
Chapter 96 Who Let The Zombies Out 3.0

After pursuing Lu Ming tirelessly, Du Jian discovered that the boy was actually his twin brother\'s boyfriend.

The situation was humorous to Du Jian. What exactly did Du Ling have that Lu Ming decided to stick with him? He didn\'t even further his education and yet, Lu Ming, who was one of the top students in his university, stuck with him. For what reason?

Du Jian decided to pay a visit to Du Ling and tried to convince him to let Lu Ming go. Saying words like; Du Ling was an incompetent brute for his lack of ambition, Du Ling would hold Lu Ming back and they would never be happy in the long run as they had nothing in common.

Du Ling was dumbfounded. He loved Lu Ming and Lu Ming also cared about him very much. Why should he break up with Lu Ming just because Du Jian thought that they weren\'t good together? He angrily sent Du Jian away.

Lu Ming soon realized that Du Jian and Du Ling were twin brothers and made it his mission to repair their relationship. So on his leave, he compelled Du Jian to also take a leave so they could all spend some time together.

Du Jian agreed as he wanted to use the opportunity to show Lu Ming who was better. Du Ling was unhappy about it because he knew nothing could mend him and his brother\'s relationship. Du Jian had always been disgusted with him for not attending university.

But since that was what Lu Ming wanted, he swallowed his dissatisfaction. He loved his little boyfriend very much and would do anything for him.

The entire plan to mend their relationship was a disaster.

Lu Ming and Du Jian were about to return to the research facility when they received bad news. One of the scientists had knocked over a few chemicals by mistake, mixing it with the unknown toxin and causing a hazard.

The group of thirty scientists in the large lab were all affected by the gas that was expelled from the mixture and an instantaneous change occurred in their bodies.

Their bodies turned to a dull gray and their nails turned pure black. Against their better judgement, the other researchers decided to lock them up and carry out tests to study their new nature.

Things went downhill after three days. The infected grew out fangs and sharp claws, their IQs devolved to the lowest point and they began craving flesh. Before they could be taken down, they broke out of confinement and started attacking everyone.

The people who were bitten or scratched by their claws also became infected and soon, the entire research facility was teeming with the horrid creatures.

The government sent military squads to curb the situation but before they could arrive at the facility, some of the infected had already escaped and gotten into the cities close to where the research facility was situated.

The news was hidden from the population to avoid causing chaos but when an entire city turned infected, everything blew up, people were panicking and in their panic, more and more people became infected.

Soon enough, the infected had spread all over the country and some even managed to escape to other continents. The entire world was thrown into chaos.

Out of all the researchers working on the Green House Gases Degradation Project, only Du Jian survived. Lu Ming was not counted as he was an intern and he wasn\'t allowed in the lab in charge of the GHGD project.

This made Du Jian the only hope of humanity and everyone fought to have him on their side. Bases were created all over different states and countries in order to preserve the survivors and the biggest base in the country, which was once a former military base, sent soldiers to escort Du Jian to their base.

Du Jian, Du Ling and Lu Ming were together so the soldiers took all three of them. Along the way, Lu Ming saw how Du Jian commanded respect an admiration from the soldiers and his heart began to sway but he remained silent.

That was until they were intercepted by a horde of hungry infected. More than half of the soldiers were killed and the few remaining got separated from the three of them.

The three of them ran with all their might from the pursuing horde until they found one of the abandoned military vehicles.

Du Ling picked up his exhausted boyfriend by the waist and ran towards the vehicle. He was about to drive off when he realized Du Jian was not with them. He looked back to find his brother looking at him with fearful eyes whilst the infected were right on his heels.

Even if Du Jian disliked him, Du Ling would never let their little beef come in the way of him saving his brother. Their parents were dead. Du Jian was the only family he had left so Du Ling commanded Lu Ming to man the wheel, ready to drive off the minute he got into the vehicle with Du Jian.

Du Ling hopped down from the car, grabbed a baseball bat that he found on the ground and rushed towards his brother. He swung at the infected and let Du Jian run to the vehicle.

When he turned to return to the vehicle, he realized Du Jian was shouting for Lu Ming to drive off. When Lu Ming hesitated, Du Jian told him that they both needed to survive for the sake of humanity and they should leave quickly now that the infected were focused on Du Ling.

Du Ling\'s eyes widened and he increased his speed to get to the vehicle. When he saw Du Jian pick up a grenade from the vehicle, hope sprang in his heart. They were brothers after all, his brother wouldn\'t leave him to die.

Surprisingly, Du Jian removed the latch and threw the grenade at a spot not too far from Du Ling and then Lu Ming mouthed the word \'sorry\' before driving off.


The grenade exploded and Du Ling was confused even as he continued to run. Du Jian could have aimed that grenade at the infected chasing after him but he didn\'t, why?

When he saw the hordes of infected that were rushing over, he understood why. Du Jian threw that grenade to cause an explosion that would attract the surrounding infected to the spot where Du Ling was so that him and Lu Ming could smoothly escape.

Du Ling\'s heart broke.

With the amount of hungry infected surrounding him, Du Ling ran into the nearest building as he sobbed pathetically. His brother and lover abandoned him to die.

He fought off any infected in the way with the bat. He soon entered the building, locking the doors and wedging it with a movable locker. It was a school and there were infected inside but compared to the ones trying to come in, this was nothing.

Du Ling fought and fought until he reached the teachers lounge. He managed to hide there for two days. He was starving but there was nothing he could do. Thankfully, there were bottles of water in the lounge.

On the third day, one of the infected stumbled to the door of the teachers lounge and found him through the upper transparent part. When it started banging on the door, Du Ling panicked.

If he remained, more were going to come so he ran out and killed that infected before looking for another spot. He managed to find a storage room so he quickly entered and locked the metal door. There was a hole in the door but this was the best he could find.

He had just managed to rest when an infected stumbled on top him, he quickly killed it off and smashed it with the bat.

Du Ling ended up finding the air duct and going in at the same time the infected burst into the storage room. He crawled for sometime before finding the outlet.

He was so close to escaping but before he could jump out, he was dragged back into the air duct by the infected and ripped to shreds.

The snarls of the infected, the tearing of his flesh and his heartrending screams were his only company on his journey to the afterlife.

Du Jian and Lu Ming managed to get to the biggest base with the map they found in the vehicle. After six months of research, it was realized that the infected were evolving and so were the humans. And this was as a result of the converted toxin that was subconsciously released by the infected into the atmosphere.

The evolution led to the formation of cores in their bodies, both infected and humans alike, and they all started developing abilities. The new development increased the war between the two parties as the infected became more and more intelligent.

Du Jian and Lu Ming were already lovers by then. Du Jian developed a strong psychic ability and Lu Ming developed an ice ability. Du Jian was the head of research against the infected and Lu Ming decided to go out to scout for resources instead of staying in a lab.

Both partners were so hard working that they received the praise and admiration of everyone in the base, the fact that Du Jian was considered the saviour of humanity had a lot to do with the intense admiration.

Five years down the line, Du Jian developed an antibiotic that reacted with the toxins that had combined with the genetic sequence of the infected. This was not a vaccine as it did not prevent infection but helped to destroy the infected with a single spray.

The surviving humans in every continent were given the spray to use against the infected. Soon enough, the infected dwindled till they were almost extinct and the world was safe again. Well as safe as it could be with the intelligent infected in hiding.

Du Jian was exalted and proclaimed as the leader of the new humans as they all tried to pick up the pieces of civilization left behind. Lu Ming was right beside his lover, also receiving praise.

When Lu Ming looked at everything, his mind drifted to his former lover, Du Ling, and he shrugged. He was happy he left with Du Jian that day. Du Ling would never have been able to achieve half of what Du Jian had achieved.

He was glad he made the right decision. Just as Du Jian had once said, \'They would never have been happy together in the long run.\'

Du Jian, the saviour of humanity, was the best for him.

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