
Chapter 368 Not An Expensive!

However, just as he was grappling with these thoughts, Liu Yong\'s cell phone resonated with a melodious ring. With a swift motion, he retrieved the device, and the voice of Qiu Yanghui, his trusted associate, reverberated through the air. "Boss, the esteemed chief designer of Wuzhi D has expressed a desire to meet you. They\'ve already arrived in our city," Qiu Yanghui relayed with a sense of urgency.

Liu Yong glanced at his wristwatch, a gesture of punctuality that defined his character, and stated calmly, "Let the meeting be scheduled for one hour from now, precisely at 11:00 am. I shall receive them in the distinguished reception room."

"Understood, Boss. I\'ll make the necessary arrangements," Qiu Yang affirmed dutifully.

Wuzhi D was a name that commanded reverence and recognition. It had earned its fame as the latest generation of cutting-edge armed helicopters, and the nation\'s military held lofty expectations for this remarkable creation.

As the call ended, Liu Yong\'s discerning mind started to speculate about the chief designer\'s visit. He couldn\'t help but surmise that the purpose behind the visit, politely referred to as a "visit," was most likely centered around the coveted super metal, a precious commodity that held the potential to revolutionize the realm of technology and warfare alike.

With a mix of anticipation and curiosity, Liu Yong prepared himself to meet the distinguished guest, knowing that the fate of his enterprise might hang in the balance during this crucial encounter.

In the distant realms of the cosmos, an enigmatic alloy bore the name "super metal," an extraordinary creation attributed to the brilliant minds of Hu Jianguo\'s esteemed research team.

Upon learning of this monumental discovery, Liu Yong\'s heart brimmed with curiosity and anticipation, leading him to readily agree to a meeting with Ming Xiuwei and their associates.

Seated comfortably in a sleek automobile, Liu Yong gestured excitedly and urged, "Let us make haste! Back to the company we go."

Chen Hu, the skilled driver, maneuvered the vehicle through the bustling streets, effortlessly navigating until they reached the majestic Universal Building. As Liu Yong settled into his office, pondering deeply, a question arose in his mind: Should the Universal Scientific Research Center be situated beyond the confines of Huahai City?

He mused over the possibility of locating it in the neighboring counties or cities, considering their favorable conditions. The key lay in finding a location that stood close enough to Huahai City, facilitating easy access within a two-hour economic radius.

Knock, knock, knock!

Interrupting his contemplation, the door swung open, and Huang Guang, brimming with respect, entered the room. "Brother Yong," he addressed Liu Yong with deference, "I have some work-related matters to discuss with you."

Eager to hear about the progress of the Universal Scientific Research Center, Liu Yong encouraged, "Please, do share the current situation with me."

Huang Guang launched into a comprehensive report. If all went well with the Global Scientific Research Center\'s registration, the entire process would be wrapped up in just a few days. He had already identified several reputable domestic experts in the field of rechargeable batteries, engaging headhunting agencies to entice them into collaboration.

Upon delivering these updates, Huang Guang ventured a suggestion, "Brother Yong, I have my eyes set on an office building located along Chuanghui Road. I\'m contemplating renting the first floor."

Liu Yong, exuding an air of magnanimity, declared, "Why settle for just one floor? Rent as many floors as necessary. We are not lacking in funds."

Indeed, wealth and power rested comfortably in their grasp.

Money flowed abundantly, allowing the Global Scientific Research Center\'s development to surge at a remarkable pace. A mere single floor of office space would pale in comparison to the vastness of their ambitions. Envisaging a future where thousands of personnel would be part of their ranks even before the new Global Scientific Research Center\'s construction began, Liu Yong\'s aspirations soared beyond the horizons of possibility.

Huang Guangdao pondered over Liu Yong\'s proposal, marveling at his ambitious plans for the Universal Scientific Research Center. "Okay, then I will rent a few more floors. In addition, I will report to you on the location selection of the Universal Scientific Research Center," he affirmed.

Liu Yong\'s thoughts about Wanghai City resonated with Huang Guangdao. After inspecting various places in Huahai City, they found the options limited due to the high land prices and small areas. Wanghai City, located next to Huahai City, appeared to be a promising alternative.

Wanghai City, despite being a county-level city, boasted a robust economy and well-developed transportation infrastructure, especially in recent years. It was merely an hour\'s drive from Huahai City via the expressway. Furthermore, the presence of high-speed rail further facilitated convenient travel between the two cities.

The decision was made by Liu Yong, who declared, "I think it\'s good to put the Universal Scientific Research Center in Wanghai City, but the area should not be small, at least it needs to cover an area of more than 2,000 mu."

Huang Guangdao was astounded by the scale of the proposed area, realizing the magnitude of Liu Yong\'s ambition. He acknowledged that Brother Yong was embarking on a grand endeavor.

After providing a comprehensive report on the Global Scientific Research Center\'s relevant matters, Huang Guangdao took his leave to immerse himself in the establishment of the research center.

Some time later, a knock on the door heralded the arrival of Qiu Yang, who entered and informed Liu Yong, "Boss, Ming Xiuwei, chief designer of Wuzhi D, and his team of five have arrived at reception room 1."

Liu Yong nodded, "Well, I\'ll go there."

In reception room No. 1, Ming Xiuwei and his team had already arrived, but despite their familiarity with prominent scenes, they couldn\'t contain their excitement as they entered the awe-inspiring Universal Building. The towering skyscraper exuded magnificence and sophistication.

"Incredible," Ming Xiuwei remarked, "The Global Shipping Group is truly extraordinary. In all of Huahai City, there\'s probably no office environment better than this."

"And look," one of his team members pointed out, "Apart from a few large offices, the entire 98th floor consists mainly of conference and reception rooms. This is where their high-level offices work."

"I\'ve read the performance report of the super metal multiple times, but I still can\'t believe such a material exists," another team member chimed in.

"You\'re right," Ming Xiuwei agreed, "The idea that this superb metal will be used in our Wuzhi D, elevating its overall performance, is beyond imagination."

Just as they exchanged these comments, footsteps outside the door signaled Liu Yong\'s arrival. Ming Xiuwei motioned for everyone to settle down, straightening his suit and tie in preparation.

Liu Yong entered, accompanied by Qiu Yang and several other middle and high-level personnel. The two parties exchanged warm greetings and quickly delved into discussions about the super metal.

Ming Xiuwei detailed the current situation of Wuzhi D, highlighting issues like insufficient ammunition load, the inability to install advanced radar, and the helicopter\'s excessive weight.

After presenting the situation, he expressed his hope, saying, "Mr. Liu, I heard that you have Super Metal One, and we want to buy some."

Liu Yong\'s response was immediate and straightforward, "No problem, how much do you want?"

Ming Xiuwei was elated, having harbored concerns about the possibility of Liu Yong not selling it or only offering a limited quantity. The ready acceptance of his request filled Ming Xiuwei with gratitude.

"Mr. Liu, thank you very much," he expressed his gratitude.

Liu Yong responded warmly, "Master Ming is very polite, and I am pleased to contribute to the cause of national defense and the military industry."

The conversation flowed, and Ming Xiuwei ventured, "We plan to buy 100 tons in the first batch, but the price is a bit high. We are under pressure at the price of 20 million per ton."

Liu Yong smiled, "Then how much per ton do you consider appropriate?"

Ming Xiuwei pondered for a moment and tentatively suggested, "Mr. Liu, how about 2 million per ton? At this price, super metals will be widely used in the defense and military industry, profoundly impacting the entire sector."

The proposal caught everyone by surprise; 2 million per ton was merely a fraction of the original price of 20 million. Nevertheless, Ming Xiuwei\'s words resonated with the potential implications of such a reduction in cost for national defense weapons and equipment.

As the discussions continued, the negotiation took an interesting turn, leaving everyone eager to see how Liu Yong would respond to Ming Xiuwei\'s proposal.

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