
Chapter 149 - First Day Troubles

We were given 10 minutes to decide on who should hide the flag and a strategy.

The boys automatically huddled around me like pigeons, looking at me with hope.

"Zeref what do you say?" one of the royals spoke.

"Yeah, you\'re the strongest in our school, and you\'re amazing at these things." Another boy added. They all poked their heads at me.

Well, okay then.

"Since there are no rules, I say the flag stays moving. We can attach it under someone\'s shirt and send the quickest and slipperiest to retrieve their flag."

Everyone nodded eagerly, agreeing with impressed looks on their faces.

"Try not to waste time fighting or injuring the opposing team. Once you have eyes on the flag, just dodge attacks and stay focused. Make sure not to use too much force or violence as-"

"LET\'S CRUSH THEMMMMM!" Leilani yelled out as all the girls cheered and screamed.

We all looked at them, shaking our heads as they quieted down and went back to whispering.

"Who do we put the flag on?" Jace shook as Naz sent him death threats across the field. I smirked at him as he realised. Everyone turned their heads to him as he shook his head.

"No I am not- I am NOT!" he tried but we all grinned evilly, holding the flag towards him.

"No! Not me-"


"Zeref, I hate you!!!" he yelled as girls ran at us like it was a war. 

Even I admit, it was scary. 

Jace scurried away, Taejun and Allefin were hot on his tail like guards. I had assigned the both of them to make sure no one found out Jace was hiding the flag. In the meantime, 10 of us would rush in the forest and pretend like it was in there, distracting most of the team while a few nobles and I ran after their flag.

The first person that dashed past me was Malia who had her eyes fixed on Jace. She smirked to herself, her hair brushing past my shoulder. Her eyes didn\'t falter but her smirk told me she knew I was looking.

Damn! Her stupid hearing was good enough to listen across the whole field?!

I looked around realising none of the girls had bought into our trick which meant they knew Jace was the flag. Damn it!

"THEY KNOW! PASS THE FLAG ON!!!" I boomed out as it felt like our whole team gasped in sync.

I watched as Taejun snatched the flag out of Jace\'s shirt and halted, making a few girls now turn to him as he now held the bright red flag.

"IDIOT!" Allefin yelled as Taejun smirked. 

I rolled my eyes. I guess he enjoys the adrenaline and probably being chased by girls.

"Zeref!" someone called out to me, pointing at a red flag standing in a clearing, in plain sight.

They didn\'t even try to hide the flag. I mentally sighed, knowing this would be easy and ran towards the flag. We all circled around it, looking around for any attackers but there were none.

A stupid boy stepped forwards cautiously, grabbing the flag but his hand fell through it. Everyone looked at me in surprise, acting like they had never seen anything like it before.

"It\'s an illusion," I deadpanned as they all \'oh\'ed.

"Zeref grab the flag already!" Jace cried out before being tackled onto the floor by Naz.

"Spread out. One of these illusions is the real thing." I ordered before we all spread out.

I could feel someone\'s eyes hovering over my every move like an owl. The girls were more strategic than I had thought. Watch the strongest and divert the smartest.

The boys scattered like bunnies being chased by foxes. They were hungry and wild, nothing like they were in school and I could barely see anyone I knew. Soyeon tackled me but I wrapped my arm around her forearm, flipping her onto the floor effortlessly and continuing towards a well hidden flag.

Just a bit further…

A figure flashed past me and the heavenly scent flew around my nose. My arm was grabbed and I was turned around in a split second. I tripped over my own foot, stumbling onto the person who pulled me as I fell onto her. She grunted as I smirked, meeting her eyes.

"Hello beautiful," I winked at her, my hand next to her head as she huffed.

"Get off." Malia\'s hand ran up my chest to push me off, causing me to get Goosebumps.

"If you wanted me to get off, why would you pull me down?" I teased, listening to the footsteps of one of the nobles sneaking past us towards the flag. Malia was put on lookout for anyone who approached the right flag since she was the strongest. Their strategy was obvious.

"Zeref…" she sighed, her eyes boring into mine as I lowered down closer to her face. I could feel the heat of her breath hit my jaw. Her hand stayed on my chest, scrunching my shirt in her fists from the nerves. I could hear her heart beat nearly as loud as mine.

"WOOOO!" someone screamed as the whistle blew and she stiffened under me from the sudden noise. I cursed my luck, forcing myself off her before offering her my hand to get up too.

"The girl\'s flag has been captured!!" our instructor yelled with joy.

Malia sighed next to me, not bothering to look at me twice before making her way to Soyeon. 

"Well girls, looks like you have filed our first challenge." their instructor bestowed a glare upon them, angrily.

"Now, now Lora, no need to be angry. Well done to everyone. They all tried." our instructor held his nose high proudly, almost shoving the victory in the other woman\'s face.


We were escorted back to our side of the camp and the sun had started to go down, letting the cold creep in with the darkness. I activated my fire mana, keeping my skin warm. Jace shivered next to me, shuffling towards me like a penguin. 

"Am I your fire?" I scoffed, smirking as his teeth chattered.

"Dude, you\'re so warm!" he rubbed his arms as I increased the heat of my skin to help warm him more. Allefin walked around Jace to stand on my other side. I was being sandwiched by two frozen popsicles. I chuckled as they huddled into my clothes.

I followed the crowd of students in front of us until we stopped outside a busy, large tent with bright lights, almost like stars, hanging over the top. 

From the outside, it looked small but when the instructor swung the curtain up for us to enter, a  large canteen stretched out for miles with tables. The tables had long cloths over them with each school\'s crests; Xanxus academy\'s table stood out like a sore thumb with its unique designs.

"Collect your food and sit down at your table. You have 30 minutes." the instructor dove into details, babbling on about the strict rules but I tuned him out, looking around at the interior.

It was filled with boys holding trays of food and shivering, puffs of mist leaving their lips and dissipating into the frosty air. Even in the tent, there was no heat except for the little heat given off by a few kids with branched fire elements. Their mana was restricted meaning they could only heat up a small radius and I knew if I wanted, I could heat up the whole room. But that would be stupid as I\'d rat out my ability and I\'m only sticking to my ice element.

I made my way down the carpet and rows of tables, taking in the warm smell of roasted lamb and tender chicken, seasoned with all types of spices.

Maybe this wouldn\'t be so bad after all.

Jace rushed past me, running to the stacks of trays and grabbing three. He threw one at my head but I caught it in the nick of time and he flung Allefin\'s at his.

"Hey! No throwing!" our instructor screamed as the trey flew over his head and Allefin leaped in to catch it.

We rushed to the line, knowing more schools were on their way and it was like luch had sided with us as just after we arrived in the cue, 3 more schools came in.


I sat down with my tray of chicken, rice, salad and chocolate cake.

"I heard they changed up the leader of this place, therefore the food is better than it was last year." A skinny boy spoke, digging in.

"Thank the monarchs for the new leader!" Jace praised with his mouth half full.

"My brother went five years ago and he said that the food was just gruel and an apple." The boy next to me picked his cake up first, fiddling for the tiny thin fork before giving up and taking it with his hands. I grimaced, holding in my gag as pieces fell out of the corner of his lips.

"Lovely.." I stated, pulling myself together and digging in.

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