
Chapter 63 Loyalty

<Ezra\'s POV>

As I laid my eyes on the pile of shiny objects, I felt my greed spiking as I thought of stealing everything in front of me, but then I remembered the stated punishment for whoever breached the contract and wiped away such thoughts without hesitation.

With that out of the way, I took another look at the pile, this time inspecting every item slowly. One thing was for sure, the amount of trash far surpassed the treasures.

A saying that I hadn\'t heard in a long time came to mind, "Not all that glitters is gold".

But, in reverse, it also meant that things that didn\'t glitter could be gold.

Taking a deep breath, I activated mana vision and the scene in front of me turned blue, the color of mana. The brightness of each item would indicate if it was treasure or trash. Though I call it trash, the shabbiest item would sell for at least ten gold.

While I looked, I also kept in mind that the treasures, as good as they might be, may not be helpful to me or for the personal army I\'ll be raising through Cabrera\'s guild.

Yes, you heard me right. I knew what was coming, from the age of war to the coming of the otherworld monsters and dungeons. There were things I simply could not handle on my own. I would need loyal and, most importantly, strong subordinates behind me.

Becoming Emperor would grant me the army of Niton in its entirety, but there were too many things wrong with that plan, from the nobles who would no doubt try everything to stop me from becoming the Emperor, and would hinder me after I did, to the countless army men who were already dogs of nobility, and many more.

Nobles are self-gratified fools who lived off the fear and the awe from commoners, when in fact, their lives could be said to be even more pitiful as they constantly fought, trying to achieve ambitious and outrageous goals. Goals they would go to any length to see come to fruition, which was a major reason for the downfall of many, many powers.

But I threw those thoughts to the back of my head when I caught sight of something shining blue like no other. And the most baffling thing was that it wasn\'t an item, but the tiled floor!

It wasn\'t exactly the floor, but something below it.

It took but a moment to figure out that it was an underground passage leading somewhere, but I did not know where.

So, I deactivated mana vision and turned to face Bard, who was staring at me like a hawk, carefully watching to see which of his things I would take.

"There\'s an underground passageway underneath here"

Bard\'s eyes widened in surprise, before he quickly regained his composure and said…


A vein popped out of my head at his ridiculous acting.

Nevertheless, I calmed myself and looked things over rationally.

There was never a part in the contract that forced him to tell me his secrets…that\'s it!

I had fifteen requests I could ask him to do. What I had in mind was different, and there was a ninety percent chance that Bard never thought of it. Or maybe he did, but it wasn\'t something an ordinary five year old boy could ever come up with.

Too bad, I was anything but ordinary.

Unknowingly, a wicked grin had formed across my face as I asked…

"Mr. Bard, could you hand me another piece of paper?"

Bard suddenly had an ominous feeling. This was how he had been humiliated into signing a very one-sided contract, at least in his opinion.

But what could he do when he woke from his reverie only to see Ezra already scribbling away, before stretching the paper to him.

With a trembling hand he snatched the paper. He could feel that it would not do him any good, yet he still took the paper and read through.

And, sure enough, his instincts were true. His face turned grave like a flower sucked of all its dew.

I couldn\'t care less though. A deal was a deal, and what was written in the note was something that helped him more than me, so I asked…

"What is your answer?"

Bard looked at me and the note in his hand for a whole minute and sighed, before saying…

"You, you must be the son of a demon king. That\'s it, isn\'t it?"

What I wrote on the parchment was simple. If he didn\'t want me to command "Tell me all your secrets from the day you were bo he better open up all the passageways and the secret compartment where he kept his real treasures.

It was at this moment that Bard realized what a blunder he had made. To have written in the contract "and any additional fifteen requests" was a grave mistake.

I didn\'t personally care about his secrets, but I was sure he wouldn\'t want to reveal them. You can\'t climb to the top without stepping on someone below, so he was bound to have secrets.

Bard gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as multiple veins popped up on his skin.  He did so for another minute, before coming back to his normal self. He then used mana to move the items that were on the floor to the wall side, after which, he approached his bookshelf and pulled a book, and then the ground shook.

A moment later, as I found my balance, I saw the floor opening up. The tiles fold and then a stairs leading downwards reveals itself.

Bard looked at me and then took the lead as he said…

"Follow me"

But, before he could go far, I remembered something and hastily said…

"I command you to switch off all traps from this door-"

I said pointing at the door to the lair.

"-along with all those you know of among these walls"

It seemed I had read his mind as he grumbled under his breath and put his hand on the wall nearby.

"Whew" I said to calm my nerves, for I would have been a goner if I hadn\'t said to shut down the traps.

After all, he was only requested to open the passageway. Nothing stated that he needed me alive. If his aim was to kill me, then what was down here was bound to be extraordinary.

The traps were gone, as he couldn\'t defy what would be term in the contract, and so was one of my fifteen requests.

I stepped on the stairs made of stone and tiptoed a little to make sure the traps were gone, before moving forward with fervor and catching sight of Bard looking at me with a nasty expression as he said…

"Are you trying to ruin me?"

I think I pushed him too hard. I needed to use the right dose of carrot and stick so he doesn\'t do something stupid later on.

"You know much about me, and now I know much about you too. If I\'m not wrong, then something must have happened for you to need that formula so much"

Bard\'s eyes glinted dangerously as the boy had deduced the truth, but he didn\'t say anything. That was a clear yes to Ezra, so he continued.

"You make it seem as if I\'m robbing you when, in fact, I could be considered to be on the losing side of this deal. First and foremost, as soon as you reveal the formula, your reputation will skyrocket. After that, you\'ll gain a thirty percent cut of all taxes imposed by the Empire on whoever makes the product. You\'ll be gaining money without doing anything. Then, your position as Head Alchemist will also be all but guaranteed. So tell me, what exactly are you angry about?"

"Hmm" only now did Bard\'s memories refresh. He closed his eyes and, when he opened them, his gaze of hatred was no more, and neither was his cold gait he had been maintaining all this while. But something baffled him once more as he asked…

"Are you sure you\'re five years old?"

"Do I look like I\'m fifty to you?" Ezra replied sarcastically, before throwing forth a question.

"What would you be willing to do for another alchemic formula?"

It was a ridiculous question that would make other alchemists sneer with locks of utmost disdain, but Bard did none of that. Instead, he held his chin as he contemplated, before saying…

"I can give you many things, but…what is it, someone like you, a prince of the empire, and a boy who seems to have been born with alchemy formulas, wants from a lowly me?"

For the first time since they met, which was just hours ago, Bard voluntarily lowered his head towards Ezra as he bowed in an upside down L shape.

Ezra nodded in acknowledgement, not because he enjoyed the flattering (which he did), but because Bard was just the kind of person he was looking for.

Bard acknowledged that the person in front of him had many things he needed, and was willing to put down his pride in order to improve. A trait one would expect from an old man, and more importantly, the head alchemist.

So, Bard remained bowing as he awaited Ezra\'s reply, which came soon after.

"What I want…is something only you can give. It is your Loyalty!"

"Mr. Bard, tell me. Can you take this boy, who is only five years of age, as your lord?!"

When Bard heard this, his mind went blank for a moment before regaining its bearing.

His mind wandered off as he recalled the events of the past hour.

He, the head Alchemist, was suppressed in every way during the negotiations. And while he could say it was because of the matter between him and the vice, such an excuse was too shallow even for him.

He had his arrogance as a master alchemist wiped away when he saw the formula and his pride deflated along with it, and then came forth resentment and unwillingness. Unwillingness to accept the reality in front of him.

But when Ezra explained all the benefits he would get from the one formula, his mind that had been going through all sorts of emotions calmed down. And when he looked at things objectively, he found himself feeling an emotion he had never felt before…envy! Envy at Ezra\'s talent. Even though he never said he created it himself, Bard had subconsciously believed so.

Bard took a look at himself and felt pathetic. The head alchemist was acting so disgraceful in front of a child. But now that he sorted his thoughts, a smile came over his face.

He had been living off his fame and glory for so long that he had forgotten that people better than him, far better, existed. And when he met one, he didn\'t want to accept it.

But now he had accepted it, and he was deeply humbled. The reason he had pursued alchemy wasn\'t for fame or women, it was purely because of passion.

Researching the unknown was something he loved. It seemed luck had shined on him today and brought someone who could light his path. Yet, he was angry.

Bard felt that the himself of a few minutes ago really deserved a beating.

With this realization, he bowed his head without hesitation.

Yet, it seemed lady luck wasn\'t done, for in the next moment, an opportunity to redeem himself while allowing him gain the knowledge from the alchemic prodigy was presented to him.

Bard\'s answer…was already decided!

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