
Chapter 606

Chapter 606: The Key To Limitless Power

(Hydra Star System- Planet Rexone)

(Northern Territory- Castle Blackmore)

“Welcome back young miss…”

“We have been waiting for your return…”

“Would you like something to eat?”

Dozens of servants lined the corridor and bowed respectfully as Qiana walked out of the meeting room.

She walked past them without saying a single word but none of the servants seemed to be offended by her behaviour.

Compared to what the other family members would do to them if they were feeling bored… Qiana was honestly a saint.

The young woman frowned slightly as she wandered through the castle with numerous thoughts running through her mind.

There was still one crate of Noxien left in her storage bag that she had not revealed to her father and for good reason.

It was important to keep building up her personal wealth in case of an emergency. Especially considering that her father had just declared open season on her life.

Now every member of her family knew that they were freely allowed to try to kill and maim her as long as they were not caught.

Poisons, assassins, traps…

Qiana sighed heavily as she predicted that her days spent in her family’s estate were only going to get more difficult in the future.

It was a small consolation that only her father was a void stage cultivator, and the rest of her family were in the qi spirit or qi tide stage.

There was a reason why Qiana was chosen as the future head of the family, and it had to do with her cultivation talent.

But apparently even her talent was not enough for her father to bother to protect her.

A bitter smile flashed across Qiana’s lips as she stopped outside a locked door with a small flower pattern painted on its surface.


“I’m back…” Qiana whispered softly as she stretched out her hand and lightly touched the door.

The young heiress to House Abazin bowed her head at the door and a few memoires surfaced in her mind.

Qiana’s mother was the only person who made this twisted family feel like home. Her death had left a void in Qiana’s heart that was hard to fill.

Still… as her mom would say… ‘Keep moving forward’.

She turned away from the door and headed towards her bedroom. After a few days of non-stop flying, she could use a nice long sleep.

“Welcome back cousin…” an annoying voice interrupted Qiana’s tired mood.

“Nadia… it is truly a pleasure,” Qiana replied lazily as she stared at the woman standing in front of her wearing an expensive princess dress.

“I must thank your father for providing me with such a loyal bodyguard. Victoria Hunt was a brave woman who saved my life…”

An expression of rage and annoyance flashed across Nadia’s face as she listened to Qiana’s mocking words.

“Yes… well… we serve to protect the future head of the family…” Nadia spoke with gritted teeth as she stepped closer to Qiana.

“You would do well to remember that,” Qiana coldly replied as she met Nadia’s gaze with expressionless eyes.

Nadia’s eyes widened and the words that she was about to say died down in her throat as she sensed something in Qiana’s eyes.

It was not bloodlust and yet… shivers ran down Nadia’s spine as if death was circling around her body ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

Qiana walked past her frozen cousin as the shadows beneath her feet shifted and moved ever so slightly.

She hated this family.

They only respected fear.

Qiana finally arrived at her room and opened the door with a heavy sigh. She looked around and saw a plain white bed and a locked closet.

Honestly it was more like a dorm room than the bedroom that belonged to the future heiress of House Abazin.

Before entering the room Qiana reached into her storage bag and pulled out a small metalloid disc-shaped device.

She pressed a button on the side of the device and a green light swept around the room.

Just as she predicted there were two listening devices implanted around the bed and one stuck on the ceiling.


Qiana entered the room and picked up the listening devices before crushing them between her fingertips.

Who could have done this?

The list of suspects was a long one… hell it could have even been done by some of the servants eager to secure their place in the family’s hierarchy.

Qiana rubbed her forehead and carefully removed her glasses. She sat down on the side of the bed and stared out of the window.

Planet Rexone was a planet with a surface that was ninety eight percent covered by water, so a rolling ocean came into view.

The water was slightly green, so it was impossible to see what manner of creatures of plants lurked just beneath its surface.

Qiana closed her eyes and relaxed on the bed without even bothering to change her clothes. She kicked off her shoes and pulled a blanket over her body.

As the corners of her vision darkened, Qiana could swear that the mysterious ring that was inside her storage bag had somehow appeared on the middle of her chest.

No… I must be dreaming…

Qiana closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. She did not notice that the ring on her chest faintly glowed and the markings on its surface seemed to change.





“Hello?!” Qiana asked curiously as she found herself drifting aimlessly in what could only be described as a blue sky.

Rolling clouds touched her feet and a cool breeze brushed against her face. If this was a dream, then it was extremely realistic since Qiana felt as though she was actually flying.

It wasn’t exactly a bad experience, so Qiana relaxed and enjoyed the experience of soaring through the heavens.

Eventually the scenery shifted, and Qiana found herself standing upright in the middle of a completely white space.

There was a massive golden throne in the middle of the room and on that throne sat a mysterious being.

It was vaguely humanoid and yet not at the same time. It possessed five heads and its body seemed to be made out of cosmic stardust.

The being’s limbs were unnaturally skinny to the point where they seemed likely to break at the slightest touch.

There was no mouth, eyes, or orifices on its multiple faces and yet Qiana could swear that the creature’s attention was focused solely on her.

[Are you the one who passed my test?]

A soft melodic voice entered Qiana’s head as the being shifted slightly on its throne. One of its arms stretched forward and gently touched Qiana’s hair.

“What test?” Qiana asked curiously as she felt strangely calm and relaxed despite the peculiar situation.

[Find the key… only someone with great talent may come into possession of my key…]

[You… you are a worthy fit to become my vessel]

“Vessel? Hold on… I still don’t know what you mean by key…” Qiana quickly interrupted the mysterious being.

The creature held out its other palm and the image of the ring from the fourth storage crate appeared.

[This is the catalyst required to enter my domain… does it look familiar?]

“Yes… this was in the crate that I stole but…” Qiana’s words were cut off as new information flowed into her mind.

This being was one of the powerful entities that had gone past the Ascendant stage and could be considered a god.

To be chosen as a vessel meant that she would be given a trace of its power in exchange for servitude.

[My gifts… will make you the leader of your era… this kind of power… it will allow you to conqueror all those who stand in your way]

The being had no facial features and yet Qiana could swear that it was smiling as it stretched out its hand and offered the contract.

“Thank you for the kind offer…” Qiana hesitantly spoke.

“But I must decline…”

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