
Chapter 866: Overbearing Panda and Hippo

  Quinn’s behavior was to divide the pot. After using his authority to take away a batch of transformed fruits, he carried out this wave of transactions.

  If you learn more lessons, you will gain more experience. In order to prevent problems before they happen, Quinn directly donated a large part. Anyway, he has enough money to spend.

  Anyway, after he processed the donation, his reselling of the fruits was acquiesced, and no one cared where the completed fruits went.

  Nine miles, Meowna and Wolf ushered in the most anticipated time for children-parents are not at home.

At this moment, it is the working time of the moment, Zou is leading the government affairs assistants to deal with Zou\'s affairs, there is still a long time before the end of get off work, and Zeraola has gone out to carry out the task, taking the nine-year-old brother and sister Feel free to stay here.

   Safety is definitely no problem, but it is not certain that people who take care of children are reliable.

   "Look, you have to spit like this, Wushi Bingya!"

  Nine miles of the sea, Yamato spat out a fang of ice towards the sea. The extremely cold air formed an ice bridge on the sea. She was trying to teach Mowna and Wolf to use their abilities.

  Although Yamato seldom uses his brains, his talent for fighting has never been questioned.

  Teaching seems to be a kind of inheritance within Hundred Beasts. She was always on the way of being "taught" before, and Kaido can make her feel the feeling of dying every time.

  Now she also begins to teach others, but she doesn\'t use Kaido\'s way, but uses what she thinks is a reasonable way.

  The power of the mutated Kyurem made her control over the ice far beyond her original timeline, and two targets-like things appeared at the end of the ice bridge.

   "Come on, aim at that target, gather energy into your mouth, and then spit it out with all your strength, it\'s that simple."

Under her leadership, a group of sparks exploded on the target, and there were a few traces of lightning mixed in the explosive flames. This is Worf\'s special lightning fireball, inherited from his father\'s power of lightning and the flame of the fire-spotted cat. Combined, he finally completed his unique moves.

  Meowna next to her was flying a cosmic wrist made of leaves, and finally flew out like a dart. It was a magic leaf affected by the power of waveguide, and it was even more mysterious in its detailed manipulation.

   "Sister Yamato, did you really train like this when you were nine years old?"

   "Yes, was your training that simple then?"

   In fact, it was Miao Na and Worf who took the initiative to find him, because they heard that when Yamato was at this age, there was no match among his peers.

   "There must be a little difference, but this level is enough for you. Believe me, you won\'t like my training method."

  The overlord\'s color shock is used as an alarm clock for waking up, and he has to face attacks from unknown sources every day. Thinking of what happened to him more than ten years ago, Yamato feels lucky that he can survive to this day.

   Shaking his head violently, Yamato seemed to have thought of something terrifying, and then changed the subject.

   "It\'s almost enough. By the way, foster father still has a new divine grace ceremony today. Let\'s go and see the excitement."

  After each divine grace ceremony, people who have newly acquired abilities usually fight, which is what Yamato said.

   Beasts are martial as a whole, and Kaido is a war madman. Under his influence, many descendants of the members of the regiment also advocate force. The big kanban is out of reach for them, but ordinary cadres can still work hard

  When Yamato brought Meowna and Worf to Ghost Island, the endowment session was over, and a new round of battle had begun amidst the shouts of the onlookers.

  There are ordinary hand-to-hand combats all around. Honey badgers, tigers, cobras, antelopes, and several people with artificial fruit abilities are fighting.

This is a new round of introversion of Beasts. The kings who succeeded in the first round, like Harper and Rory at the beginning, have obtained their own abilities, but their battles are far from the excitement in the middle. They are two newly born benefactors.

  Duo Peng, an uncle who looks a bit vicissitudes, is also an early member of Hundred Beasts. With a new round of involution, he re-emerged and gained his own ability-Hippo Beast

Blisguera is a middle-aged man with triangular blond hair, and his name is tattooed on his chest. Compared with Duopeng, he looks much more energetic, with a leaf dangling from the corner of his mouth. It\'s a domineering panda

   "Lie down for me!"

Doppen, who turned into a hippopotamus, opened his mouth wide and bit Blissgra in front of him. It is the most powerful weapon of the hippopotamus. The huge mouth has an exaggerated bite force. Even a car will be bitten into pieces of copper. Rotten iron.

  At the same time, the hole on his back was spewing yellow sand, and under the control of the power of the hippopotamus, it turned into a powerful sandstorm.

  This is also the housekeeping skill of hippopotamuses. Their bodies store a large amount of yellow sand, and they can eject the sand stored in their bodies upwards from the holes in their bodies, creating huge tornadoes to attack.

  After the hippopotamus turned into an ability, the release of this yellow sand became a special ability that consumes energy.

  Like ordinary hippopotamuses in nature, these guys don’t look scary, but even they are called the demon dragon king scorpion of sand, and they will shy away from hippopotamuses.

   As his opponent, Bliss Guerra has not flinched, his arms are holding Doppen\'s mouth to contend with him.

   "Uncle, at such an advanced age, you should step aside!"

  The big mouth and teeth are the weapons of the hippopotamus, while the domineering panda relies on its own fists. It is also a very wild Pokémon that is proud of its wrist strength.

The hippopotamus can bite a car into pieces of scrap iron, and the domineering panda can smash it into pieces of scrap iron with its fists. Compared with Duopeng, the ability displayed by Blisguera is not so fancy, but the explosive power of the body also attracts Cheers came from the people watching the battle below.

  The two played evenly at the beginning, but as time passed, the venue gradually became Duopeng\'s home court.

  Although he is older than the opponent and not as physically strong as the opponent, he uses the field more and uses time to build his own home court.

  The yellow sand on the ground formed a special quicksand hell, which made Blisguera\'s legs tightly trapped in it, and finally lost the battle of ability demonstration.

   I owe two chapters, tomorrow will be ten thousand




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