
Chapter 417 The Nagging elf

“It has been taken down!” One of the badgers cheered and the other followed him. They all started stomping and cheering as if they just won a war.

“Shut up! You might wake her!” The lion king roared at them. He watched Selena shift back to her humanoid form mid-sleep.

The tiger chieftain stood under the sunlight smiling, in his heart he knew it. This was the woman they could throw the alpha role at.

As he looked at Selena, the steam was rising from the dragon’s freshly open corpse. It was sweet, the smell of freshly killed prey…It smelled odd…sour. He noticed the faint green color the steam was getting, a bulging was slowly rising inside the dragon’s corpse.

He had a bad feeling about it, his instincts screamed to run away but his body leaped toward the dragon’s corpse and stood between it and Selena.

In a flash, the corpse swelled to almost double its size and seemed to be on the verge of exploding.

At that moment, all the trees’ shadows danced and Selena’s shadow morphed and twisted into a humanoid shape. It was but a fraction of a second but a maid with glowing purple eyes.

[Shadow Garden] As if the entire forest became made of shadows, everything turned black and the dragon’s corpse got engulfed in a shadow cocoon. The entire corpse got sucked and exploded inside in a massive blast of acid.

The tiger chieftain quickly turned around the moment he realized that the dragon’s corpse disappeared to only catch the last glimpse of the maid as her body melted into shadows.

“Did you see that?” He yelled to find everyone else freaking out, they for some reason went blind for a moment, and even the lion kind didn’t manage to catch a glimpse of what happened.

The next thing they realized was the dragon corpse, it has been torn to shreds as if it was minced, and some bones seems to be intact which was strange.

Both he and Selena were unharmed, they didn’t feel even a faint vibration from what he thought was going to be a massive explosion.

The tiger chieftain turned around and grabbed Selena, this place was too dangerous to leave her sleeping there. “Excuse me, lady, this place is dangerous.” He carried her away from the dragon’s corpse and laid her under a tree.

“What are you doing? What if she woke up and was upset?” The lion king rushed with what remained of his wives. Some badgers also followed to hear what was happening.

“That place is dangerous, I brought her to just to be safe. Get some people to carry her to a suitable bed and treat her well.” The tiger chieftain walked away to rest, he has sustained heavy bruises from the fight.

After just a few minutes, Gracie reached the place with Sofia and Farryn in tow. Gracie felt the disturbance in Selena’s shadows so she came to check what happened.

Farryn said that her strength might come in handy. They agreed since its better safe than sorry.

After asking around for a bit, they were led by the badgers to Selena’s room. One of the Lion king’s wives was tending to her.

“Is she all right?” Sofia asked rushing at Selena with a healing potion that was made by Olivia.

“Just small bruises, she is only asleep, albeit it being a deep one.” The lioness replied.

Knock! Knock! “I heard people came looking for her, can I enter?” The deep voice of a man called.

“He is the tiger chieftain, he fought with her in the fight and might answer some of your questions.

“Come in.” Sofia allowed him entrance.

The moment the tiger chieftain entered, he jumped away upon seeing Gracie’s face. “I-it’s you!” He screamed.

“Yes, I’m me. You call me you and I call myself, myself.” Gracie said what was in her mind. Don’t just yell [it’s you] at her, it just confuses her.

“What are you doing here…No, how did you stop that explosion?” The tiger chieftain said, his deep voice making it seem as if he was yelling.

“What are you talking about?” Sofia asked, Gracie has been with her all day and nothing exploded. Not counting that thing.

The tiger chieftain was almost certain it was her, she wore the same strange clothes and the same hair. The only difference he could notice was the eyes, this one here has black eyes while the one he saw had purple eyes.

“Excuse me, I might be mistaken. My name is Jiba, the tigers consider me their chieftain and representative.” Jiba introduced himself, he could feel that all the women present in this room were far stronger than him.

“Can you explain in detail what happened?” Farryn said with a sharp glare.

Jiba started telling everything from the first moment he saw Selena to the details of the woman who stopped the dragon’s explosion.

“What time was it exactly?” Farryn asked with a serious face.

“How could I know?” Jiba replied.

“You look at the sun and shadows, aren’t you paying attention, or are you blind,” Farryn growled.

“I don’t usually keep track of such a thing, all I care about is dusk and dawn,” Jiba replied with a calm face.

“Then which age the dragon was?” Farryn threw another question.

“I’m no expert on dragons, this was the first time I saw one,” Jiba replied again with a calm face.

“How could you idiots live in this world without knowing about dragons? That’s basic knowledge.” She yelled at the poor man.

Something started boiling inside Jiba’s head.

“Fine then, just describe the dragon in detail.” Farryn created a magical board and conjured a pen, she intended to draw the whole thing and pinpoints the key feature to determine the age.

“It was big…” Jiba said.

“And?” Farryn cut him, she didn’t even leave him enough time to think which was getting on his nerves.

“It was black and long…” He added.

“Hurry I don’t have all day…” She yelled.

“It had four legs, and a head.” This time Jiba got sick from her constant nagging so he decided to pour more salt on her wound.

“Are making fun of me?” Farryn growled in rage.

“Yes I’m now, can you shut up and let me remember what it looked like!” Jiba yelled back, he didn’t care anymore.

“What did you say?” She yelled standing up, this tiger was getting on her nerves.

“You nag a lot, close your damn mouth when others are talking. Also, keep you damn thought to yourself!” Jiba stood as well. The two were about to clash.

“Calm down!” Sofia stopped them before this place could turn into a blood bath. “Why do you even need that information? That dragon is already dead.” Sofia was with Jiba, and Farryn was nagging a lot.

“What if its mate was still around? What if it was sent by the dragon king? What if it was just a hunting mother and a nest full of eggs was somewhere nearby? All of those would mean that the danger isn’t over yet, if we don’t act, this place might get attacked again.” Farryn explained while shouting.

…It was really frustrating but she was right, they needs to make sure that everything was fine.

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