
Chapter 102 I’m engaged to Serenaʼs sister?

Chapter 102 I\'m engaged to Serena?s sister?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Akashic Records)

"Lumiere, my boy, the reports I\'ve gotten from Serendipity have been quite impressive," he spoke, a twinkle in his eyes.

Lumiere, his face beaming with pride, looked at Serena with a warm smile.

But instead of meeting his gaze, Serena averted her eyes and pouted, uttering a faint "hmph!" as a sign of her annoyance.

Lumiere couldn\'t help but chuckle, realizing that she was still displeased with him.

"I must say, Lumiere," All-Father continued, "I\'m proud of the fact that you were able to break a curse that had plagued an entire race for half a century. And not only that, you even helped develop them into a thriving city."

Lumiere chuckled modestly, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, it\'s not quite a city yet, but we\'re definitely working towards it, sir."

Stellaria, unable to contain her excitement, suddenly grabbed Lumiere and tightly hugged him, much to his surprise.

Her ample bosom pressed against his face, leaving him momentarily stunned.

"Oh, daddy isn\'t Lumiere such a darling?!" Stellaria exclaimed, her voice filled with adoration.

All-Father chuckled heartily, stroking his beard.

"Well, I\'m sure he\'s quite the catch, but I must say, I\'m not into boys."

Stellaria blinked in confusion, "Eh?"

Isadora, visibly annoyed, chose to intervene.

"I would implore you not to be so clingy with my master," she shouted with a mischievous grin. With a swift motion, she pulled Lumiere away from Stellaria\'s breasts and pressed him against her own, a slight moan escaped her breath.

Lumiere, caught off guard, blushed furiously, his protests drowned out by Stellaria\'s laughter.

"( I give this boy powers and he comes back with a Harem... )" (All-Father)

As all the chaos unfolded, Serena sat quietly, her previously angry expression slowly morphing into a pout.

Stellaria, glancing at her sister, couldn\'t help but find her adorable when she was jealous.

But then, All-Father, his eyes filled with a sudden realization, turned to Isadora.

"By the way, Isadora, are you pregnant?" he asked, a hint of intrigue behind his voice.


Stellaria, Lumiere and the once quiet Serena all shouted together.

Isadora stared at All-Father in disbelief, her mouth agape.

"How did you know?" she asked, a mixture of shock and curiosity in her voice.

Stellaria let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Doesn\'t the word God mean anything to you, you idiot?" she retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Isadora\'s eyes widened as she shot back, "Who are you calling an idiot?" a forced smile on her face.

Stellaria glanced away, pretending to be fascinated by a random spot in basically nowhere, clearly ignoring Isadora\'s retort.

Serena interjected, turning to Isadora with an intrigued gaze. "Is it true? Are you really pregnant?" she asked in a hushed tone.

Isadora nodded, her face beaming with pride.

"Yes, I am," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Lumiere, was pale and silent throughout this exchange.

"I mean, shouldn\'t I say something?" he stuttered, his voice quivering.

All-Father raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Are you not curious about... whether you are the father?" he questioned, a sly smile forming on his lips.

Serena and Isadora exchanged a glance before shouting in chorus, "Of course he is!"

Lumiere scratched his chin, deep in thought, before speaking up. "You don\'t have to be so rude about it," he retorted, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

All-Father leaned forward, his gaze filled with anticipation. "I can sense a very powerful energy emanating from the child," he declared, his voice filled with awe. "This child is destined to be extraordinary, a force to be reckoned with."

Lumiere scratched his head, a mix of pride and apprehension evident on his face. "Great, I have overpowered in my genes," he muttered, not sounding entirely thrilled.

All-Father chuckled and patted Lumiere\'s shoulder reassuringly. "That\'s a good thing, my boy! Think of all the adventures and challenges this child will bring into your lives," he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Lumiere sighed, his expression slightly deflated. "Yes, but it\'s going to make taking care of the baby after childbirth quite difficult," he sighed.

Stellaria then reminisced about the time when Serena was just a tiny, adorable baby. She shared an amusing anecdote, revealing that whenever Serena cried, her immense power unintentionally demolished buildings all-round. Lumiere and All-Father couldn\'t help but squeal with delight, imagining how absolutely adorable baby Serena must have been.

"Eeeek! Baby Serena must have been the cutest little wrecking ball!" Lumiere exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Serena\'s face blushed a deep shade of red as the attention seemed to suffocate her. She pleaded, "Can we please stop talking about it? I\'ve changed, you know!"

"( It\'s like Serena\'s out of character when she\'s around family... )" (Serena)

All-Father regained his composure, clearing his throat before delivering a surprising revelation to Lumiere and Isadora. "You see, Lumiere, the reason this baby possesses such great power isn\'t solely due to your exceptional genes."

Lumiere, her curiosity piqued, turned to Isadora and asked, "What\'s he mean, Isadora?"

Isadora suppressed a giggle before imparting a shocking truth. "Well, master, the baby I\'m carrying in my womb was actually created from a Demon Lord seed."

Stellaria, Serena, and Lumiere all raised an eyebrow in disbelief, collectively questioning what on earth Isadora was talking about.

"A Demon Lord seed? What does that even mean?" Serena inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Isadora proceeded to enlighten them, revealing that a Demon Lord seed was a highly coveted, variegated form of a demon core that possessed its own level of consciousness. And not only that, it also bestowed immense power upon its wielder. Isadora explained that she had been fused with a Demon Lord seed since birth, as part of an goal to give birth to a suitable Demon Lord or King capable of ruling over the demon spirits.

All-Father chimed in, adding a jaw-dropping detail, "And believe it or not, Lumiere, your magically potent semen was powerful enough to fertilize that Demon Lord seed. It\'s a rare occurrence since most people\'s... well, you know, lack the necessary power."

Stellaria, not one to hold back her thoughts, blurted out, "So, Lumiere, your \'semen\' is really that potent?" She couldn\'t resist teasing him.

Isadora nodded with a playful smile, "Master\'s semen is national treasure."

Serena silently snickered.

"Can we stop talking about my semen?" Lumiere pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Indeed." All-Father cleared his throat. "Let\'s move on to more important things.."

As Lumiere scratched his head, still a little bewildered by All-Father\'s sudden change of topic, he couldn\'t help but ask, "Wait, I thought you brought me here just to see how I was doing. What\'s all this about \'more important things\'?"

All-Father chuckled mischievously, his eyes twinkling with hidden motives. "Oh, my dear son-in-law, there\'s always more to my plans than meets the eye."

"( Yeah... like your one minute engagements... )" (Lumiere)

"Don\'t forget I can read your mind boy.." (All-Father)

"I didn\'t." Lumiere smirked.

"But let\'s get to the point, shall we?" He glanced at Stellaria, who smiled back at him in return. This caught Lumiere\'s attention, and he found himself staring at Stellaria for an unusually long time.

"( That look! I know that look all too well... )" (Lumiere)

Suddenly, the realization hit him, and he quickly averted his gaze.

"Uh, All-Father, I... umm... well, yeah, Stellaria is attractive and all," he stammered, trying to think of the best way to avoid this.

Serena, who had been observing the exchange in silence, shot a glare at her father. "Father, what are you trying to make happen here?" she demanded, her tone laced with a mix of surprise and annoyance.

All-Father, still wearing his trademark enigmatic smile, leaned forward and rested his chin on his folded hands. "My dear Serendipity, you see, I believe Lumiere and Stellaria make quite the charming couple. They have an undeniable chemistry, wouldn\'t you agree?"

Eying her father suspiciously, Serena crossed her arms. "And what about what\'s best for me?" she challenged, her voice tinged with a hint of jealousy.

All-Father\'s expression softened, and he placed a gentle hand on Serena\'s shoulder. "Serendipity, my dear, don\'t you want the very best for your sister? Lumiere needs all the help he can get, and being engaged to Stellaria can also help with that."

Lumiere, still grappling with the sudden turn of events, managed to interject with a bewildered "Eh?"

He turned to Stellaria, trying to gauge her reaction, but her fondness for Lumiere was visibly evident as she draped her hands over his arm, her eyes shining with affection.

"Being engaged should be fun, don\'t you think...?" she spoke with her velvety voice.

"I can\'t believe this.." said Isadora with a mild smile.

Serena couldn\'t stand to see Stellaria so close to Lumiere and her cheeks flushed with anger. "Father, this isn\'t fair! Lumiere is engaged to me, remember?"

All-Father sighed. "And he still will be, I have a reason for doing this.."

"Then, explain.." (Serena)

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