
Chapter 532 A Sudden Kiss?

"I think she understands my intentions. I am not really good at hiding it and have been quite open about things…." Joy\'s face was red from ear to ear. She felt embarrassed about talking about this with her father. At first, she was scared that she would get into trouble but now she was just embarrassed. 

Blake scratched his head. He never had thought about this before but as they were drakani it would not be too strange if they did lust after their own siblings especially since he did not wish for his daughters to be running amok and getting knocked up by some man they met during one of their lust episodes. Even he is unable to control himself sometimes. Never mind young girls who had just entered their puberty phase.

"I see. Well… If she accepts you then fine but do not force anything on her. I won\'t stop the two of you and to be honest, I kind of preferred if you married another girl." As a father, he did not like any man getting near his daughters.

  "I do not think you will have that issue…." Joy pursed her lips. She wondered if her Papa understood just how much his being there ruined any chance for any guy to get close to them. After all, their standards were based on their Papa.

"Well… Anyway, just take things slow. If you and Destiny really do end up together, let me know, and your mother know. You know she worries a lot about you. You two are so similar that you are both putting up a wall. But she is always worried about you. She was the one who mentioned that she felt something was off about you. So try to open up to her more from now on, okay?" Blake rubbed Joy\'s head and smiled. He hoped Joy and Clance could have more mother daughter time together.

"Mm… I worry about her as well. She is always trying so hard that I wish she would rest more." Just as Clance was watching her daughter from afar, Joy was watching her mother as well. She loved her mother. It was just she did not seem to be able to express herself to her mother since she was different.

"Good. I hope you two can talk more." Blake gently rubbed Joy\'s head before he continued walking. 

The two chatted about this and that before returning to the palace. Joy felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders now that her father knew of her feelings. She was in quite a good mood as she skipped down the hall with her tail swaying back and forth. She made her way to Destiny\'s room and entered without even knocking. 

Destiny, who had just come out of the bath, wrapped in a towel, looked at her sister and sighed. "Can you at least knock!?"

"Sorry! I forgot! I was lost in happiness!" Joy replied as she hopped over to Destiny and hugged her, only to be pushed away seconds later.

"What are you happy about?" Destiny asked as she walked over to her closet and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She then went to her dresser to get some underwear to put on. She undid her towel and let it fall to the ground as she started to get dressed, of course, Joy\'s eyes were locked on the petite body that had a modest set of perky mounds. "Joy, you are staring too much."

"I can\'t help it! You look sexy." Joy pursed her lips as she walked to Destiny\'s side. Destiny ignored her as she put on her panties and bra. She knew how Joy felt but still had no issues changing in front of her. Plus, she kind of liked the praise she got just now.

"So why are you so happy?" Destiny asked as she went to grab her shirt, only for Joy to take it from her. She sighed and stuck her arms up, which made Joy smile. Joy slipped the shirt over her arms and pulled it down, her fingers accidentally thumbing over Destiny\'s breasts.

Joy then took Destiny\'s shorts, knelt down, and placed them so that Destiny could step into them. She looked up at her cute sister and really wished she could pounce on her. "I took a walk with Papa, and we talked about my umm… special tastes…."

"Oh?" Destiny asked as she stepped into the short\'s leg holes. She let Joy pull them up and button them for her. She hated herself for getting used to this kind of pampering as of late. But she still did not stop Joy from doing it.

"Mmm… He told me he was fine with it as long as you accepted it." Joy blushed as she hugged Destiny once more. She so wished she would say yes.

"I see…" Destiny pursed her lips. She patted Joy\'s hand so that she would let go before walking over to her desk, where she had a mirror to dry her hair. "To think he would be okay with that, but our love for him…."

"I know… But… I can also understand why." Joy hated to admit it, but she did understand.

"Mama Nanaya and Mama Ishtar are mother and daughter…" Destiny still could not get over her feelings. She hated the fact that she could not act upon them. She resorted to the fact that she had to sneakily use his DNA alongside her to make Atolie. She wished her dream could come true, but it seemed it would never be so.

Joy leaned down and hung her arms over Destiny\'s shoulders as she pushed her cheek up against hers. "I understand how you feel. I also wish the same thing. But I know it will not happen. But I do promise I will always be by your side." 

Joy\'s eyes flashed slightly as she turned her head and kissed Destiny\'s cheek. This only got her a hand in the face as Destiny pushed her away. "Joy…. I know what you want, but… Let me think about it."

"Mmm…" Joy pouted slightly as she stood up, only to be pulled back down to have a set of warm lips pressed against her cheek. "This?"

"I am just returning the favor. Joy, I am not sure how I feel about you. I love you as a sister and always will. As for other feelings, they may be there, but I am not sure, so let me… Muph!" Destiny\'s words were cut off when a set of lips covered her mouth. Destiny was so shocked she could not react in time, and before she knew it, a tongue was twirling around her mouth. Joy had her arms around Destiny\'s neck and was already lost in the kiss she was having with her sister. 

Destiny\'s eyes slowly closed. She did not hate this kiss. In fact, she felt it felt kind of good.

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