
Chapter 33 I'm Home!

"I\'ll get all of the agility\'s." Arius tapped on the buy option.

All of a sudden a yellow lightning flashed through Arius\'s body causing him to hold his heart in pain.

10 minutes went by and the pain disappeared like it was only a dream. Arius stood up from the ground and wiped the dirt off his butt.

[Host you have successfully bought all of the agility skills, try it out!]


Nodding to the Supreme system\'s words Arius closed his eyes and reopened them then looked over at his pet Fluffy who was licking his little brother.

"Fluffy let\'s get moving."

"Yeah yeah, I\'m ready any time woof!" Fluffy answered with a doggy smile.

Seeing his pet was ready Arius got into a sprinting position and blasted off purely using only his agility which was added to his physical attributes.

Running faster than the sound barrier Arius took off towards home which shouldn\'t take long due to his speed.

A day went by and Arius still kept running at full sprint not showing a single drop of sweat or running out of energy or looking exhausted.

"Fluffy we should arrive in about 2 years due to dealing with monsters and etc," Arius spoke looking behind him but noticing his pet wasn\'t there he stopped in his tracks.

Arius tilted his head in confusion but then slapped himself in the face for his dumbness. "Fuck, I forgot Fluffy can\'t run as fast as me..."

[You just noticed now host?]

"Shut it..." Arius responded clearly mad at himself for making a retarded blunder.

Sighing to himself Arius blasted back the way he came from.

After a couple of hours, Arius found Fluffy who was behind a bush.

Walking toward the bush all of a sudden Arius stopped walking, hearing faint mutters, at that time he only felt the urge to kill his pet Fluffy.

What Arius saw was Fluffy doing the deed with another wolf...

"Cough cough!" Arius faked a cough to gain his pet\'s attention which worked because right when he coughed Fluffy stopped enjoying himself with his female partner and stumbled out of the bush on all his four paws.

"So?" Arius glared down at Fluffy who was groveling.

"Well you see I saw this beautiful young lady and I was in heat you understand right woof?" Fluffy spoke to try and defend himself but failed because the next second Arius chopped him on his head which caused a headache for the wolf.

Seeing he put down his divine punishment Arius looked over to the female wolf who had snow-white fur and crystal blue eyes and was a little shorter than his pet Fluffy who was the size of a male adult elephant from earth.

Seeing she was being stared at by a human the white wolf began to shrivel up in a ball not wanting to expose her \'naked body\' which Arius didn\'t care at all for or even notice it was the way she came into this world.

"So what\'s your name?" Arius asked, causing the white wolf to glance at him.

."I don\'t have a name...Woof" The female white wolf answered with a confused expression.

Arius felt a giant headache coming to his head and wanted to get home faster than ever. "Ok, your name starting today will be Snow congrats let\'s get going Fluffy."

Arius Looked over at Fluffy and saw him staring at Snow like it was the love of his life and nobody could separate them.

Come on all you two did was just meet a couple of hours ago and screwed like rabbits like shouldn\'t this be a one-night stand situation?!

Seeing his pet not moving an inch Arius let out a deep sigh before addressing the white wolf named Snow. "Snow, would you like to come back with us so you can stay with Fluffy?"

Snow, who was still only glancing at Arius all of a sudden at his words, jumped up off the grass ground in joy. "Yes yes yes please take me with you I want to stay with my Fluffy woof!"

Hearing his partner Fluffy felt his heart melt. "My Snow you are welcome to come with us woof!"


Nodding his head Arius spoke a couple of more words before to the two wolves in love. "Ok great let\'s get moving."

The two wolves nodded in acknowledgment.

. .

2 years went by quickly and during that time Arius turned 10-years-old and his body got taller and his shoulders a little wider while his hair grew a little longer almost reaching his shoulders.

Arriving in front of his land which he hasn\'t seen in years Arius felt a joy in his heart knowing he could finally cure his mother.

Teleporting in front of the gate Arius saw the two guards who he saw when he was younger and only smiled at the scene seeing nothing had changed while he was gone.

The two wolves Fluffy and Snow shrunk their body sizes to a cat height and width and both sat on each side of Arius\'s sturdy shoulder.

Arius walked toward the gate and was noticed by the two guards who had a genuine shock seeing their young master come back after years and had an authority aura and a veteran-like atmosphere in the terms of battle surrounding him.

Without wasting time the two guards opened the gate and bowed showing their utmost respect.

Arius gave a small nod and walked into the building which he hasn\'t stepped into in a long long time.


Arius gently opened the door to only see Eva, who he hadn\'t seen in years come out of nowhere and jump on him and hug him tightly without letting go.

"It\'s been a while, Eva, huh?" Arius chuckled while hugging her back.

Arius looked at Eva who now the same age as himself grew into an attractive elf girl whose blond hair grew longer reaching her perky butt and her height grew to a little shorter than Arius who was now 5 feet and 4 inches.

"I missed you, darling." Eva snuggled her face into Arius\'s chest smelling his scent.

"Ah, I misse- huh..." Arius stopped his words when he realized what she said.

Seeing he didn\'t complete his sentence Eva looked up at him with a giant smile. "What wrong darling?"

"Why are you calling me darling? I have no problem with it but I just wanna know why?" Arius scratched his head while he asked the beautiful elf girl.

Eva looked at Arius like he was being silly. "Darling you see when you were gone for this time I couldn\'t get to sleep because I would always worry about you and I couldn\'t help but feel paranoid that you would talk with a filthy whore so I found myself wanting to trap you in a location where it will just be me and you forever and not even the god of death can separate us!" Eva answered innocently.


Arius nodded his head with a gentle smile plastered on his face. "I see, Eva I missed you too." He stopped hugging her and patted her head.

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