
Chapter 11 - 11 - Ascension Path

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Ascension Path

Looking at the back of the asura as it went slowly, Liam and Aric settled down amidst the crystal field. The vastness around them felt even more pronounced now, the majority of the crystalline structures having been assimilated into the colossal castle\'s construction.

Liam glanced at his arm, where blood continued to seep through a fresh wound. Before he could inspect it further, Aric\'s hand darted into his pack, producing a small jar with an intricate label written in an unfamiliar script.

Catching the jar effortlessly, Liam looked up to see Aric nodding towards it. "It\'s a healing salve," Aric explained, his tone soft yet confident. "Apply the cream directly to your wounds. It\'ll expedite the healing process. It\'s one of the renowned products from my hometown – particularly effective for superficial injuries like yours."

Liam opened the jar, the aroma of the salve hinting at exotic herbs. As he began to apply it, he felt an immediate cooling sensation, alleviating the pain.

Seeing Liam\'s evident relief, Aric continued, "To reintroduce myself, I\'m Aricc Luminar, though most simply call me Aric. I belong to the Lumiere lineage, and my homeland is the planet of Seraphelis." He gestured with an open palm, inviting inquiries. "Feel free to ask any questions; I\'ll do my best to enlighten you."

As Liam prepared to speak, an embarrassingly loud rumble emanated from his stomach, cutting off his words. The noise felt magnified in the silence, causing Liam\'s face to turn a shade of deep red.

Trick\'s voice chimed in from deep within his mind, dripping with amusement, "Great timing, stomach! Way to make an impression."

Aric simply smirked, rummaging in his bag before tossing a loaf of bread and a bottle of clear liquid to Liam. "Sounds like someone\'s famished," he teased. Retrieving another loaf for himself, he took a bite and continued, "I hope it suits your taste."

Catching the bread and bottle, Liam chuckled, the tension broken. "Thanks, Aric," he said, offering a nod of gratitude. "I\'m Liam Raine, just a regular human from a place called Earth. Mind shedding some light on this trial and the whole concept of the shroud?"

Aric chuckled, revealing a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, I had a hunch about you," he began, "but it appears I\'ve actually met the \'Fortunate Misfortune,\'" seeing Liam\'s confused expression. "It\'s a term we use for folks like you. Fortunate, because against all odds, you\'ve found a way into the shroud. Yet, misfortune because, well, most of your kind end up... dead."

Liam\'s eyes widened at Aric\'s words, but he said nothing. Inside his mind, he was in turmoil. Most are dead? But don\'t all of them get three lives?

Trick\'s playful voice emerged, perfectly embodying his mischievous nature. "Well, Liam, thinking life comes in a three-for-one deal? Told you before, someone\'s paying the price for your little adventure here." The imaginary wink in Trick\'s voice was almost tangible, leaving Liam both annoyed and amused at his companion\'s antics.

Liam\'s mind began to race, connecting dots that seemed far apart moments ago. Images of his father, always cryptic about certain aspects of his past, flashed before him. Could he have ties to all of this? Was it possible that he, too, once walked this very path?

Seeing Liam lost in thought, Aric continued, "To give you a clearer picture, each civilization sends its most promising youth to participate in these trials. Some aspire to access the shroud, but for many, the real allure is the exclusivity of this planet, Once your trial concludes, there\'s no returning to this planet. It\'s a one-time privilege."

He leaned in, emphasizing his next point, "As for the shroud, envision it as the universe\'s grand nexus. A central hub connecting countless realms, where you can find gateways to other planets, trade advanced tech, seek out rarities... essentially, if you can dream it, the shroud likely has it. It\'s a place of limitless possibilities."

Liam\'s brow furrowed, his intrigue deepening. "So, if most undertake the trial to arrive on this planet, does that mean there are those who can access the shroud without it?".

Aric nodded thoughtfully. "That\'s correct. The trial is only presented to those never trained with any ascension path." even if one possesses knowledge of ascension, they still seek this planet.

This planet is unique. We call it \'Origin.\' No one knows exactly why, but many ancient ascension methods are found here. It\'s like a treasure trove of wisdom and power, guarded by the guardian."

Liam\'s brows furrowed in intrigue, "Can you elaborate more into these ascension methods?"

Aric paused momentarily, collecting his thoughts before answering, "Ascension methods, in essence, are pathways we utilize to harness greater power, amplify our innate potential, and transcend our inherent limitations. While there are myriad ways known across the universe,but generally, we classify them into three main types."

He held up one finger, "First is Genetic. This method is about refining and augmenting our very biology. By channeling different forms of energy into the body, practitioners mold and strengthen their genetic structure, turning their bodies into powerful vessels capable of extraordinary feats."

Raising a second finger, he continued, "Next is Symbiote. This is about forming bonds, either through contracts or even fusion, with powerful artifacts. It\'s not just wielding an artifact; it\'s letting the artifact become a part of you or forming a pact with it. Over time, this bond can deepen to the point where the wielder and the artifact act in harmony, amplifying each other\'s strength."

Then, he slowly raised a third finger, and Liam noticed a shadow cross Aric\'s face. "Lastly, the method that\'s widely popular but incredibly dangerous: Covenant. This is about forging pacts with higher entities. Every culture, and every race has different names for these beings: Gods, Divines, Celestials. Yet, over time, a common name has emerged, the Shroud Masters."

Liam studied Aric\'s demeanor, sensing the raw emotion beneath his words. Tentatively, he probed, "It sounds like you\'ve had a personal encounter with them. A bad one at that."

Aric\'s eyes flared for a moment, a storm of emotions brewing within. "Bad? \'Bad\' doesn\'t even begin to scratch the surface," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of anguish and anger.

Taking a deep breath, he seemed to wrestle with his emotions, trying to reign them in. After a long, heavy pause, Aric exhaled slowly, the weight of countless memories pressing down on him. "It\'s a long, painful tale. Just know this: steer clear of them. They bring nothing but misery and destruction."

Seeing the depth of Aric\'s emotions on the topic, Liam decided not to press further.

Calmed down, Aric continued his explanation. "Every Ascension path has it own distinct stages, but to give a general overview, there are three major stages that everyone agrees on," he began.

"The first stage, \'Ascended\', signifies those who have awakened and can manipulate energies in specific manners.

Following that, there\'s the \'Neophyte\' stage, which represents beings who have a deeper control and understanding of certain types of energies.

And finally, the \'Celestial\' stage signifies those who have reached a pinnacle of understanding, granting them the capability to generate and mold their own distinct energy."

He paused momentarily, letting the information sink in before proceeding, "However, it\'s crucial to understand that these stages are not absolutes. The universe is vast and unpredictable. There have been instances where an Ascended individual has killed a Celestial. It all boils down to the nature and mastery of the energy wielded."

Aric shifted slightly, drawing patterns in the ground as he spoke, "To further categorize the complexities within the Ascended stage, we differentiate based on potential and the rarity of the energy form. This has led to the classification of seven classes, each ascending in potential and rarity."

He started counting off on his fingers, "Starting from the most foundational, they are Class 1 Basic, Class 2 Refined, Class 3 Mystical, Class 4 Cosmic, Class 5 Quantum, Class 6 Divine, and culminating with Class 7 Primordial.

Typically, we refer to individuals based on their rank and stage. So, you might hear terms like \'Mystical Ascended\' or \'Refined Celestial,\' to name a few examples."

Liam furrowed his brows in thought. "And what of the ancient methods you mentioned earlier? How do they factor into all of this?"

Aric\'s eyes took on a distant look as if remembering something profound. "Ah, the ancient methods," he began slowly. "They are the treasures of this place. Securing an ancient method usually ensures at least a Class 4, though there are whispers, someone have stumbled upon Class 7 path here."

He paused, letting the significance sink in, before continuing, "The term \'ancient\' isn\'t just for show. These methods are unparalleled and unique, not replicated anywhere in the known universe. If you manage to acquire one, it becomes your sole possession, a singular legacy. Many have capitalized on this exclusivity, trading them for vast fortunes or even building powerful factions and organizations around them."

Running a hand through his hair, Aric leaned back, "Outside this realm, securing a path of even Class 3 and above can be a Herculean task. One would need to pledge allegiance to a organization, expend exorbitant amounts of wealth, or embark on perilous quests to uncharted territories. Except your are those lucky born with silver spoon. Here, however, the reward awaits, provided you brave the trials."

Liam\'s eyes sharpened, his logical mind connecting the dots. "But aren\'t the trials here fraught with danger too? Isn\'t venturing here, seeking these methods, just as perilous as seeking them in the outside world?"

Aric leaned forward, his gaze intensifying as he addressed Liam\'s question. "Yes, there\'s no denying the inherent risks here. However, the dangers lurking outside are on an entirely different scale. To give you some context, even a Class 5 Celestial could easily meet their end in those wild expanses."

He paused for emphasis, ensuring Liam grasped the gravity of his words. "That Asura we encountered? He\'s Class 5 Celestial strength, at least."

Liam\'s eyes widened, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief. He took a moment to process what Aric had just conveyed. "Wait, so you\'re telling me that the Asura we just meet... he\'s is considered just barely good? How people survive out there?"

Aric leaned back, offering a wry smile. "Well, it\'s a mix of wits, alliances, and knowing when to fight and when to flee. The shroud is vast, and not every place is a battlefield. Class isn\'t just about raw strength; it\'s about understanding and harnessing your energy, mastering tactics, and making the right choices. Plus, many of the lower power band together, form communities or guilds, pooling their knowledge and resources. There\'s safety in numbers, after all."

He sighed a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "In many ways, your rank is like a tool. It\'s about how you use it, not just having it. Some Class 3 or 4 individuals can outmaneuver a Class 5 if they\'re smart and strategic. So, never underestimate your own potential, no matter the rank."

He then flexed his fingers thoughtfully, "Furthermore, while everyone\'s journey with ascension is unique, there are those rare individuals compatible with multiple ascension paths. For those below Class 4, such compatibility is more common, but as one advances, finding a congruent path becomes increasingly elusive."

Suddenly, Aric\'s expression shifted as he remembered the shimmering crystal gifted by the Asura.

Extracting it from his pouch, he held it up, allowing the ambient light to dance on its intricate facets. "This crystal," he said, his voice laced with a hint of awe, "have at least Class 6, of the genetic Path sealed inside it. However, it only allows one to ascend up to the initial \'ascended\' stage, to get the complete path we need to challenge the castle"

He paused, fixing Liam with a determined gaze. "I intend to face it. Will you join me?"

Liam cradled the crystal in his hand, his thoughts a whirlwind. Despite being thrust into this situation without warning, he realized this was a golden opportunity. The stakes were undeniably high, but he still had two lives left.

The potential rewards of acquiring the complete path seemed worth the gamble. Additionally, something about the term "origin" tugged at the recesses of his memory, stirring something profound within.

Finally, he lifted his gaze to meet Aric\'s, determination clear in his eyes. "I will join you. But let\'s rest for now and gather our strength." trick\'s mischievous voice rang in his mind, "We\'ve got some uninvited guests. Behind you"

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