
Chapter 201 Little Mandron Soldier 24

He Yuan had very little sleep that night and early the next morning, he packed a luggage and boarded a spaceship headed for Cladis. The MAA had not taken action yet which was understandable as the person they were going against was an army Colonel so they needed to carry out their own investigation in order to gather enough evidence to make a concrete case.

The first phase of his plan was almost over. Now all he needed to do was wait.

On the other hand, the Federation network had finally received news of the happenings of the night before. A video of Yang Liqin being questioned by Jin Qi and subsequently getting dragged away by the Fed police for allegedly drugging Ding Weimin was circulating everywhere.

Somewhere in the Grand hotel:

Yang Teng slowly opened his eyes with a hoarse groan. His body ached all over and it took a moment to realize that there was a heavy object weighing down on him.

Since he was lying on his stomach, he slowly turned around. His eyes widened when he felt a soft object slip out of him at the same time a body fell off his back and rolled to the ground with a thud.

"Ugh!" Jin Yusheng groaned and slowly lifted his hand to massage the back of his head. His shoulders and lower back were aching and his manhood was practically on fire, like it had been scrubbed raw.

What happened to him? He\'d barely opened his eyes when he heard a roar.

"BASTARD!" Yang Teng\'s eyes reddened in anger as he swiftly pounced on Jin Yusheng and began raining heavy blows on him. He was completely naked, his throat felt sore, his body was littered with red bite marks with suspicious white streaks all over his chest and lastly, his ass felt like a brick had been shoved in it.

Even though he could barely remember the events of the previous night, it was clear as day what had transpired between him and Jin Yusheng!

Jin Yusheng moved his hand to his face and roughly pushed the stranger on top of him with his elbows. The person fell on his back and let out a loud painful groan when his backside hit the ground.

Yang Teng hissed painfully and gently rubbed his backside as he glared even harder at Jin Yusheng. He tried to get off the ground but his legs failed him and he fell back down with an even bigger thud. He blinked back tears as he screamed, "What did you do to me?!"

"What nonsense are you..." Jin Yusheng froze when he finally took in both of their states. The events of the previous night came crashing down in bits and pieces and his eyes slowly widened in horror.

What had he done?!

"You..." He was at loss for words as he pointed an unsteady finger at the somewhat familiar stranger. How did he get here in the first place? And with a man no less?!

Looking a little more closely, he realized why the stranger seemed familiar to him. He\'d run into the Yang family once or twice at banquets and that Yang Xiang was also a worker in his company. He was certain now that the stranger was her human younger brother but he had no idea what his name was.

With an frustrated glare on his face, Jin Yusheng shabbily dressed himself as fast as he could and walked out of the restroom, leaving a wrecked Yang Xue behind. He clicked on his bracelet as he took a private route to the Grand hotel\'s VIP elevator. "Investigate every single person that was around me last night. Also..." He paused before adding, "I want every detail about Colonel Yang\'s human son in an hour."

An hour later, Yang Teng gathered enough strength to sloppily clean himself up and leave the Grand hotel. He received a lot of judgemental looks from the regular guests but he thought nothing of them and just attributed them to his dishevelled state.

When he got to the Yang mansion however, he was a little taken aback when he noticed the amount of reporters that were outside the gate once more.

What was going on? It was at that moment Yang Teng\'s weary brain registered the constant pinging of his bracelet. He raised his bracelet up to eye level and a sharp intake of breath was heard after.

Inside the Yang mansion:




Yang Zhi walked about the living room, angrily smashing everything in his sight. He\'d spent all night being questioned at the police station with Yang Liu and Yang Liqin. Naturally, it wouldn\'t have taken that long but that idiot daughter of his, Yang Liqin, had kept on insisting that she\'d gotten the drug from Yang Liu and, by extension, him!

The only reason him and Yang Liu had been allowed to leave was due to the lack of evidence. Certainly that wouldn\'t last for long. He\'d tried to appeal to General Ding when the man had finally shown up earlier this morning with Liuetenant Jin, Mr. And Mrs. Ding and a few of the witnesses but he\'d been blatantly ignored and was even glared at by Xia Yueyu in disgust.

Yang Zhi pulled at his hair in frustration as he extended his hand to smash another vase.


Why was nothing going his way?!

The servants had long scrambled away, leaving only Yang Liu and Yang Xiang to watch as their father pranced about in his predatory state.

This was the scene Yang Teng slowly walked in to see. He\'d gone around the mansion and had snuck in through the garden in order to avoid the reporters.

Yang Zhi finally stopped his angry heaving to look at his son. After taking in Yang Teng\' messy appearance, he frowned. "Where have you been?"

Yang Teng opened and closed his mouth a few times but nothing came out. How was he meant to explain that he\'d somehow ended up in a restroom and had been plummeled all night by another man? He gulped nervously before saying, "I felt a little sick last night so... I... I checked into the hotel to rest first."

Yang Zhi frowned. The prices of the rooms at the Grand hotel weren\'t cheap but... Yang Teng\'s eyes were red and swollen, his voice sounded wrong, he was standing at an awkward angle and his legs were trembling so much. The young man really did look sick. He waved, "Get some rest and get yourself checked later. No one is allowed to leave the mansion this period."

Yang Teng nodded. He was about to ask about Yang Liqin\'s situation and how the drug had come about but on second thought, he held himself from asking. Since there was nothing else, he slowly took an ardous walk up the stairs to his room as he pondered on how he\'d landed himself in his earlier situation.

Watching Yang Teng leave, it finally dawned on Yang Zhi that he had yet another child, he frowned. "Where\'s Yang Xue?"

Yang Xiang shrugged whilst Yang Liu tapped on her bracelet to call for the old nanny.

Two minutes later, the old nanny appeared before them. She had of course heard of what transpired at the Grand hotel but she refused to blame Yang Liqin for it. She had taken care of Yang Liqin right from when the girl was a little baby, how could she blame her?

So what if she\'d tried to drug the General? It wasn\'t the first time that someone had attempted such a thing so why was everyone making a big deal out of it? That Yang Xue had also tried to seduce the general but no one had put him in jail then.

The double standards disgusted her.

Speaking of Yang Xue... she looked to Yang Zhi with an irritated expression. "Master Yang, that Yang Xue is nothing good. Do you know he\'d packed up all his belongings and left the Yang mansion so early in the morning? Just a little crisis and he ran away so quickly yet when he\'d been in the spotlight for seducing the general, we all stood by him!"

Yang Zhi, Yang Xiang and Yang Liu all had equal expressions of surprise on their faces. Yang Xue had left? Yang Zhi\'s face turned even redder and his anger reached a new height. That ungrateful bastrad!

Everything was Yang Xue\'s fault in the first place! If the mandron hadn\'t been involved with General Ding, he would not have been sent out of the Ding family and him, Yang Zhi, would not have dared to set up all the plans that had landed him in this situation in the first place!

"Is my Yang mansion a place where any random person could enter and leave as he pleased? Send word to him, he should never set foot in this mansion again! His life or death has nothing to do with us Yangs!"

After leaving that message, Yang Zhi stormed off.


With Ding Weimin\'s one month vacation finally coming to an end, he was currently on his way to the spaceship dock to get transported in his private spaceship to the Third army base. Jin Qi and two other soldiers from his Special OPs team were also with him.

Everything should have been quite okay, only that... there were not.

Ding Weimin pinched his forehead to curb the strong migraine he was having. His body felt lethargic and he was running a high fever.

The night before, he\'d suddenly woken up on the floor of a restroom. He clearly remembered going into the restroom and making use of the automated water closet but other than that, he could not for the life of him fathom how he\'d ended up on the floor.

He\'d gotten up and joined the party once more and after, he\'d gone over to the station with a few others to leave his statement.

This whole thing started once he returned home. It started with a slightly higher temperature that gradually increased as time went by.

Next was the headache and now he felt slight tremors within his body. Such a situation had never happened to him befo- Ding Weimin\'s eyes suddenly widened in horror and he slammed on the red button on the arm rest. "GET OUT OF THE CAR!"

Jin Qi and the two soldiers looked to Ding Weimin in confusion but they were soldiers and were conditioned to obey orders so they swiftly landed the hover car by a relatively free parking lot and quickly got down.

They\'d barely taken three steps away when,


A strong wave of magnetic energy erupted from within the hover car and the car dismantled with a blast, sending all three of them flying several metres away whilst Ding Weimin was directly ejected several metres on the opposite side of the wrecked hover car.

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