
Chapter 439 To the Skies !

Chapter 439 To the Skies !

The dangerous dance of destruction unfolded in the ocean\'s abyss. Amidst the inky blackness of the deep sea, chaos and panic reigned supreme.

Upon regaining his senses, the sailor aboard the M Army submarine uttered a visceral cry of disbelief. Horror gnawed at his core as he comprehended the dire situation around him. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he made a frantic dash for survival, every muscle in his body propelling him forward in desperation.

Behind him, an unforgiving torrent of seawater surged, indifferent to the turmoil it caused. There were no signs of mercy, no indication of reprieve; it was an unrelenting deluge that engulfed him in an instant.

As he struggled, a voice cut through the chaos, offering reassurance. "Bawang, it\'s ok, the next one is coming!" Liu Yong\'s words were a thin thread of solace amidst the turmoil. He witnessed the Overlord\'s relentless assault, seeing it pierce through the submarine\'s hull with three colossal breaches. It seemed more than sufficient to him—a harbinger of the submarine\'s imminent descent into the abyss.

The submarine would be fully submerged in mere moments, perhaps three to five minutes at most, a metallic tomb claimed by the sea\'s unforgiving grasp.

With swiftness akin to a shadow, Bawang departed, its mission far from complete. It swiftly arrived beneath a colossal 10,000-ton missile cruiser, recognizing the urgency of its task. Time was a commodity in short supply, and the Overlord knew it needed to puncture as many warships as possible before the forces of country M could respond.

The Overlord had no time for remorse or concern for the stricken submarine it left in its wake. Instead, it wielded a colossal spear weighing over 200 tons, thrusting it against the warship\'s underbelly with all its might.

The impact was titanic—a resounding "Boom!" reverberated through the cruiser\'s hull as the gargantuan spear penetrated more than ten meters deep. Overlord could feel it, the sensation of breaching multiple layers.

Without hesitation, it withdrew the colossal weapon, repeating the process with a second and then a third strike. Bawang was no glutton; it required no reminders from Liu Yong. Five colossal breaches adorned the cruiser\'s underbelly, and the Overlord\'s work there was done.

The story, however, did not end there. Bawang hastened away, soon finding itself beneath a formidable Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer—a vessel of great expense and technological prowess, representing the pinnacle of country M\'s naval power.

Expensive or not, Overlord cared not. It brandished its massive spear and drove it home with a resounding impact, breaching the destroyer\'s hull multiple times.

Meanwhile, aboard the 10,000-ton missile cruiser, Wardhouse Lear examined the situation with a keen eye. Time was of the essence, and he knew that soon, he could issue orders to deploy commandos via helicopter to board the "Blue Whale" and secure it.

Suddenly, a tremor coursed through the cruiser, accompanied by an ominous, muffled sound from beneath the ship. An expression of dread overtook his features.

"No, this can\'t be happening!" Wardhouse Lear\'s voice wavered with anxiety. As a brigadier general, he knew of the ominous signs preceding shipwrecks—muffled sounds from the vessel\'s underbelly heralding a swift and catastrophic demise.

Could their ship befall the same fate? Another ominous "Boom!" echoed from below, plunging him further into unease.

He urgently cried out, "Something\'s beneath our ship! Something\'s beneath our ship!"

Others onboard shared his shock, though some couldn\'t fathom the nature of the unseen threat lurking beneath their vessel.

Another resounding "Boom!" emanated from the depths, and Warehouse Lear\'s complexion paled further. Seeing that his crew remained unresponsive, frustration welled within him. "Orders! Activate the emergency generator, hurry!" he implored.

Finally, the crew sprang into action, attempting to engage the active sonar. Yet, their hopes were dashed as one crew member reported, "Our active sonar is malfunctioning and cannot be used."

Misfortune seemed their constant companion. Bawang\'s earlier attacks had left their mark, crippling their active sonar system.

Turning off their active sonar sent tremors of dread rippling through the crew. Wodehouse Lear thundered, "Release the depth charges! Deploy them all!"

With conviction, he believed Something lurked beneath them, an enigma waiting to unleash havoc. Though the nature of this unseen menace eluded them, it was clear that swift action was imperative.

Crew members scrambled to place depth charges, a tangible response to their unseen adversary. During their frantic efforts, another dire report echoed through the cruiser: "Our ship is flooding! Seawater is pouring in!"

Panic gripped the crew as they grappled with the harrowing reality. Was their ship destined to share the same watery fate as those they had engaged in battle? A cacophony of "Boom, boom, boom" resounded from below, drowning their thoughts in uncertainty.

In the chaos that ensued, Wardhouse Lear made a fateful decision. He dashed for the lifeboats, intent on escaping the ship\'s precarious predicament.

Meanwhile, aboard the "Blue Whale," the crew\'s astonishment reached its zenith. What could the M country warship be doing? It appeared as though they were dropping explosives into the ocean depths.

Ren Ziquan, observing through his telescope, grinned with relief. "Haha, if I\'m not mistaken, their warship is sinking, and they\'re taking to the skies!"

Could it be true? Could such a colossal warship indeed be meeting its watery grave?

The "Blue Whale" crew members and other nearby ships cheered. Hope dawned in their hearts, buoyed by the sight of the beleaguered M country warship.

However, curiosity lingered regarding the submarine that had been lurking nearby.

It was sinking rapidly. A significant portion had already descended, and even the exit was perilously close to being submerged. Only a handful of submariners struggled to escape through the narrowing gap, their survival hanging by a thread.

Ren Ziquan surveyed the scene and made a swift decision. "Full speed ahead! Let\'s leave this place behind."

Seizing the opportunity amidst the chaos, the M country warships needed more time and the inclination to pursue it. Escape was paramount, and escape they did.

Beneath the unforgiving sea, Bawang continued its relentless mission. Having punctured several Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and witnessed their descent into the abyss, the Overlord received a directive from Liu Yong.

"Proceed to the one on your right, approximately 400 meters away, and send it to the depths," Liu Yong urged.

Liu Yong had a particular penchant for targeting country M\'s fleet\'s most advanced and expensive vessels. It was as if he sought to strike at the heart of their naval power.

Following Liu Yong\'s guidance, the Overlord swam with purpose, poised to carry out its next ruthless assault...

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