corner of her mattress nervously and there was a sense of tension hidden behind her cheerful mask.

“Yes. It is me,” Sophie spoke solemnly. She tilted her communicator to the side and showed Cleo a view of the interior of her private cabin.

Right now, it was important to show her girlfriend that she was safe and well. Sophie took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and then begun the long explanation,

“I am currently on a starship and entering the Alpha Star System. It should only take a few hours before we arrive at planet Gaia.”

“I’m not sure what will happen next but most likely I will be able to return to university next week or maybe a couple weeks later.”

“The last few months… I was teleported to a distant planet in the Unovan Syndicate where I fortunately encountered Lily Blackait and we…”

The brief explanation turned the minutes to hours as Sophie walked back and forth around the room while telling Cleo about her adventures in the Unovan Syndicate.

She told her girlfriend everything. 

From the acts of bravery, she undertook in order to rescue Lily in perilous situations to her lost of control and slaughter of the crew onboard the Sun’s Glory.

It was difficult.

Sophie had to pause several times during her retelling as the memories and trauma from her experiences made it almost impossible to say out loud what she had gone through.

But she kept going. She needed to get everything off her chest.

Maybe part of this was as much for herself as it was for Cleo. In a sense it was almost like a confession.

Cleo was the perfect listener. She waited patiently when Sophie needed time to stop and take a few moments to relax.

The princess also gave out gentle encouragements throughout the conversation that helped Sophie to finish her story.

“I….” Sophie fought back the tears that were threatening to fall down the sides of her cheeks as she sat back down on the bed.

“I thought I would never see you again. There were times when I genuinely didn’t know if I would make it out alive,” Sophie muttered softly.

“Every time I was in one of those moments, I felt nothing but regret because there were just so many things that I failed to do.”

“I should… I should… have told you how much I loved you. How much you mean to me. I couldn’t handle the thought of me dying in some backwater part of the universe and…”

“You moving on and finding someone else.”

Sophie knew she was selfish. Logically it made sense that as the months passed without news, there was a possibility that Cleo would eventually move on.

But she couldn’t stand the thought of that happening. 


“Sophie are you okay?!” Cleo shouted from the other side, but Sophie was in no mood to respond to her voice.

The faint tinges of pink that were once present along the corners of her golden eyes had now completely spread to cover the entire surface of her eyes.

Sophie felt the aching throbbing feeling in her chest return. 

It was a strange and different sensation when compared to the usual bloodlust that appeared when she entered her combat state.

This sensation appeared to be fueled by lust and greed. 

Despite being hundreds of light years away, Sophie was overwhelmed by the urge to tear off Cleo’s clothes and make passionate love to her girlfriend like an animal in heat.

“Yeah… sorry I’m just experiencing a strong emotion… I’ll try to get it under control,” Sophie groaned as she stabbed her fingernails into the soft flesh of her palms.

Pain usually helped her to regain some semblance of sanity and pierce through mental fog caused by the goddess’ powers and this time was no exception. 

The hybrid girl gently inhaled and exhaled for a couple minutes until the overwhelming sensation partially disappeared.

Sophie was mainly focused on herself during those minutes, so she failed to realise that Cleo was no longer talking.

Or rather… was no longer capable of talking.

On the other side of the call, a flushed Cleo moaned in arousal as a wave of heat brushed against her lower parts.

She could not stop herself from gently rubbing her thighs together as her breath continued to hitch.

Staring into Sophie’s pink eyes had caused the noble princess to experience a familiar mind-numbing pleasure that she had not felt in months.

The mark on Cleo’s chest pulsated lightly and unbeknownst to the two girls the thread-like connection between them strengthened.

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