
Chapter 274

Chaos didn’t rush his wife, he knew she was analyzing all the information they had just gathered from her visions and was finding the best solution for them.

Diana then said to him : “The only acceptable solution is to let him believe that you weren’t aware that Tanos was in this world, tell him that you thought he was killed in the war against the Gods and that you don’t know anything about what he was doing in the world he was in.

And as soon as the opportunity arises, kill Tanos to stop him from talking. In my visions he was already badly injured and unconscious, I don’t think he had revealed them anything but we can’t take the risk so kill him and tell them that what you dislike the most is the deserters.

I guess he already knows that I joined the Titans at the end of the War so there’s no point of hiding me, I’ll stay by your side and help you deceive them.

No one knows that Cassandra is our daughter and they have no way of finding out, the fact that she never managed to unlock her Titans bloodline is ultimately going to be useful for us to deny our involvement in this whole thing.

Then we will follow Cassandra’s plan, we will let the Warrior Spirit who is in this world and his friends find the Acrium for us and we will just have to seize it from them.”

She added while putting her hand on his : “Only with weapons crafted with the Acrium can we fight against the Warrior Spirits and the Gods, don’t forget our plan and stay focused.”

Chaos clicked his tongue in annoyance: “Are you sure these Warrior Spirits are that strong, even if we were to have lot of casualties, wouldn’t it be worth it to try to eliminate them while they are in our world, at least we would be rid of them.”

Diana said with a certainty that stunned him : “You know what Elias will do if you openly oppose him, he will kill you and put another Titan on the throne in your place, one he can control easily.

If you show him your hatred of the gods and somehow your ambition to annihilate them, you will give him the opportunity he is waiting for.

Imagine, if you launch hostility and he kills you, the problem is solved for him, the threat of another war of power will be gone, and don’t even think you have a chance against him, not with your current strength anyway.”

Chaos clenched his fists, the fact that Tanos had been captured might jeopardize their only chance to get their hands on the Acrium, and since he had never seen the Warrior Spirits fight, he had no way of estimating their power.

He looked at his wife and he trusted her completely, even though he didn’t like sometimes the way she was straightforward, she had always been like this, and so if she said that they weren’t strong enough to fight them then he could only be patient and try to get more time to find this ore.

So he asked his wife: “How do you want us to welcome them then ?”

Diana knew very well what her husband wanted to know so she said to him: “Tell your greatest warriors to prepare for battle in the arena, if you want to get a glimpse of their power let’s have a friendly tournament, I’ll make sure he can’t refuse.”

Chaos smiled for the first time since he received this alarming news, and his wife added: “As for your general who is still in this world tell him to do nothing more for the time being and wait for new orders.”


Elias who had just returned in his palace where his men where continued to observe them in the shadows. They were bickering as usual and before joining them he thought again of Mykael and his powerful aura.

And he couldn’t help but be amazed by it, he had trained Mykael many times and he had never suspected that his aura could be so strong.

Knowing Mykael as he did, it wasn’t to hide his true power from him that he had never fought him with all his strength but more by respect of a student to his master.

In his native world Mykael had been born into a peasant family while he had the makings of a great king. He was just an ordinary person who loved his life as it was.

At the age of 22 he was already married and he had a little boy. His wife was expecting their second child and he was crazy about her, Mykael had been a devoted husband and a wonderful father.

He was a man without trouble who lived off the land and was content with the life he led.

But his happiness was short-lived and his entire family was murdered in front of his eyes, not by some invader but by the King’s soldiers who were supposed to protect them.

Mykael had been left for dead but he had survived, and at the beginning only his hatred for the King’s soldiers and his thirst for revenge had helped him to hold on.

He met Lucas soon after, who had gone through a similar experience than him, and the two of them became inseparable.

Mykael had the charisma, the muscles, an iron will and an unwavering faith in justice that allowed him to become the leader of the resistance against the abuses of their king and his soldiers.

As for Lucas, with time he had refined his tracking and spying skills to become the head of his intelligence network.

It had only taken a few years for Mykael to transform the peasants who had joined him into overtrained men who were fearless because in any case they had already lost what they had most precious.

They had trained hard, they had armed themselves, and even though at the beginning they had made some tactical mistakes, they had quickly learned from their mistakes.

And at only 28 years old, his people considered him a hero and he had behind him tens of thousands of men and women who fought with him, for him, and the King’s army had had no other choice than to capitulate and surrender.

But Mykael had never been interested in power, despite everything he had accomplished he had remained this ordinary man who just wanted to live a simple life.

Therefore, he had refused to take the throne after executing their king, and before disappearing into thin air and letting the people elect a new ruler, he had made sure that all the men and women who had abused their power and whose evidence was overwhelming against them had been executed.

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