
Chapter 178 Absorbing The Nest Crystal To Evolve Into The Next Realm (Part 1)

"How much energy does it contain? Compared to an intermediate-tier beast crystal," Ray asked.

Listening to Ray, the dean simply laughed, "To an intermediate-tier crystal? Ray, are you nuts? This over here is what powered that whole dungeon. It contains enough energy to infinitely summon an army of intermediate-tier beasts,"

"Really?" Hearing the dean speak, everyone had their mouths wide open as never did they think that there could be something so good.

"Yes, it\'s our luck that we were able to have our hands on this nest crystal," The dean said.

"Then why are you giving it to us? Wouldn\'t it be better if the Academy used it? After all, an army of intermediate-tier beasts is much better than a team of nine individuals who could be overwhelmed at any time," Ray asked, scratching his chin in confusion; he didn\'t understand why the dean favored them instead of an army.

"There is a reason for that," The dean answered. Taking a short pause, the dean added, "See, right now; at the stage you all are at, you would require an immense amount of energy to break through to the next realm. Usually, those on the verge of breakthrough conserve and store energy and when they have enough, they evolve to the next realm,"

"But with how it is right now. We don\'t have enough time to wait for you all to conserve energy and evolve as it is different for everyone. Also, considering this Nest crystal, it can only give us intermediate-tier beasts, advanced-tier at max but if you all evolve to the Magical Realm, you will be able to annihilate an army of perfect-tier beasts with ease," The dean explained.

"Listening to you speak about Nest Crystals, I feel there are levels and types to these as well," Ray asked.

"Yes, Nest Crystals are also divided into different grades just like realms. You see, it depends on the purity of energy present in the Nest Crystals. The purer it is, the better the grade of the monster it could create. As for the Nest Crystal in front of you, it is a low-tiered basic crystal that could create advanced tier monsters at max," The dean explained, "But for you all. The energy within it is best as a higher grade of energy would simply overwhelm your bodies and systems, causing irreversible effects that even I don\'t know of. However, that\'s the best-case scenario as the worst it could get is your body exploding from an overload of energy, "The dean finished explaining.

As the dean finished, Aliya and Tim had frowns on their faces as the very thought of exploding made them refrain from doing such things.

"How do we use it," Sirius asked expressionlessly.

"Using a nest crystal as an energy source is a very complicated process. Also, with the amount of energy currently present in it; a single person would be overloaded in no time. Therefore, you will all have to use it at once and for that, all of you must be at the brink of evolution," The dean answered.

"Well, I guess it\'s time I asked my teammates where they stand," Ray turned around and smiled. Looking at everyone, he asked, "So guys, please be honest with your leader. What is your current level?"

"Shut it, Ray? We are all on the verge of evolution," Aliya said nonchalantly, not caring for Ray being the leader of the team.

"Uhmm...Okay. That\'s a good thing, isn\'t it? Because we could start our evolution right," Ray said, a bit embarrassed as Aliya didn\'t treat him like a captain and acted as she liked, "She could have at least taken my position into consideration. What would the dean think?" He thought.

However, he let it be as he knew how Aliya was and there was no one changing her.

"Wait, I have something to ask," Emma butted in and asked with a slight frown on her face.

"Yes, what is it,"

"If we could evolve using this. Then why are the other students left in the dark about this? You know how much we have to suffer to save energy for evolution," She asked.

"Well, it\'s just not profitable and very dangerous too," the dean answered.

"Well, what could go wrong? It\'s not like handling an atomic bomb or something like that. Also, what do you mean by profitable? Isn\'t the Academy made to benefit the students and not itself?" Emma asked. With each sentence, her voice increased in intensity as her emotions took hold of her.

"Miss. Brown. Please calm down. It\'s not like you think," The dean spoke. Trying to calm her down as he didn\'t want her to create a scene in his office.

"What do you mean by that? Do you take me for a fool," She shouted out loud. Her anger finally reached its limit as she thought of the dean as nothing but a hypocrite.

"Here is the thing. It is you who is a fool. Do you even know how rare these crystals are? We just got a couple of these due to the dungeon and the strange circumstances we are in. Some people don\'t even get to see these their whole lives. Not to mention the amount of energy it contains, if used without care; it could cause an explosion beyond your wildest dreams," the dean answered back. His voice was stern and his expression was cold as the dean had also reached his limit.

"Emma calm down," Ray said in a bid to ease the tension that had been created.

"When should we use it? After all, getting stronger is the first priority," Ray asked.

"You guys could use it right here under my supervision. This way, if anything goes wrong, I will be there to take care of it," The dean answered.

Standing up from his seat, he opened the passage through his pocket space and asked them to follow him down there,

"Let\'s go then," Ray said, picking up the Nest Crystal from the dean\'s desk; he started walking forward.

However, just as he picked up the nest crystal; a notification sounded in his mind,

[Ding:- Energy source identified,

Energy Source:- Nest Crystal

Purity:- Lower Advanced Tier

Type:- Common Type Nest Crystal

Description:- A Nest Crystal obtained from a best of lower tier monsters. It could summon an infinite amount of intermediate-tier beasts.

Use For Host:- A portion of its energy can be extracted to break through the next realm]

Reading the words that appeared in front of him, Ray smiled as even his system acknowledged the Nest Crystal as a viable energy source.

"How wonderful it is. To think that my problem got resolved so fast. My luck is truly awesome," He thought in joy and moved as he followed the dean.

After everyone had reached the separate pocket space that the dean owned, they all settled down and prepared themselves while the dean prepared for the process.

"Okay you all, get ready," The dean said, having finished preparing for the energy transference process.

Listening to the dean, everyone stood to their feet and circled around the dean.

"Ray, step in the middle," He said, pointing to the magic circle he had drawn on the ground, "While all of you should form a circle around him," The dean said to the rest and asked them to gather around the edges.

As Ray stood in the middle with the Nest Crystal in his hands, he looked towards the dean for further instructions.

"Now use your system and let it do everything," the dean said.

Listening to the dean, Ray understood what he meant and asked Aurora,

"Aurora, could you start the process of evolution?" Ray asked.

"Yes Ray, I am on it. Here is what I will be doing. I will first let the energy flow through your body and then use the magic circle to let it flow to your teammates. The function of the magic circle is to prevent any excess energy from leaking out. Also, any energy that would be left, I will store it for future uses," Aurora explained.

"Okay, do it," Ray said and readied himself as Aurora started absorbing energy from the Nest Crystal.

As she did, the Nest Crystal lit up and radiated small pulses of energy into the surroundings. However, the magic circle contained the energy, and the energy reverberated back to Ray.

Slowly, the energy got absorbed into Ray\'s body as his veins popped out. One could even see the greenish energy traveling through his veins and into his body.

"Arghhhh," All of a sudden, Ray screamed in pain as the energy from the Nest Crystal finally reached this mana core.

A/N:- New chapter, New month, New Events, New Rewards.

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