
Chapter 321 Her checklist for the day?

(POV: Lumiere)


I turned to Ravenna, noticing the crestfallen look on her face.

In a way, I understood how she feeling, I couldn\'t proudly say I was treating her well, but that was solely because I was trying to be careful.

Her Curse Skill was extremely dangerous, if it activated at anytime, there was no stopping it. It was an instant death skill that basically killed anyone unless "maybe" they had a high-level negation skill. There were chances that I could luck out and not get killed, but that wasn\'t even worth depending on.

I had my Sacred Benefaction: All-Father\'s Crest of Guidance run in tandem with 『Beginner\'s Luck』, so provided an instant kill attack hit, I\'d get lucky enough to have my fate changed, but that had very huge limitations.

Because if I did die, the world could potentially "end".

After all, the last time I almost died the [Consuming Void] sub-skill auto activated and almost drowned the whole world in darkness.

Couldn\'t let that happen again.

Still, if Klaus let her go, maybe he was certain that she wouldn\'t be of any harm again.

I still kept he in my room for a full two days and monitored her, just to be sure.

I was the one who freed her, so might as well take responsibility.

I really need to fix this, I thought.

Immediately, I placed my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "No, Ravenna... you\'ve got it all wrong," I said earnestly. "I\'m not ashamed of you. It\'s just that sometimes, having to consider how catastrophic your skill would be in a densely populated area can be a little bothersome."

Ravenna sighed dully.

Eh, did I make it worse?

"It may not be personal, but it still hurts, you know?" she replied, her eyes searching mine for understanding. "If you were given the choice between being a Curse King or being normal, you\'d choose normal every time."

I nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words.

There was no use lying, because no one would choose Curse King.

"Yes, that\'s true," I admitted. "But that\'s because most of us would make the same choice. It doesn\'t mean I\'m ashamed of you, and it certainly shouldn\'t be because of your Curse Skill."

I was trying to be careful is all...

Being ashamed of her would unfair, Skarz despite his hatred for Curse Kings, still faithfully served under me. As well as many others.

If I don\'t do the same for her, it\'s foolish, I reasoned.

Ravenna\'s voice trembled slightly as she continued.

"The point is, you don\'t have a Curse Skill that automatically activates itself at the worst time and causes genocide. I didn\'t want to kill the people I met, but they died anyways. And each time, people hated me for it. They feared me and branded me as one of the worst Curse Kings in history."

She lowered her head again.

"I don\'t want to be hated or feared for something that\'s out of my control."

My heart ached for her, and I reached out to gently take her hand in mine. "Ravenna, I completely understand what you\'ve been through," I said softly.

After all, I saw her memories.

It was dark and tragic, especially given the fact that she was still a little child at the time.

The fact that she could still maintain her humanity baffled me.

I smiled at her.

"But remember, your Curse Skill no longer has its effect. You have the chance to live a normal life now, free from anyone that\'ll be scared or afraid of you..."

Ravenna looked at me, calm. "Thank you," she whispered, smiling only a bit. "I don\'t want to be hated or feared. I just want a normal life, like everyone else."

"And you\'ll get that..."

She lowered frowned a bit. "Not really, but that\'s a little comforting."

Clue in already, Lumiere, I need to find a way to get her smiling again.


I raised both hands to my own cheeks and slapped them several times.

It didn\'t hurt, thanks to the protective gloves I wore.

But the action signified my resolve.

"Ravenna, from this moment on, I promise to \'completely\' support you in your pursuit of a normal life," I declared confidently.

"R... Really?" her big dark eyes shot open slowly.

"You betcha! I\'ll take you to the best parts of Argentia...!"

That\'s if I know any.

"And I can also fly you to the Royal Capital if you want...!"

Maybe if I got the magic airship I parked in Zarbon City going, because wings wouldn\'t cut it. Then again, flying to Zarbon City would also be problematic.

"So are you down?!" I asked her finally.

Ravenna raised both her hands a bit and formed fists, the gentleness of her grin and sweetness of her reply, "Aye!" made me happy.

"I\'m glad you\'re excited," I said with a smile.

Our steps crunched in the fresh snow as we made our way towards the Dragons\' Gate.

The magic portal stood tall waiting for us to make entry.

Around the portal were several knights hired with the protection of the gate.

Since it was a Winter Break, students and teachers could go off campus freely if they wanted to. On other days we\'d have to ask Vice Principal Abaddon for the key, but it was much easier now seeing as there was a 24/7 watch over who used the portal and at what time.

Still though, Stellaria was a way better choice.

As we stepped through the gate, the familiar sensation of teleportation covered and transported us, and within seconds, we were back in the busy city of Argentia.

"WOOOOOOAAHHH!! IT\'S SO NICE!" Ravenna gushed.

I shrugged. "Eh, the Silva Citadelʼs way better..."

"What\'s that?"

"It\'s my domain, not really like a barony or anything aristocraty, it was fully given to me by the Beast King, but before that we developed it like crazy — we\'re even planning on making a game room soon."

Since I was about to have a child, likely a boy, I\'d need a game room where they could have fun.

I preferred a boy for a child because I could be stern with him.

If it was a girl my heart would melt instantly. And if she called me "daddy" I\'d go crazy.

In summary, a daughter would make too overindulging.

"Well," Ravenna nodded gently. "I\'d like to go there today..."

"We could always go tomorrow or next week even, there\'s time."

"Yeah, but today would be waaaaaaay better."

"Alright then, I guess we can do that, it\'ll work in my favor too since I need to see if the pyroapple plantation is ready to move... And I should personally hand the blueprints for the new technology I made to the Beast King."

Yeah, I made something "cool" during the two days I was in "quarantine".

"You see," Ravennaʼs dark eyes brightened up a bit. "My suggestions are making things easier for you.."

"Not gonna lie, you\'re right..."

She folded her arms and nodded smugly. "Of course, you have a long way to go, junior."

Ravenna turned to me, and slugged me a bit with a gentle hit. "Alright, first on the list is finding an inn to grab a bite," she gestured eating and then shrugged before saying, "Nothing too fancy, just a cozy place to eat."

You\'d think that she\'d have poor organizational skills.

"That sounds perfect," I replied, falling into step beside her.

We walked through the lively streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. The air had the scent of warm pastries and freshly brewed coffee.

Yes, I know, coffee.

Lucretia was really ripping off the entire "other world".

Now I\'m not gonna lie, I do my share of that too, but at least it\'s not to make money.


Ravenna glanced at me, her finger tracing the items on her mental checklist. "After the inn, we\'ll catch a small play and then spend the rest of the day sight-seeing," she said.

"A small play?"

"If it\'s winter they should have one or two plays on ground, right?"

"Hmm, it\'s kinda strange that you know that..." I rubbed my chin looking at her.

"Well of course, they even did plays when I was a kid."

"Oh, makes sense..." I said.

Then, I mentally reviewed her plans for the day.

It was completely simple and nothing exactly special or memorable.

But maybe to someone who didn\'t know the worth of the everyday life they lived.

For Ravenna, it was everything she ever wanted and more.

I raised an eyebrow. "That\'s the general plan, but I think we can make a few additions along the way."

Ravenna looked at me, already curious. "Few additions?" she asked, her calm yet playful smile activated.

I simply winked at her, enjoying the suspense. "It\'s a surprise," I teased, causing her to laugh in response.


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