
Chapter 84: Baohuzhe First Movement

Chapter 84: Baohuzhe First Movement

Lie Fan: \'That\'s great! So now let it be known today that the Baohuzhe (AT:Protector in Chinese) Faction is established! With I Lie Fan as the leader and General Zhu Jun, Huangfu Song, and Lu Zhi alongside Master Wang Yun and Xun You become Inner Council members! Let the Heavens and Earth help our noble goal to protect the people and the Han Dynasty!"

Everyone cheers at the declaration that was made by Lie Fan, except for his advisors they don\'t know that Lie Fan is making his first step of bringing down the Han Dynasty. Lie Fan raises his glass of wine and makes a toast to commemorate this occasion saluting everyone in the room.

After the toast, they began to have their first official meeting to discuss how Baohuzhe would start their first movement in bringing stability to the Imperial Court. Xun You stand up attracting attention from everyone in the room except for Lie Fan and his retinue don\'t know that Xun You have joined under Lie Fan.

Xun You: "Now that Baohizhe has been established, I hope that we can begin to expand our members to face off against General He Jin and The Eunuchs Faction as our number is too small to give some sort of pressure."

Zhu Jun: "I agree with Master Xun You\'s words, You can rest assured that my son will also join Baohuzhe, and with the contacts I alongside my friends have in the military we can receive many members."

Jia Xu: "I\'m sorry General Zhu Jun but I hope the members that as invited have a clean background and do not bring something that can bring us down."

Lu Zhi: "Master Jia Xu rest assured, with this old man still standing the people that we invite will have a clean and trusted background."

Lie Fan seeing this nods his head, while Zhu Jun and Huangfu Song are straight military men with frank personalities Lu Zhi is a military scholar slash General who leads his army behind the table and can read people so they can rest assured with Lu Zhi standing beside these two.

Wang Yum: "I will bring the Civil Scholars that stand neutral to our side, Rest assured that these people can be trusted, and even though some of their ranks are not high but they are the backbone of each ministry."

Sun Qian: "Master Wang Yun and General Zhu Jun I hope that My Lord can help invite the more important people you are trying to recruit to reassure them that My Lord is now playing his role in the court and they have a strong backer."

Zhu Jun: "Of Course! Some of these old generals that I will invite have long wanted to meet Governor Lie so you can rest easy that if it\'s him that invited those old bones personally then the chance of them accounting is very high!"

Lu Zhi: "That\'s true, Military Scholars also admired Governor Lie on how he did his military tactics before meeting Master Sun Qian and Master Jia Xu. They say that Givermor Lie brings a new perspective to military strategies."

Wang Yu: "That\'s great, some of the higher-ranking civil officials are already old and their courage is not as big as the younger ones so with Governor Lie they will have the courage to join having a strong backer!"

Lie Fan: "Haha thank you for the trust all of you put in me, Just say the time and place you make with them and I will follow to invite them. Master Xun You I hope you will help Master Wang Yun invite the lower-ranking Civil Officials and General Huangfu Song assisting General Zhu Jun in inviting the younger generation of generals."

Everyone in the room agreed with the first movement they would make, even though the people in this room had high influence and power but they admitted that their quantity was too small to have a face-to-face battle with one Faction let alone two.

Jia Xu: "After we have enough members, Our next step is to show our presence in the Imperial Court and suppress both factions to earn support from Your Majesty which will help us tremendously in gaining more support from the other officials and legitimize our Faction as the loyalist faction!"

Everyone gives a voice of support to Jia Xu\'s statement, as Jia Xu can be said to be Lie Fan\'s think tank and he must have congregated a plan of action for Baohuzhe under Lie Fan\'s order.

Lie Fan sees the atmosphere of the room is full of positivity and tells his bodyguard to order the servants to bring in their food and have a feast today as tomorrow they will begin their movement that will shock the Capital.

Liu Pi who heard Lie Fan\'s orders from outside the room called for the servants to bring the food that had been ordered beforehand by Lie Fan, delicacies after delicacies entered the room and with its beautiful fragrance raising the appetites of the people in the room.

Everyone enjoyed the food together and toast after toast was made, when the feast ended everyone went home a bit tipsy. Lie Fan while feeling tipsy is thinking of buying something from the system that can help him negate this feeling in the future as drinking is also an important part of negotiating something.

A week passed since the establishment of Baohuzhe, and Lie Fan accompanied by Jia Xu visited numerous estates of Civil and Military Officials to invite them personally to join Baohuzhe, Wang Yun and Zhu Jun gave him the time and addresses of each heavyweight official needed his invitation.

Lie Fan movement in the capital made big waves and attracted the attention of both Factions, He Jin and Zhang Rang as leaders of their Factions began to grow weary of the movement Lie Fan was making as he was seen visiting many of the Neutral Officials This past week.

Both of them feel threatened by the movement Lie Fan is making as they feel that Lie Fan is doing this under Emperor He Jin\'s order, no matter how bad Emperor He Jin\'s lifestyle he still has the brain of an old fox but is too lazy to do anything and only care about his enjoyment.

That\'s why he gave much authority to He Jin his brother-in-law and Zhang Rang making them a powerful presence in the Court more powerful than the three excellencies who in theory have higher ranks than them. They send their spies to flow Lie Fan movement but so far none of them have come back increasing their suspicion more.

Lie Fan knew the movement made by both He Jin and Zhang Rang with Jia Xu reporting to him how the Oriole managed to identify and kill spies that followed him or his family members. Oriole\'s capabilities can\'t be underestimated now with new equipment and poison provided by Jia Xu they were a menace to the people of this era who hadn\'t met specially trained intelligence forces.

Lie Fan hopes that the Oriole can reach the level of the Japanese Ninja who was very effective in Japanese culture and left a very big presence with how they act inspiring modern martial artist to learn their training.

Lie Fan this past week was also informed that Diao Chan visited the Lie Clan estate several times but he was too busy inviting new members for Baohuzhe so Diao Chan met Ying Yue instead, Lie Fan was covered in cold sweats when he first heard this as he was afraid that Diao Chan presence will make Ying Yue aggrieved.

He feels his headache thinking about both Baohuzhe and the situation between him, Ying Yue, and Diao Chan. Lie Fan knew if Diao Chan and him truly together then more women would come as he tasted the sweetness of having more than one woman.

Today was the day Lie Fan and Baohuzhe announced his presence at the court, Lie Fan greeted his mother and Ying Yue on the way out saying goodbye and telling them to have lunch without him as he would come back at night.

Boarding his carriage alongside Jia Xu and Sun Qian, His bodyguards guard the carriage from four sides on top of their horse guarding Lie Fan along the way to the Palace.

At the Palace, Wang Yun and the others are waiting for Lie Fan as they will enter together to announce their presence and support Emperor He Jin in stabilizing the Court receiving.

This group of people attracted the attention of others, especially He Jin who was flanked by Cao Cao and Yuan Shao as they knew that these people were the most frequently visiting Lie Fan and having contact with him.

Cao Cao admired Lie Fan that he could make these important people wait for him and shake his heads as they stood on opposite sides, Yuan Shao on the other hand sneered at how pathetic they were thinking how they following a young kid who knew nothing about the court machinations.

When Lie Fan arrived he saw them waiting for him, Shaking his head he got off his carriage and was accompanied by Jia Xu and Sun Qian approached them to say hello and enter the Imperial Court together.

Wang Yun, Xun You, Zhu Jun, Huangfu Song, and Lu Zhi seeing that Lie Fan has arrived position him at the front of the group attracting the attention of other officials who are coming to attend the Court, some feel that Lie Fan leading a group of people is like seeing a tornado that will cause more Chaos in the already chaotic Luoyang while the other feels like Lie Fan will finally put an end to this situation as he is the only one with Military power and high influences that \'still\' loyal to the Emperor.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 18 Years Old (185 AD)

Level: 13

Next Level: 12.000

Renown: 155

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 8)

SP: 376.700


STR: 491

VIT: 204

AGI: 215

INT: 234

CHR: 90

WIS: 199

WILL: 155

ATR Points: 0

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