
Chapter 203

Furberg had closed its gates and filled its battlements. War was looming in the distance as they spotted an army appear from nowhere. An order was issued to the citizen by the cavalry, stay in their homes.

Leon rode his horse toward the front gate armed with his favorite wand. William was seated with the strategist to discern the plan of defense.

It was almost sunset at Cain’s mansion, Sebas was dealing with some paperwork for the maids’ payments When he heard something behind him.

“When will he returns?” A woman’s voice came from behind him. He put down the papers and sighed.

“Master Cain didn’t say, It might be a couple of days. But why are you asking?” He turned around to face Lisa, she has come to check on Cain’s whereabouts as they were going to war.

“We want him to take a part in leading the mage’s squad, someone with his skill might be able to shift the tides of battle,” Lisa said as she took her hood off.

“I agree with you that he might change the tides of battle, we’re being sieged right now after all,” Sebas said scratching his chin.

“If you managed to have any contact tell him that his help is needed, we also need him to activate the traps we bought!”

“I will make sure to relay that. now, if you excuse me, I have a lot to do.” Sebas said as he opened the door for her.

“She left?” Lisa had left through the window before he could realize it.

At the city walls.

“Enemy troops appeared out of nowhere about 2-hours-walk to the west, we can’t discern the method they used!” A soldier reported to Leon.

“We noted more than ten thousand foot soldiers, a thousand cavalry, and about two thousand archers. We also can see heavy siege weapons and…” Another soldier was reporting their observation of the enemy.

“To think Ourals would have the guts to attack us, the royal court is going to be pissed off!” Leon growled, he couldn’t comprehend Ourals actions.

“My lord, it doesn’t matter now. They started it and we have the right to defend ourselves.” The general said as he drew his sword.

“Reporting, reporting…” A soldier came rushing in, “A dragon has been sighted coming from the east!” He cried.

Leon had a feeling it was Zaleria so he rushed to check, his guess was spot on. “Don’t worry, it’s on our side, probably…” Leon was sure Zaleria was on Cain’s side, but he wasn’t sure if she would be willing to offer them her help.

Ourals army shuddered at the sight of the dragon landing in front of the City gate. Zaleria turned her massive head and cursed at them, “Taking the city as hostage you coward…”

A woman emerged from between the soldiers clapping her hands, an evil smile on her face. “We gotta do what we can, otherwise you will erase us all in one breath.” It was Morena.

Zaleria transformed back to her human form after Lexi had climbed down, This time the soldier opened the door for her right away. It was a gesture of her curtsy to not land inside the city and cause panic and potential damage.

Right inside behind the Gate Leon was waiting for them, “Where is Cain?” He asked immediately.

“Making his way toward here, he sent me ahead,” Zaleria replied almost immediately, her mind was focused on Morena’s presence outside.

“It’s a relief that you will be on our side, we now have a chance of winning!” The general said. Even though he was ready to die in battle, he wasn’t that excited to see his soldiers die and was happy if Zaleria could end it in one go.

“That won’t be easy,” Zaleria said with a troubled face. “That woman I just talked to the outside is my sister, she is a black dragon. If I was to attack them, she would counter me and fill the city with acid in a single breath.”

“You mean…” Leon gasped.

“If we were to fight, both armies are going to get trampled like ants on a battlefield. It’s better to see me as a weapon of mass destruction. They also have one so if you used me, they will use their weapon and it will be bad for everyone.”

“Leon!” William came shouting, “Did Alice return, I saw the dragon fly in!”

Leon explained the situation to him, it was dire. “We also can’t ask the guild for help, those adventure won’t like to be sent to war. All we can do now is keep our defense up and prolong the fight until Cain return.” William said.

“I agree, out of all adventures in the city he is the most reliable and the only one who has a reason to participate in this war,” Leon added, talking about how Alice being with Cain can be seen as a motive for him to act.

“My lord, My lord! The A-rank party Dragon’s fang is requesting to talk with you!” A soldier came shouting.

“What? Get them in right away!” Leon said. “That would be wise, I was supposed to ask them to help on behalf of Cain,” Zaleria said.

After letting them inside, Leon explained the situation and asked for their help, Zaleria as well relayed Cain’s message and asked them to stall for time until he arrives.

“Then if you will. Takeshi you go with the general to lead the army, Yamauba you lead the mage squad as I’m sure you’re more experienced than the current leader. Daraku you go with my mother to scout the enemy troupe.” Leon said, “Your mother?” Miko asked with a confused face.

“He means this one.” Daraku opened the window and Lisa was standing at the side, “At least try to hide properly, if I was in your place I would go in the ceiling.”

“I wasn’t trying to hide, mind your business!” Lisa growled back at him.

“Yeah, Yeah. Of course, you won’t fit inside the ceiling with your wide h…Awe!” Miko smacked Daraku on the head, “Can you stop starting problems?” She yelled with a red face.

“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to make you angry.” Daraku apologized to her and then opened his mouth. “But you have wider…” She smacked him again.

“Miko you lead the medical team, and I will lead the cavalry.” Leon interrupted them.

After reviewing all their plans they split up. Each one of them got ready to fight.

The next morning at dawn, the Ourals army started their siege and the first battle occurred.

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