
Chapter 777 Landing At The Wood Elf Harbor.

"AH!" Jack walked out of the captain\'s quarter, scratching his head. "We reached the wood elves\' land. Where is Cain?" He approached the mansion door and knocked.

Knock! Knock! No one replied.

"Captain! What should we do? The elves are asking for identification." One of the sailors approached with Charlotte beside him. "Should we give them Eilistraee\'s letter?"

Jack smiled, "Of course, I will blow their heads if they tried anything funny."

Charlotte sighed, "Please don\'t."

Jack and Charlotte walked down the deck and faced the wood elf guard, "We\'re here on behalf of Eilistraee. Here is the letter of introduction."

Jack opened the letter showing it to the guard.

The elf glared at Jack\'s face. CRACK! He snatched the letter, "Chain them all! To the prison, they go until we get back a word from Eilistraee." He said.

The wood elves\' soldiers circulated the shop, aiming their bows at everyone. "Get on the ground! We\'re sizing the ship and your goods."

Jack sighed, "Yo! Long ears." He said and the soldier turned with a raging face, veins covering his face.

Jack\'s hands moved like the wind, snatching the letter in the blink of an eye and he grabbed the guard by the ear. "You gonna call your leader." He smiled, "Otherwise, say baybay to your ears."

Jack clenched his fingers, pulling on the guard\'s ear with his nails. CRACK! He ripped a small part and the guard fell on his butt, grasping his ear.

"You bastard!" The guard cried.

CRACK! Charlotte kicked the guard in the face. Blood splattered as he rolled and she laughed. "If the redhead pirate came here you would be shaking like hoes on poles. Come on, show some respect!"

The elves pulled their swords, "Forget arrest! Kill everyone!"

"HOI!" A voice came from the back, causing Jack to start sweating. "Kai is finally asleep, mind to stop barking?" Kayden whispered, waving his hand at the elves.

Jack looked at Kayden, "Sorry!" He whispered, "I will tell them to shut up." He then looked at the elves, "Listen, you don\'t want to make him angry. Please calm the fuck down."

The elves backed from the ship, keeping their eye on Jack which was surprising. He couldn\'t believe they listen.

"SINK IT!" When all the elves were down, one of the large wood elf ships turned toward Jack\'s ship. The mages pointed their spells down.

"They want to skin us!" Charlotte cried.

Kayden stood, glaring at the ship as he grabbed the handle of his sword. "I said to be quiet."

In the blink of an, he pulled his blade.

Thud! The wind blew cold, sending shivers in the wood elf sailors.

GROAAAAAAA! The ship groaned, cracking as water gargled in its center. "We\'re sinking! The ship is twisting!"

In that single strike, Kayden\'s blade extended like a snake. It cut the ship from head to back in the swing. The two halves folded outward as they sank.

Kayden looked at the sleeping Kai. She didn\'t wake up. She liked to nap on the hammock under the warm sun as the cold breeze of the sea washed her hair.

BAM! The wood elf guard heard a thud coming from the ship\'s inner rooms. A large red woman walked out, glaring at them with glowing eyes and a folded blanket in her hand. "Who are you?"

The elves are tall. Their shortest is 6ft and their tallest can reach 7ft. But even with that, Lily towered over them as she glared down. Her eyes glowed red as the opal white fangs extending from her lower jaw reflected the sun.

"Lady Lily," Jack approached Lily, "They wanted to arrest us because this is a pirate ship."

Lily walked toward Kayden and handed him the blanket to cover Kai. She then looked at Charlotte.

"What of Eilistraee\'s letter?" She asked.

"They tried to take it and arrest us. Those idiots only understand by force." Jack looked at the elves, smiling.

Lily looked at the crow nest. "You\'ve been silent for a while. Can you help?"

"I\'m tired," Mauzzkyl replied. He hid there covering his face with a hat as he took a nap.

"I will make a fresh batch of cookies," Lily said.

Thud! Mauzzkyl jumped from the crow\'s nest, "What should I do?"

Lily pointed toward the elven guards. "They aren\'t allowing us to dock even though we have Eilistraee\'s letter."

Mauzzkyl looked at the guards. "Vars betrayed the elves. I bet they won\'t trust a letter directed at him." He sighed.

"How did you know?" The head guard gasped, pulling his sword out. "That\'s top secret information."

Mauzzkyl looked at the guard, "Don\'t you have more important places to be in right now? Like your home?"

"What are you talking about you little brat," The guard growled.

The guard blinked and the scenery around him changed. He got back to his house, seeing his wife cheat on him. "See? You have to be here." Mauzzkyl pointed at the bed. The wife gasped and the man there pulled a sword, "Good luck." He then disappeared, letting the head guard deal with it.

Thud! Mauzzkyl returned to the ship, everything happened in a few seconds. "Now for you." He smiled, using shadows to teleport all the guards to somewhere else.

Jack and Charlotte stared forward with amazement, "This doesn\'t solve the docking problem."

Thud! Mauzzkyl glared at them, "Is that so? Should I get the current leader of the wood elves?"

"You can do that?" Lily stared at him.

"I can, my shadows already covered the whole kingdom. I can see everything through them." Mauzzkyl smiled, "A moment." He disappeared again.


In the elder tree of the wood elves. The new leader of the wood elve, Mira Woodland sat on her desk, running through papers. "That bastard, how many contracts did he have with the dragon?"

"I don\'t know. Why are you speaking to yourself?"

"I only asked..." She froze, lifting her shaking eyes. A drow kid stood in the shadows behind the door, "Hello Mira, it\'s been a few years."

"It\'s you!" She gasped, her knees shaking. She once worked for a noble house of the wood elves as a head maid. The master of that house got assassinated by Mauzzkyl himself and she saw him.

"A contract on my head?" She gasped. Giving up. Mauzzkyl Jaezred never misses a target.

"Not yet." Mauzzkyl smiled approaching her desk, "My client is docking at the harbor. But they have a small problem. They are pirates." He pulled a dagger, pointing at Mira\'s neck.

"I will let them enter. Let me send the order." Mira gasped, feeling the knife touching her.

"That would take some time, and my friend there might end up killing them." Mauzzkyl smiled, "He already sank one of your warships. You better come with me immediately."

Mira nodded, sweating as if she came out of a bath.

The two immediately appeared back on the ship, "Here we are. Tell..." Mauzzkyl was about to speak but he noticed two more sinking ships. "Kayden, can\'t you calm down?"

"They keep barking," Kayden growled.

The moment Mira\'s eyes met Kayden, she felt shivers run down her spine. He\'s a demon and an absolute demon. She knows they can\'t win, what kind of monstrosity is that? But then, her eyes fell on the little girl sleeping on the hammock and she pissed herself.

"Do you understand now? Unless you want your whole nation wiped, get your guards in line." Mauzzkyl signaled to Jack to hand her the letter.

The moment Mira touched the letter, the words flashed bright blue as they shifted. She froze in place reading the hidden content.

"Impossible! It can\'t be," She glared at Jack and Charlotte with a pale face. She then shifted her gaze at Mauzzkyl, "Is this letter true?"

"That was a memory shard, wasn\'t it? You should know everything you need to know." Mauzzkyl stared at her with a passive face.

Mira stared blankly at the sky. Several gods, demons, and monsters are boarding the ship. She is to make sure no harm or disrespect happens or everything might die. Eilistraee especially warned her from messing with a white-haired human named Cain. The same Cain Sylph never shut up about.

Eilistraee also mentioned she might and might be there. But Cain alone is to be respected above everything else. "Where is Cain Lisworth."

YAWN! Kali woke up, stretching her arms, "Cain-chan? He\'s in Amaterasu\'s divine realm. You can pray to him if you want. I\'m sure he will reply."

Mira wanted to growl at the little girl, but she held back. Respect, she must keep it.

"But, I only worship Chauntea. I can\'t pray to someone else." Mira replied.

Kali smiled, "Then, pray to her and ask if you can speak to Cain. But be warned. You might not escape unscathed, so do it prepared for everything."

Mira sighed, closing her eyes and putting her hands together. "Oh\' Lady Chauntea, please hear me."

Ding! In the blink of an eye, everything changed.

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