
Chapter 342 Torrential Rain

"You lowered the age of marriage because of that, did you not? Because human numbers have dwindled so much?" Lillia looked up at Blake and smiled. "I sympathize with them."

Blake finally understood. She was no longer a pure ather dragon herself. When they have more kids in the future, they will not have much ather dragon blood in them. "Then I will help as much as I can. But they can only be concubines."

"Mmm! Blake, you are the best!" Lillia jumped up into the air and onto Blake, forcing him to catch her.

"But first… We need to get our guys home. The girls have also had quite the experience as well." Blake turned to look at the two blushing girls who were now back in uniform blushing away.

One of the girls named Tiffany walked forward and bowed her head as she asked: "Ummm… Lord, this may sound strange, but can we become food for these girls?"

Blake almost choked on air as he looked at the two girls blushing away. He realized he had come too late. They were already corrupted! "I will think about it." Blake could only say this. He felt bad outright rejecting them, as he would need to bring them in as concubines if he were to do that. It was just that he did not want to bring them two girls under his wing. It was not that he did not think they were pretty or anything. It was just that he already had enough wives, and this time was only to do his wife a favor.

The two girl\'s eyes lit up as they nodded their heads. And went off into a corner to whisper to one another. The men who were with them all had sad looks in their eyes. They will never be able to forget the sight of the team six angels moaning in pleasure before their very eyes.

The group made their way out of the basement area and returned to the first floor, where they were met with a torrential downpour. The green rain was so heavy it that it was pooling up on the ground so fast that rivers were forming.

"This is not good. The world\'s weather has changed since before. Normally these kinds of rains would not be so heavy but this…. If this is pooling up and running into underground streams and mixing in with the drinking water…. Blake, all water sources in the area might just become contaminated in a short time. Including our own." Lillia\'s face was kind of pale; she couldn\'t even imagine the kind of situation they were about to be in.

"Lillia, can monsters…." Blake did not even need to finish his sentence when he saw a figure stumbling toward them. It was a six horned moose, but with one look, you could see that it was not normal. Its skin was falling off, and one of its legs was broken. "I see. So it\'s not just sentient beings…."

"No…. it shouldn\'t\'t be like this…." Lillia cried out. "How is this possible!? Monsters should not be able to turn! Blake, we need to hurry back!"

"Alright." Blake looked at Bret, who nodded before darting into the rain. Twelve people ran through the downpour, but their speed was slow because the undead was rising up all over the place.

They had to stop and kill everything they came across before burning their bodies. One after another, they continued forward. It was not until they reached the first outpost that they saw the true horror of this kind of rain. Skeletons, zombies, it did not matter if they were human or monster or even old world animals. They were gathered in the tens of thousands, marching toward the city.

On the city walls, Noa and the other wives stood tall, staring out over the enemy approaching their city. "Hehe… and here I thought it would be peaceful for a while."

"Noa, your inner Blake is showing." Tina teased, causing Noa to stick her tongue out at her.

"I can\'t help it. I get bored too, you know! It\'s been so peaceful. After so many battles, you start to long for a fight. Although, I have a feeling our future will be filled with fighting anyways. This rain is crazy strong. If not for the barrier, we would not be able to even be outside right now." Sam looked at the river flowing around the wall and then at the dry land inside and felt quite lucky.

"Hey girls, is it just me, or is there some screaming coming from the city?" Mina pulled on tina\'s hair to get her attention. All of them turned to see something was truly amiss in the city. That was until Erica suddenly shouted out. "Look! Something is coming from underground!"

"Damn it! Don\'t tell me the water is flowing under the city!" Noa knew this was bad. "Mina, sound the alarm. We are now under a rank one situation!"

"On it!" Mina flew off towards the tall tower on the wall. It was one of the places where they installed a new kind of alarm system.

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