
Chapter 8 - The Fox Makes A First Impression

Chu Yun never expected that Zui alphas could smell so sweet.

Xiao Zai smelled of wolfberry(1) wine. It was an intoxicating scent, strong and powerful like strong spirits, yet clean, not at all like the stale smell of a drunkard. But there was an undeniable sweet undercurrent to it. The sweet wolfberry was the first thing Chu Yun\'s nose picked up.

In Xin, omegas usually smelled like fruits, while alphas smelled like plants or trees, and usually a combination of both, like him.

It was all he could think about as Xiao Zai helped him to the sedan, so much so that he forgot to be offended about being helped into the chair.

The sedan was as uncomfortable as he expected, and the idea of spending days travelling inside it made Chu Yun want to scream, but at the moment he was too disoriented to think about any of that.

Xiao Zai didn\'t look the way he expected either. For one he had been smiling when Chu Yun first saw him which was unexpected -- he looked almost relieved in a way. About what Chu Yun had no idea. Maybe he thought Chu Yun would be taller than him.

He had the haughty look Chu Yun associated with the wolves, but his presence wasn\'t overbearing. His smile softened his sharp features, dispelling some his threatening aura. His gaze was deep and penetrating. The upturned corners of his eyes made him look less stoic, somewhat mischievous.

Chu Yun was glad his own face had been covered with the veil when they first saw each other.

As soon as the sedan started moving Chu Yun wanted to look out of the red curtains and take a last look at his family, but he knew it wouldn\'t be proper.

They would be back three days after the wedding to pay their respects. He could wait until then -- unreasonable travel times included.

Knowing he wouldn\'t be seeing him for some time, Chu Yun regretted the conversation he had with Chu Hean back when he was being dressed in his wedding robe.

He had been complaining about how humiliating all the fussing, and preening was, while looking into the full-length gold mirror in his quarters and sneering at his own reflection when he caught the annoyed look that stole across Chu Hean\'s face in the mirror.

"What is it?" he asked, dropping his arms and dismissing the servants with a curt nod.

Chu Hean remained silent for some time before admitting, "It won\'t be much different for me when I get married, you know? Actually, you\'re getting off easy."

It was his careless laugh and pithy remark that Chu Yun now regretted. "Yes, but you\'re an omega. It\'s fine for you."

Even now, he could remember the disappointed downward\'s swoop of his younger brother\'s eyebrows. "Why would something be humiliating for you, and fine for me? What sense does that make?"

Chu Hean left before Chu Yun could explain himself, and afterwards they didn\'t have much time to talk.

Now, Chu Yun was left alone with his regrets, being jostled inside a narrow sedan with a long and lonely trip ahead of him.


They travelled through the night and into the next day and evening before coming to stop at a roadside inn to rest for the night.

Chu Yun was so grateful he could have cried.

They had made some short stops during the day to eat something and answer the call of nature, but mostly so the horses could drink water, from what Chu Yun gathered.

He hadn\'t been allowed to take off his veil in front of anyone, and was forced to eat inside the cursed sedan. The little strolls he took to stretch out his legs had all been heavily guarded.

The wedding party was so large that he hadn\'t seen Hua Nanyi or any of the other servants who were accompanying him as part of his dowry. He hoped the Zui dogs were treating them well, and not taking liberties.

He was dying for a proper bath and to get out from under the heavy scrutiny of the Zui wedding escort. Which was mostly a honour guard dressed in red, to make them look more festive.

Chu Yun couldn\'t help rolling his eyes as a steward arranged their accommodations, emphasising that his and Xiao Zai\'s rooms should be on opposite sides of the inn.

Obviously, both he and Xiao Zai would have separate rooms. Because there was such a large risk of either of them being overwhelmed by the other\'s pheromones that they consummated their union then and there.

The poor innkeeper was so aggrieved by the presence of the Zui wolves that she just said yes to all their demands.

Chu Yun was the only one who heard a no.

"Apologising to his Grace but our humble establishment doesn\'t provide individual baths for our guests. However his Grace is welcome to bathe in our hot springs."

Chu Yun announced loudly that he would be using the hot springs first, and made a beeline for the courtyard, stopping only to grab the washing basket the innkeeper offered him.


Soaking in the springs was just what he needed to get rid of the grime and exhaustion of the journey.

He pinned all of his silky hair on top of his head, adjusting the golden hairpins into a more comfortable configuration, and loosening the hair crown that had been giving him a headache the entire day.

The warm waters relaxed his tired muscles. He was almost dozing against the stone edge of the pool when the loud clank of a bamboo wash basin falling to the ground startled him.

When Chu Yun opened his eyes, Xiao Zai was standing across from him, in just his small clothes, with a towel draped carelessly over his shoulder.

Chu Yun was naked in the water, but the constant bubbling of the hot spring water hid his body from view.

He wasn\'t going to pretend he cared about either his or Xiao Zai\'s modesty, so he scooted to the side and spread out both his arms across the ledge of the pool.

"Stop staring and get in, before one of your nursemaids starts complaining about tradition and protocol."

Xiao Zai\'s frown wiped the shock off his sculpted features. "It isn\'t proper. I shouldn\'t have seen your face before the wedding, it\'s bad luck."

Chu Yun shrugged. "Because this wedding is already so blessed?"

It was clear from the glint in his dark eyes that Xiao Zai didn\'t approve of Chu Yun\'s glibness. Whether on purpose or accidentally, he sent out a strong wave of pheromones. Chu Yun let the sweet alcoholic scent wash over him with a smile.

He was beginning to think that if nothing else, he would derive great amusement out of pestering his future husband.

He kicked one bare leg out of the water, splashing Xiao Zai\'s feet. "Stop giving me that look and just get into the pool."


(1) another name for wolfberry is goji berry, but goji is the japanese name, its chinese name is gouqi, and considering the setting I thought the english name was a lot more appropriate.

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