
Chapter 465 - New Hobbies

Angela found a couple of new hobbies. Because Rick was still recuperating and was taking some time off from work, she\'d bring him food in his apartment, which wasn\'t far from Gael\'s brownstone, and Trigger would accompany her.

The gentle giant was knitting when she arrived the other day, and he taught her how to make a scarf. He had spare materials and she frustratingly—yet passionately tried to learn. 

But dear God, she sucked. 

Her work was either too tight or too loose. At one point, Rick was even about to stop her from continuing because she had pricked herself, and he was afraid his boss would come for his head. But Angela just wrapped a band-aid around her finger and proceeded to knit. She didn\'t hurt herself anymore and started getting the hang of it.

When Gael came home that day, he found her in his living room so concentrated on knitting that she didn\'t even hear him arrive. He found her adorable with the little crease between her brows—her face when she focused.

Today, she set aside knitting and instead ventured into the kitchen. They had been ordering takeaways most nights if Gael didn\'t make dinner. He had been busy during the days, but he always made it home around seven in the evening so they could eat dinner together.

Angela wrote in the mornings, worked on her foundation and book logistics in the afternoons, and around 4 p.m., she would bring food over to Rick\'s place. Today though, she decided to learn a dish with the help of Alice over a video call.

She was actually slightly bothered when Gael left before lunch and learned that Savannah would be with him in the important meeting with the possible KMH shareholder. Although Gael had assured her that there was nothing to worry about, she just couldn\'t help the jealousy inside her. How could she not be jealous? Savannah was gorgeous.

Angela was so tempted to ask Rick or Trigger about the woman, but she stopped herself. She didn\'t want to come out as a possessive girlfriend. If Gael said there was nothing, then she should trust him.

At ten minutes before seven, the front door opened, and she heard Gael enter. She abandoned the soup she was stirring, lowering the fire before hurrying towards the foyer where he removed his coat and hung it on the rack.

Gael looked like he wasn\'t in the mood. His brows were knitted, and he was typing furiously on his phone. He looked up when she approached, and he gave a small smile as she kissed his cheek.

"I take it…it didn\'t go well?" she probed.

He told her about what happened during the meeting as he slumped on the sofa, throwing his head back and rubbing his forehead. She sat next to him and noticed his tired expression. He\'d been working hard the past few days.

"You think it\'s my grandfather?" she wondered.

"No…" Gael shook his head. "I don\'t know. I just have this feeling that I\'m not going to like who I\'ll find tomorrow."

Angela pressed her lips together and let out a sigh, rubbing his arm to console him. She didn\'t know what to say. All she could do was kiss him on the corner of his lips, hoping that would somehow cheer him up a little.

"Thank you," he whispered, bringing her close to him.

Then he sniffed the air, his brows drawing together. "What\'s that? It smells delicious."

Angela sat up straight, biting her bottom lip. "Okay, don\'t freak out… But I\'m cooking."

"You\'re cooking?" Gael raised his brows, and the two of them got to their feet fast.

She strode towards the kitchen, and he followed after her as she added, "Well, trying. I hope it turns out okay. Alice helped me. She gave me a dumbed-down recipe that I could easily follow. She kindly supervised over a video call. We ended the chat just before you came."

He was quiet as they reached his kitchen, taking in the mess she made on the counters. A small hint of a smile danced in his eyes as he walked towards the pot. She picked up a ladle and stirred the pot. He took a peek and a sniff. "Chicken noodle soup?"

Angela nodded, her cheeks flushing. "I decided to learn at least one good meal for every category. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert—at least one dish per meal. This one\'s for soup."

Gael grabbed a clean spoon, scooped some liquid from the pot, and tasted it, ignoring her protest. His eyes widened. "You made this?"

"I… Yes. I haven\'t tasted it. Is it good?" She clenched her hands together in worry.

"Hell yeah! It\'s so good!"

"Really?" A satisfied smile formed on her face.

"You should try your own cooking. Here." Gael scooped a spoonful of the soup, blew on it, and fed it to her.

Angela\'s eyes widened in surprise, her hands flying to her mouth. "Holy shît! I made this?" She even cursed. It was that good.

He was grinning now. "You tell me, Chef."

"I was hoping I could ace this in one try so I wouldn\'t have to throw and waste it. I wanted to learn at least one comfort food for when I need to make you something. You can\'t go wrong with the classic chicken noodle soup, eh?"

"You made this for me?" He set the spoon down and pulled her to him. He smiled, looking so proud of her.

"Of course! So what\'s my grade? You have to give me one objectively."

He leaned back, glanced at the pot, grabbed the spoon, and tasted it one more time before he thought seriously. "I\'m giving you…" Angela gulped, feeling so nervous while waiting for the verdict. She really wanted to impress him. And he was taking so damn long! Then he set the spoon down, looked to the side as if thinking thoroughly, and said, "An A…plus."

She gasped. "No way. For real? You\'re not just saying that to get in my pants, are you? Because you\'re getting it regardless."

Gael threw his head back and laughed. He looked so much better now than when he arrived earlier. "For real. It\'s really good, Angel. And I\'m not only saying that to get laid."

A genuine smile ghosted her face, making her appear brighter. She tiptoed and kissed him on the lips. "Because of that, you\'re gonna get something special tonight."

He cocked a brow, his smile turning devious. "Something special, huh? And may I ask what it is that I will get?"

Angela got away from his grasp, turned off the burner, and gave him her back. "Nope," she said, popping the P.

"Come on… Not a small hint?" He peered at her side, trying to get her to look at him.

She refused to meet his gaze, but she couldn\'t help the grin growing on her face. "No. Now, go wash up. I\'ll prepare the table."

Gael let out a defeated sigh. "Fine." Then he turned around and walked away.

As he was walking up the stairs, she shouted, "It might have something to do with me on my knees!"

Though she couldn\'t see him anymore, she could hear his footsteps, and he had stopped in the middle of the stairs when he heard her. Gael groaned loudly at the image in his head, stomping the rest of the steps to his bedroom. That made her giggle.

Angela began scooping soup into bowls, placing them on a tray to easily transport them onto the dining table where she had already set placemats and utensils. Just as she had put the bowls in their places, her phone rang.

A New York number was calling, and she hesitated. Usually, she didn\'t answer unknown numbers because she was avoiding Evan. She didn\'t have to do that anymore. "Hello?"

But no one prepared for who she would hear from the other end of the line.

"Hi, Kylie. It\'s me."


Angela\'s lips parted. She was left speechless and didn\'t know how to respond as her heart raced.

"I know we ended things terribly the last time… But I was hoping to see you again. Are you still in New York? I will be in town tomorrow. If it\'s okay with you, I\'d love to meet you."

It was as if time had paused. If she hadn\'t noticed Gael coming towards her already in his loungewear, she would have thought the world had stopped. Her mother was quiet now as if waiting for her to respond. 

Gael took her hand and tried to read her face. "Who?" he mouthed, seemingly worried.

"Mom," she mouthed back, and he squeezed her hand.

"Kylie? Are you still there?" her mother asked.

"Y-Yeah…" was all she could muster.

Her mother let out a sigh. "I know you\'re still mad at me. I understand if you don\'t want to meet me tomorrow. But I\'ll send you an address and a time. You can call me on this number too if you…" She exhaled a shaky breath. "I\'ll wait tomorrow in case you decide to show up.. Bye, honey."

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