
Chapter 341 The Target? The Gardssons!

Bjorn found himself facing a King, he knew what might happen if he did kill him but something told him that this would not be as easy as he thought it would be. 

Bjorn charged at the man of equal height, Tryggve was an older man in his early forties so one could argue that he was past his prime but with age came the most important thing in combat and that was experience. 

Bjorn swung his blade down in a bid to split him in half vertically but Tryggve easily blocked it with his sword, Bjorn found that he could not overpower him despite his strength. 

Bjorn was parried by Tryggve, sending him flying a few meters back with the younger warrior skidding to a half by burying his sword into the ground. 

But he saw a looking shadow, implying that Tryggve was not going to let him catch his breath but luckily, Bjorn could react in time as he rolled to his left, dodging the sword that impaled the ground he was just located in. 

"You have good movement…" Tryggve commended Bjorn but Tyr noticed something. 

The fact that Tryggve had on such armour and could still match Bjorn in terms of speed left a lot to the imagination as to how strong he would be without it as this was clearly weighing him down in terms of defence. 

Tyr looked at Bjorn, waiting for his brother to call on him but that call never came.

Bjorn got up to his feet, he knew he would have to fight Tryggve like he intended to kill him otherwise he stood no chance, and even if he did, he was still not sure of victory. 

Bjorn charged at him once more but Tryggve did not look threatened or bothered but could this be because he underestimated Bjorn?

This was what Bjorn thought and he was about to make him regret it.

Bjorn thrust his blade forward but once again it was parried, something happened, the cross guard of Bjorn\'s blade latched onto Tryggve\'s own.

Tryggve was taken by surprise as this temporarily eliminated his ability to defend himself with said weapon, creating an opening. 

Bjorn had every intention of exploiting it as he sucked down suddenly, this change of body stance made it a lot harder to follow what he had planned. 

Bjorn landed a blow right on his left thigh before being kicked away like a bug by Tryggve but the force was lacking. 

"Bjorn Ironside, you are more dangerous than I thought," Tryggve said as he noticed that Bjorn had managed to momentarily make the muscles in his thigh cease as he hit a pressure point. 

This was why the kick did not pack much force but there was no serious damage done as Tryggve could counter before things escalated. 

"Tyr! What are you doing here?" Bjorn called and this caught the younger warrior off-guard.

"I am here to back you up, brother," Tyr responded but Bjorn looked back at him. 

"Does it look like I need backup!? You have a family now, go and make sure your wife is safe!" Bjorn said, and Tyr knew he was right. 

If they attempted what they did with Aslaug then there was nothing stopping them from doing the same with Estrid. It was clear that Tryggve did not have complete control of his men as they were running amok. 

Tyr clenched his fist as this was where trust came in, he knew he had to trust that his older brother would be good.

"Don\'t you dare die on me!" Tyr said as he gestured for Aslaug and Eva to follow him. 

"Not even if you killed me!" Bjorn responded with a grin. 

Tryggve had no problems letting Tyr go because he knew he might be a potential threat if he did join the battle, Tyr was an unknown in terms of strength as the stories told only made him seem like a god as opposed to Bjorn\'s stories that paled in comparison.

Tyr left Bjorn to his devices but Bjorn knew with the few exchanges with this man that there was no way in hell he could win but he could stalk him long enough for Tyr to get somewhere safe. 


"Find them!" A voice screamed and everyone spread out, they were looking for both Thorgard and Vegard. 

These were Vikings under Gryting, the supposed traitor that Vegard had seen but the only thing he had to recognize was the burn mark. 

"They cannot be far! We just saw them!" The man said and he was right, they were not far at all. 

Thorgard and Vegard were hiding beneath a shed in a house, but no one knew a room existed below so they did not think to look for it. 

Thorgard\'s warrior instinct was to fight them but he knew that would put Vegard in a vulnerable position.

Vegard\'s safety came first and the problem with this was, Rugalf was not aware that King Gryting was taking advantage of this ensuing chaos to hunt down his family. 

In Rugalf\'s mind, the chaos was caused by Tryggve and Tryggve was the one he needed to worry about but this could not be further from the truth. 

King Gryting had every intention of wiping out the Gardsson bloodline that day as more of his men he had left on standby managed to make their way into the Kingdom to bolster their strength. On paper, King Gryting\'s plan looked quite achievable.

"I-I am scared…" Vegard whispered, Thorgard was scared out of his mind as well because he understood the situation that they were in. 

He did not know what was going on but he knew that these men wanted their heads. 

"You have me! Your big brother will protect you!" Thorgard whispered back, striking his hair. 

Thorgard wondered if everyone was okay but he knew that as long as his older brothers were allowed to fight then there was no way they would lose but he did worry about one person. 

Thorgard worried that Frøygard might lack the capacity to survive, and the lady thing he wanted Vegard to lose was yet another sibling.

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