
Chapter 458: Genesect's Maiden Heart

   As long as he is not crazy enough to want to destroy the world, no matter what he does, the Pokémon are his best assistants.

   "Just attack, you time-wasting guy."

   "Attack ready."

Genesect\'s compound eyes flashed red light. Their compound eyes combined the ability of heat detection, combined with the light cannon behind it, like a radar lock, and then the card slot on the back of the cannon began to change color. She was choosing the right one. attribute attack.

In the pirate ship on the sea, the leading pirate flew from the sinking ship. A pair of white wings had been added to his back, his body had become much stronger, and his hands and feet had become stronger. Similar to hooves.

Fauna, Eudemons, Mama Fruit, Pegasus form, a very rare Eudemons species, the ability to fly is relatively rare in the sea, with his wings and animal body bonus, he is also in the first half of the great route. It\'s a bit of a name.

   And the reason why he fired the artillery is also very simple, in order to loot, according to past experience, first use the artillery to scare the opponent.

  If you are weak, you will loot. Many people will obediently hand over the money to save their lives. If they are strong, they will turn around and run away. The power of his boat is not bad, and usually no one can catch up with him.

   This kind of behavior made him not encounter too much trouble, but today, for some reason, the other party couldn\'t help but directly blocked all his retreats with rolling artillery fire.

   Even if he thought about it with his heel, he knew that he was really kicking the steel plate.

   Surviving the artillery fire, he wanted to escape, but as soon as he took off, a beam of light hit him from a distance. The huge pain made him almost faint, and the strong numbness made his body freeze at that moment.

  As a bug-type card, Genesect\'s attack is very powerful. Except for a few supernovas, it is difficult for the arrogant pirates to fight back against Genesect.

  Many supernovas of the very evil generation had no way to deal with pacifists. Although there were many opponents in the new world, Genesect was as easy to use as pacifists to deal with trash fish.

   Not to mention that Genesect can also switch attack attributes according to the situation. Unless it is the PX-0 modified by the body of the bear, the general pacifism is really not as good as Genesect.

   Genesect\'s attack was just the beginning. Looking at the sea below, the pirate struggled so hard that falling into the sea was a slow death for him.

   But his body stopped in mid-air, and Mandelfish was hovering in the air, his scaly claws grabbed his ankles and lifted him upside down.

   "Still a zoology? It\'s a pity that you disturbed Lao Tzu\'s mood."

   Pirates don’t treat prisoners any favors. Unless it is a specific target, how to deal with it depends on the mood of the cadres, and Mandelfish is in a very bad mood right now.

   said that without giving him a chance to explain, he plunged directly into the water.

  Although Mandelfish has the ability to fly after evolution, but in the face of the enemy, underwater is his main field, non-capable people can\'t stay underwater for a long time, and capable people will lose physical strength.

   But he won\'t. Only underwater can he maximize his advantages, which is also a powerful talent unique to water-type Pokémon abilities.

   There is no suspense in the result of the battle. If he can\'t beat other abilities underwater, and he is still an ability person who was shot by Genesect, the number on his shoulder should be erased.

Then a long horn sounded on the island, which was a signal that the crisis was over. The residents of the island heard the sound and walked out of the basement of the room. They were used to this kind of thing, but this time the speed was faster than before. Even faster.

   As for the beginning, there is no need for an alarm at all. When the sound of battle is heard from the outside world, they will understand what to do. Living in the new world is almost a necessary common sense.

  Although there are risks, they still have a chance to take refuge, and the inhabitants of the unprotected lawless islands do not even have this chance.

The inhabitants of the New World are not interested in who makes the law. As long as this rule does not endanger their existence and allows them to live in safety, they will support the ruler, so the emperor of the sea often has a good reputation in his own territory. .

   After the battle, the people on the island also returned to their normal lives. The salvage team went to the site where the other party’s ship sank and began to salvage supplies to see if there was anything valuable on the other party’s ship.

   This is also a supplement to the ammunition consumption, and Mandelfish reacted to a problem. Pearman just told him that Genesect chose his private island to nest, but did not say where the nest was located.

   So this time he followed the position of Genesect, but the more he walked, the more he felt that something was wrong. He was the designer of this water park that Totezzolo found from the red soil continent.

  According to the characteristics of the island, he designed many landscapes in different regions, including the landscape of a wetland park.

   And now, the central building of that landscape area has been occupied by Genesect.

   "What\'s the matter with you?"

   "Uh, let me see where you live."

   "I think this wetland is very good. The Lord said that we can choose the place to build our nest. I like that building, can\'t we?"

  Because it is a private park built for Rusaka, it is closer to women\'s aesthetics, and the Genesect assigned here happens to be a woman, plus Arceus\' promise, she chose this place on her own.

   "Yes, of course, but sometimes people may live in the house over there. Could you please pay more attention to them?"

   "My mission is to guard the island, including all the inhabitants of the island."

   "That\'s good. By the way, do you have any special requirements for food? The water here is full of ornamental fish. It\'s best not to attack them. I will let someone arrange food for you."

  In the end, Mandelfish and Genesect reached a series of friendly agreements. Although there was another Pokémon in the private domain, the overall calculation was not very bad.

In the following time, Mandelfish took his wife and other people\'s sisters to play in the private amusement park, Tezzolo took his wife to film a movie on Fishman Island, Jack returned to Ghost Island with souvenirs, and The Beast Pokémon Center also has some new patients.

   "Why another one? Didn\'t you tell them to wear insulating gloves when collecting wool? How many people were paralyzed by the electricity?"

   (end of this chapter)

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