
Chapter 255

The earth dragon stood still, he stared at Chad. “If you can see the future, then all I need to do is make an unavoidable attack!”

CRACK! The earth dragon stomped the ground causing it to shake. “Shatter!” He screamed and the ground exploded under Chad. The Antimagic field didn’t seem to cancel that so it wasn’t a spell.

When the dust settled, Chad was nowhere to be found. The earth dragon was proud of his senses yet he wasn’t able to smell him.

Then suddenly Chad appeared behind him swinging the sword. The earth dragon immediately countered by back kick yet he missed. Chad disappeared again and Appeared in front of him.

Chad’s slash landed and left a skin wound on the earth dragon’s chest. Enraged, the earth dragon stomped the ground again and caused it to explode under him.

Up in the distance, Cain appeared with Chad.

“I feel like I’ve seen you before, do we know each other?” Chad asked. He could feel like he had seen Cain before yet he wasn’t able to remember when or where. This strange feeling of familiarity was bugging him.

“Don’t even let me start. I would be more impressed if you remembered.” Cain said with a pained laugh. It’s been almost twenty years since his father met his mother. The time they spent together shouldn’t have been more than one night. Yet he still got the feeling that he saw him before.

“Come on, tell me. I can’t fight while that feeling is hunting my mind.” Chad looked at Cain as if he wasn’t worried about the earth dragon.

Cain knew they didn’t have much time. Isn’t the emotional type so should be able to tell him now and explain later. “Remember that white-haired woman you met at Furberg about twenty years ago? That’s my mother and you, are my father. I will explain later.”

Cain said as he started preparing a spell. In his past life, his father laughed at it as a joke the first time he told him. Cain was expecting him to do the same this time as well.

Chad Stared at Cain for a second. “So that was it, no wonder my blood started to boil.” When Chad arrived, he was angry at his friend Ulf’s death. But even with that, he would have preferred to retreat against an enemy like the earth dragon.

The thing that compelled him to fight was seeing Cain’s chest being pierced by the earth dragon. That sight got him angrier than seeing his friend’s severed head and he didn’t know why.

Now that everything made sense in his head…

Cain suddenly felt an immense blood lust coming from his father. It was like nothing he felt before, that rage wasn’t just the radiated energy from his Mana. It was infused by something else. It was all directed at the earth dragon.

Thud! Chad leaped toward the earth dragon at an incredible speed. “Stop!” Cain screamed behind him.

“Human, know your place. No matter how strong or talented you get, you will never shatter the earth stand taller than mountains.” The earth dragon roared as he transformed into his draconic form.

The shockwave sent Chad flying back toward Cain.

Savage azure eyes sit dreadfully within the creature’s horned, thorny skull, which gives the creature a terrifying-looking appearance. Two enormous horns sit atop its head, just above its thin, round ears. A row of crystal growths runs down the sides of each of its jaw lines. Its nose is wide and has two thin, rounded nostrils and there are small horns on its chin. Two huge teeth poke out from the side of its mouth and reveal only a fraction of the terror hiding inside

With almost no neck as his body resembled that of a frog. A row of stony spikes ran through his shell-covered back. Each of the monster’s steps caused tremors and shook the entire landscape.

The earth dragon has just transformed but it has already stomped tens of villagers to death as it walked through the village like a human stomping on an anthill.

Cain tried to appraise the monster.



Cain wished that he didn’t see those stats. He did even consider calling Sylph. Since this thing was beyond their league.

“That thing was toying with us from the start,” Cain growled.

~I should be able to seal him away with a ninth-level spell I know, but first I need him to get below 50% stats~ Cain sent a message to everyone, the dragon had sharp hearing so it was better to talk this way.

~You want us to hunt that thing-nya?~ Selena seemed to remember their fight with Zaleria. Unlike the first time, they all knew how it could end when fighting a dragon.

“Cain, can you ride on my neck? Let’s beat that thing to oblivion.” Zaleria said as flames started emerging from her mouth. Cain could see her skin crack as her body transformed into her draconic form.

It has been already more than two weeks since she was recovering and is now ready and at full power.

She was the same size as the earth dragon, but her wings made her look bigger. Her massive body glowed with red hot flames and looked like glowing embers.

Cain stared at her and was about to swear that he will punch her in the face. The beast god didn’t fight here in his beast form and created the rift to protect the villagers.

If Zaleria and Shan (The earth dragon) fought in their draconic form, they would turn this whole place into a hellhole of death and destruction.

It was then that Cain realized that Zaleria had evaded stepping on the rubble and only stepped on solid ground. He would punch her because fighting like this is suicide.

Cain weaved his finger and created an arcane gate linked to his maze. “Selena, Sofia, And Rieth get inside, This place is getting too dangerous for you two,” Cain said as he stared at them. Selena was a melee fighter with 20 strengths. She was strong for most people but for this dragon, she would get stomped easily. The same story was for Rieth who had already jumped inside.

Sofia on the other hand was in a much worse place. She was too squishy and her firepower was nowhere near enough for such a fight. But Cain was ready to open a window to the battlefield for her so she can support them with spells.

“I can protect myself, I’m not that old,” Alen complained when Cain looked at him and Hati.

“I was about to talk with Hati. I know you want to take revenge for your father, but now, it’s time for you to listen and sit this fight out.” Cain tried to explain to her.

“I’m not, I will fight and if I died, at least I died trying.” She growled back at him as she tried to rush toward the dragon. Suddenly, her body slowed down.

“What? What happening?” She growled and turned back toward Cain.

“(Now you idiot, we must do what he says.)” Skoll called her from the inside. “Sister?”

“(We already died, look around you.)” Skoll said menacingly.

When Hati looked around, the earth dragon seemed to be charging toward them. But he seemed awfully slow, something was off.

“He is using the ninth-tier spell [Time slow] to buy you time to run. If he wasn’t doing that you would have been already dead. That rooster guy ran immediately since he realized that.” Alen explained with a terrified face.

Hati stared at Cain.

“Please, leave this to us…” Cain asked her with a pleading tone. He can’t keep the spell much longer and the more magic he wastes the more likely they are to lose.

“Let me do it, this is how you convince them,” Chad said as he stood in front of Hati. “Get in the door, NOW!” He stared at her.

“No!” She growled at him.

“Fine then.” Chad Grabbed her from the back of her shirt and threw her inside the gate. Hati tried to hit him with her tail but Skoll stopped her.

Cain immediately closed the door and flew toward Zaleria’s neck. “Alice, Gracie you two jump into my shadow and support me from there,” Cain told them as they looked confused.

“Father and Alen jump onto Zaleria’s back. Zaleria, Can you drag that thing toward the north? There should be a mountain range where we could fight easier.” Cain issued his orders.

“Won’t it be better if I just tried to kill him?” Zaleria asked the important question, why not just kill him now?

The truth lies behind the nature of [slow time] this spell didn’t literally slow time, it instead of make stretched by increasing the relative speed of objects around the caster.

That meant that it allowed Cain to hasten things relative to him. When Hati tried to rush toward the earth dragon, she was attempting to move at her running speed which was far slower than what Can provided her with his magic. That’s why her body seemed to slow down.

To make it easier to understand. Let’s say that Hati’s normal speed is 2 and her running speed is 4. Cain was making the normal speed for everyone a 15, so when Hati tried to run at 4 she seemed slower.

This will apply to them and to the earth dragon as well. They can’t attack because that will only cause them to break Cain’s already fragile spell.

“Then how I’m supposed to move him then?” Zaleria asked with a confused voice. This was why she only learned one ninth-tier spell. They made her head spin.

“Just fly toward him, grab him from his back and drag him north. There is a limit to how much speed we can get so just stop if I told you so.” Cain told her to keep concentrating on his spell.

As soon as Zaleria started flying, Cain started bleeding from his nose and eyes. “Are alright?” Chad rushed toward him with a worried face.

“Don’t touch him, that’s the backlash from keeping such a spell active!” Alen Yelled at Chad.

Cain was forcing everyone to move at a speed of 15 (An example) relative to him. Now that Zaleria was moving toward Shan (The earth dragon), the relative speed between Cain and Shan would increase. Which Cain was struggling to keep up with as 15 was something like a limit.

In short, the faster they move, the more pain Cain would have to go through to keep the spell active.

After less than a minute, Zaleria had already dragged Shan to the same spot where they intended to fight.

Cain immediately released the spell and coughed up blood. Alice started healing him from inside his shadow.

Zaleria roared loudly as she blasted the earth dragon with a fire breath to keep him at bay.

Thump Thump! Thump Thump! Back in the city, Kayden’s heart started beating again inside his severed body as demonic energy gathered around him.

****************************Author note***********************************

A quick update. Before I said that I was a bit sick and that it was probably just cold. I did end up going to a doctor and he said it was some kind of allergy.

I won’t bore you with the details but in short, my eyes are tearing and drying out quickly so I can’t look at a screen for too long. I’m trying to keep up with the release speed (2 Chapters a day) and that is coming at the cost of keeping up with your comments.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you liked this chapter.

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