
Chapter 24: Visual torture

Chapter 24: Visual torture

A white metal door slid open and three people, two male and one female dressed fully in white, stepped into the huge room.

They stared at the pale man who wore a patient gown with every visible part of his skin marred with scars even his face wasn\'t excluded, his skin was so pale that his veins were visible.

Attached to his body were intravenous tubes from which six machines were constantly drawing blood from his body as their cylinders slowly filled.

The woman went to monitor "his vitals have dropped, he needs his nutrition"

The second man nodded and placed a stand with a mixed liquid close to Derek and Pierced the needle into his arm, the liquid ran through the intravenous tube into his body. The man nodded and turned to the woman, she stared at the screen for a while and nodded, while they were busy, an important individual had arrived.

A black helicopter landed on the heliport built at the top of a tall twelve story building, two soldiers rushed and opened the doors as the rotating blades slowly came to a stop.

A huge man in a tight black suit came out, he had long well groomed black hair and a mask that covered from his nose down to his chin exposing his cold black eyes. A guy with an arrogant expression also came out with a curvy girl whose eyes shone with indifference.

They calmly walked towards the elevator, armed soldiers marched after them in rows of two.

They entered the elevator and the huge man calmly said " last floor" the elevator pinged and began to move downwards. Its speed was amazing as in a few moments the man had arrived at the last floor underground, the door slid open and he stepped out.

The scientists were running series of tests when the man suddenly barged in, when the scientists saw him, they immediately stopped and bowed their heads, the man ignored them and walked towards Derek, he gazed at Derek for a while "he looks malnourished"

The scientists trembled when they heard the man\'s voice, the first man opened his mouth and tried to speak clearly but he failed "umm.. sir.. to meet up with the ... Amount you gave... we had no other option"

"Is that so" he turned towards them and inquired with a soft voice "why haven\'t you gotten any results, it\'s been a month, we are not pleased"

The scientists trembled when the man said \'we\' . Anytime these people are unhappy, nothing ends well.

"From what I\'ve seen, you must have thoroughly searched his body, good job but I\'m still not satisfied. From now on we would move into the virtual world, we must find out the cause of his difference no matter the cost" he said softly, Derek\'s life was worthless to him, but he wouldn\'t let Derek die until he got what he wanted.

"But sir, he may die, his body is already very unstable, i suggest we take it slowly" the woman voiced her thoughts.

"Oh!... Are you disobeying my orders"

His harmless voice caused the woman to tremble.

"I would never disobey your orders" she uttered meekly.

"Good, now let\'s get to work"

Immediately the door opened and two soldiers came in with a stretcher bed, the machine holding Derek released him and they laid Derek on the stretcher and cuffed him before pushing him out, all this while, Derek eyes were hollow, the constant torture had broken him, there was no iota of light in his eyes, he was now an empty shell.

He was taken to a different room and laid on a bed before a helmet connected with numerous wires was placed on his head, it was activated and Derek felt dizzy and slept.

He suddenly appeared in a dark room with a green hazy light shining on him, he was sitting on a chair and a huge man who wore a mask walked towards him, he bent and placed his palms on Derek\'s shoulders

"You are a whole new world Derek, do not see this as a bad thing. Think of it this way.... You are indirectly saving thousands of lives because once we find out what makes you different, we could finally create an army strong enough to push back the nightmares, you could be humanity\'s savior, this is an opportunity anyone would die for and it was given to you... All you have to do is sit tight and let us extract it".

He gazed into Derek\'s unresponsive eyes and chuckled, he turned and walked away.

He stood behind a large glass see-through wall with two people; a boy and a girl in their early twenties, they watched expressionlessly as Derek screamed while the machines cut him open.

The boy smirked and leaned closer while the girl was a little pale, they were both scions in the organization, the positions of their parents were even higher than the masked man standing with them.

"I do not understand why we have to stand, it\'s unpleasant and I need a seat and a snack too" the boy ordered while staring at the bloodied screaming Derek with an amusing gaze.

"Didn\'t you hear him?" The huge man turned to a soldier who stood guard, he hurriedly nodded and left the room.

"What a fool, it\'s a virtual world and he went to find a chair." The boy scoffed while a chair suddenly appeared and he sat down, a large bowl of popcorn appeared on a stool close to him, he smirked and shook his index finger at the girl.

She knew he was boasting about his so-called spatial ring.

"You do know those things are childish, spatial ring.. what rubbish, you waste your time watching movies that you\'re now stupid" that girl scowled and pressed a button on the wall a chair appeared and she sat down, this was the virtual world where anything was almost possible but she liked to remain real unlike the fool beside her.

"Heh... At least I\'ve been with most of the female actors and to be honest, they were fun" the boy snickered while emphasizing his last words.

The girl\'s face turned red and she glared at the boy, her thoughts were just to smash her fist at that cocky face of his, this is the reason she hates most men, they couldn\'t control themselves when they see a beautiful woman "how disgusting".

"Whatever!, You can\'t change a thing"

She ignored him, her face turned pale when she saw the machine removing some bloodied parts from Derek\'s body.

Outside, Derek\'s body began to spasm to the extent of the bed shaking and the metals creaking.

"I don\'t think he can handle it any longer, we need to stop now or we lose him" the woman shouted.

The other two nodded and switched off the machine and Derek came back from the virtual world but his body was still spasming so they had to hold him and IV him.

The masked man and the two scions never bothered about Derek\'s condition, they entered the exclusive elevator and it took them back to the rooftop, while they walked towards the helicopter the masked man turned to them.

"So what do you think about our new resource?" he inquired.

"Nothing worth mentioning, he\'s totally useless, can\'t even endure for ten minutes, what a weakling" the boy scowled.

"He\'s a prime resource but the downsides are also numerous and the main one is, he may not last" the girl said after a brief thought.

"You\'re right, that\'s the reason we need to find answers fast, the human body is complicated and may fail at any time" the masked man responded.

The boy scoffed and entered the helicopter, and a few minutes later they left the building, disappearing into the bright clouds and sunny sky.

(Author\'s note; if you have any question about the difference in the stronghold, air it... I feel some people haven\'t understood yet. Also pls I said add to your library not remove, it\'s pretty sensitive to a new author like me to see collections dropping instead of increasing. Can you guys not remove it from your library... I\'ll really appreciate it)

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