
Chapter 443 Void [2]: Deoras

Chapter 443 Void [2]: Deoras

Chapter 442: Void [2]: Deoras

"I beg of you! Stop this at once!"

"Master~ If you desire, you can release her from this torment. This dark energy will slowly deteriorate her body, prolonging her suffering even after death. However, if you take her life with that dagger, her soul will find release and disintegrate naturally. The choice lies in your hands." Deoras\'s voice dripped with sadistic temptation, leaving Shin with a heart-wrenching decision.

"You bastard! Stop this shit!"

However, Deoras remained ominously silent, his twisted grin stretching wider across his face. His eyes gleamed with a dark and wicked delight, leaving Shin to face the unsettling uncertainty of what Deoras had planned next. The air grew heavy with tension, as if time itself had frozen in anticipation of the impending chaos.

The silence only deepened the sense of dread and impending doom, leaving Shin paralyzed with fear and indecision.

Shin, consumed by anger and desperation, lunged towards Deoras with all his might, ready to unleash his fury.

But to his bewilderment, his body passed through Deoras as if he were a mere apparition. It was as if Deoras had become intangible, a ghostly presence that defied the laws of the physical realm.

Shin\'s fists clenched, his frustration mounting as he realized that his enemy was toying with him, always staying one step ahead. Aella\'s agonized screams pierced the air, reaching Shin\'s ears with unbearable intensity.

"Deoras! I beg of you! Please!"

Each cry seemed to rip through Shin\'s soul, fueling his determination to end this torment and save her from further suffering.

Seconds stretched into agonizing minutes, which in turn transformed into seemingly endless hours. Time itself seemed to slow down, dragging on with excruciating weight as Shin stood there, paralyzed by the unfolding horrors before him. The seconds ticked by with torturous slowness, amplifying the intensity of the moment and magnifying the gravity of the situation.

"Master, it\'s time. End her suffering. Her body is on the verge of disintegration," Deoras whispered. The weight of the decision pressed heavily upon Shin\'s shoulders, as he stood there, torn between mercy and the unbearable agony of witnessing Aella\'s torment. The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by Aella\'s anguished cries, pleading for release.

\'Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.\'

Shin\'s palm trembled uncontrollably as it reluctantly approached the hilt of the dagger. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, but amidst the chaos, one thought remained steadfast: to end Aella\'s suffering. Despite his own pain and inner turmoil, he mustered the last vestiges of strength to take those staggering steps towards Aella, driven by a desperate desire to grant her a respite from the unbearable torment.

"If I was going to do this before, why didn\'t I? Why did she have to suffer so much…" These words echoed relentlessly in Shin\'s mind as he raised the dagger and, with a trembling hand, swiftly brought it down, severing Aella\'s neck.

\'Why...? Why did it turn out like this…\'


Days turned into a bleak eternity as Shin sat by the lifeless bodies of Kira, Alira, Terran and Arzoo — his parents from his previous life. The weight of anguish and guilt bore heavily upon him as he performed the gruesome ritual of repeatedly ending their lives. Each time he plunged the dagger into their chests, his heart shattered a little more.

Shin\'s eyes were bloodshot from endless tears, his soul consumed by a relentless cycle of torment and remorse.

As Shin\'s gaze fell upon the lifeless forms of his parents, his once-bright emerald eyes had faded, drained of their luster. The vibrant spark that once resided within them had been extinguished, leaving behind a hollow emptiness.

His mind, burdened by the weight of unimaginable grief, was now a fragmented mosaic of fading memories.

Each passing moment eroded the vivid recollections of his loved ones, leaving behind only fragmented fragments of their existence. His emotions, once vibrant and alive, now lay dormant, their intensity dulled to a mere flicker.

Shin stood there, lost in a void where joy, sorrow, and everything in between had become distant echoes.

"Who are they?"

As Shin\'s mind wandered through the corridors of his fragmented memories, he found himself trapped in a paradoxical state of heightened perception and faded recollection. His senses had become finely tuned, capturing even the most fleeting of details in the world around him.

Every sound, every scent, every glimpse of movement registered with unparalleled clarity, etching itself into his consciousness. Yet, when it came to the memories of his past, they seemed shrouded in a dense fog, their vibrant hues muted to shades of gray.

The faces of loved ones, the laughter and tears shared, the cherished moments that once danced vividly in his mind now appeared distant and elusive. It was as if the threads of his personal history had been gently frayed, leaving him with mere fragments of a once vibrant tapestry.

In this paradoxical state of sharp yet dull perception, Shin\'s present was crystal clear, while his past remained locked behind an impenetrable veil.

Deoras materialized before Shin, his malevolent presence radiating through the air. In the past, Shin\'s instincts would have driven him to attack without hesitation, to avenge the pain and suffering inflicted upon him.

But now, something had changed within him. Instead of a surge of anger and vengeance, a strange calmness washed over him, tempering the fire that once burned within. He stood there, observing Deoras with a detached gaze, his eyes mirroring the weight of countless battles fought and losses endured. It was as if the storms of turmoil within him had subsided, leaving behind a solemn acceptance of his circumstances.

The transformation was palpable, for the flames of his former self had been quelled, replaced by an eerie serenity that hung heavy in the air.

His body was heavy with exhaustion, as if burdened by the weight of his experiences.

In that moment, facing his tormentor, Shin found himself at a crossroads where defiance and defeat coalesced into an unsettling stillness.

For now, he remained rooted in place, a silent sentinel in the face of Deoras\' presence.

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