
Chapter 257: Her First Time

Chapter 257: Her First Time

Inside Seren\'s bedchamber, there was a sudden strong gust of wind before two figures appeared out of thin air. Marie and Eva, who happened to be present at the entrance of the bedchamber while waiting for their queen to return, realized that the king and queen had appeared within the bedchamber. They hurried to close the door of the bedchamber and left as if their skirts were on fire.

Drayce carried Seren to her bed. He was about to put her down when she clung to him so strongly as if she didn\'t wish to let him go. Drayce lay down along with her on the bed and wordlessly watched his wife who had buried her face in his chest, inhaling his scent as if she was intoxicated.

Seren had not realized they were no longer inside the opera house. In fact, her mind had long been empty of thought, and she was acting on instinct.

\'This feels good...\'

She only wished to keep him close. The closer, the better. His warmth felt comforting, and his masculine scent… she wanted to—

Drayce held her closer and said in a low voice, "My Queen, you won\'t feel better like this. You have drunk a juice that contains another fruit which is not appropriate, turning you like this."

His words had no effect on Seren. Drayce needed to get her back to her senses. Although he wanted things to happen between them, she should be aware of what was going on with her. She had to be of clear mind so she wouldn\'t take his later actions as something not acceptable for her. He didn\'t wish for her to feel that he took advantage of her condition and forced himself on her.

"My Queen, did you understand what I said?" Drayce asked, but there was still no reply from her. The woman in his embrace seemingly cared for nothing else but getting her fill of his touch and manly scent. It was both frustrating and adorable; he could only let out a smile.

"My Queen, if I remove your veil, you will feel even better."

As if something had pinched her hard, Seren immediately stopped snuggling into his embrace.? The last bit of sanity in her eyes made her let him go as she covered her veil with her two hands.

\'Even in such a condition when anyone will lose their minds, she still knows what she cares the most—this veil." Drayce sighed helplessly, but in a situation like this, this veil was helpful to him.

With her clouded mind a little clearer, Seren sat up with both her arms circled around her folded knees. She buried her face in the crook of her arms as she tried to get ahold of herself. However, each second proved to be a struggle. Her gasps for breath were heavier, and her eyes had turned teary.

\'It feels so bad...Ahh...It\'s too hot...But I can\'t let him remove this veil...I can not let him get hurt...I don\'t want him to die...I can bear with it…\' Seren continued to think as finally tears rolled down her eyes. She tried to control what her body was feeling, but it was of no use. Her mind and body were in conflict—what her body was feeling was more prominent than what her brain was trying to suppress.

Drayce sat up in bed next to her and observed her trembling shoulders.

\'Such strong self-control.\' It amused him, how hard she was trying to go against her body\'s desire.

"My Queen, I know you are not feeling well. But I can help you," Drayce offered.

"I-I am fine, Your Majesty," she replied in a weak voice, her face still buried in the crook of her arms. Her entire body was shivering and her feet were rubbing lightly against each other with her toes curled and buried in the mattress.

"My Queen, it will turn worse soon. Let me help you," Drayce insisted. He knew she would have to give in to him soon but he wished to get her approval while she was still sane. "Trust me, it will be fine soon."

Seren lifted her head a little, only enough for her to take a peek at him from the curtains of her long hair that had become a mess from lying on the bed earlier. Her intoxicated eyes stared straight at him as she asked in a quivering voice, "H-How?"

Even saying a single word was difficult for her as the effect of the spiked juice was spreading inside her body

Drayce gave her a deep, assuring look. "Do you trust me, my Queen?"

"I..do…" she managed to say between her gasps.

"Then, will my Queen allow me to help her and do something with your body?"

She didn\'t fully get his words but she somehow understood what he\'s implying. For several seconds, she only stared back at him, not knowing what to say. Given her body\'s situation, she wished to say yes and ask him to cure her as soon as possible, but something in her mind was resisting the idea.

As if Drayce had understood what she was thinking, he assured, "I won\'t do anything that will hurt you or do something that my Queen will not want."

Still refusing to answer, Seren tightened the grip of her hands around her folded legs, trying her last effort to bear what she was feeling.

"I won\'t do what that man had done with a woman in the end. I won\'t give you pain," Drayce continued. "Can you trust me with this? I only want to help you."

There was only silence from her side. Drayce knew that her drink contained a strong aphrodisiac, and he could only imagine how terrible her body must have been feeling at the moment. He wanted to reach out for her and embrace her, to at least make her feel a bit better, but he decided to continue respecting her wishes.

It had to be her choice.

Finally, words filled with reluctance and embarrassment could be heard from that small trembling body.

"H-Help me... Please!"

Drayce felt a pang of pain in his heart upon hearing the pain from her pleading voice. The person who had made that juice for them, Drayce would make sure that person would lose his hands once he took care of his queen.

Swallowing his anger, Drayce schooled his expression as he reached out to his wife. His hand stopped midway as he didn\'t know how to start it with her. He didn\'t want to be in haste and neither wanted to scare her, but he wanted her to be out of misery as soon as possible. After a moment of hesitation, he reached for her arm still embracing her folded knees. However, as soon as his finger touched her skin, her body jerked lightly.

"My Queen, look at me," Drayce instructed softly.

This time, although her movements were slow, Seren obeyed what he said as she was in need of help. Moreover, his words sounded trustworthy to her. After living with him for so long, she was sure he would not hurt her.

"I won\'t remove this veil," Drayce assured her once again, knowing it was this concern that she was most scared of.

His words had a positive effect on her, and she finally let go of all her defenses.

From the look in her eyes, Drayce understood she had truly given him power over her body, surrendering control to him. He raised his hand to caress her cheek over the veil. It was a gentle touch, one meant for someone cherished by her man.

Mere warmth from his palm felt so comforting to her that she released her hands that were circled around her knees.

Seren could only trust him. He was a man of his word, and she had no reason to doubt him...right?

As she tilted her head closer to him, she heard him say, "You will be fine soon," and it sounded like the sweetest lullaby to her ears.

Her focus was already shifted towards the touch that her body was craving for.

While his hand caressed her cheeks, which he knew she liked, Drayce leaned closer to her. His face was just an inch away and Seren\'s sight moved from his red eyes to his tempting lips, but she could only lick her own lips in response. For the first time, she found his hot minty breath so nice while mingling with hers. The way his breath brushed against her skin made her throat feel dry.

"My Queen, you need to lie down," Drayce whispered, sounding as gentle as he could, guiding her to lay in bed while moving along with her, with his hand at the back of her head and the other holding her at the shoulder.

Seren didn\'t resist and allowed herself to be pushed back until her head hit the pillow while her gaze was stuck to his handsome face the whole time.

Once she looked comfortable laying in bed, Drayce hovered above her, allowing himself to fully appreciate that pair of purple eyes full of need, seemingly begging him to give in to their bodily desires. Even though he knew nothing about his wife\'s face, those eyes alone were enough for him. Drayce had long been enchanted by Seren. Her eyes were the first thing that made him curious about her, and even so, he had never seen them as beautiful as they were right now. Just a look from her was enough to seduce him.

Drayce gulped and closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself. It was not the time for him to let his needs consume him. This time, for her sake, he had to restrain himself.? What worried him the most was if he were to lose control, his devil would be out, and he would be forced to break his promise to her. He didn\'t want her to hate him.

For now, he only wished to take care of his wife and her needs.

"It will be over soon," Drayce assured, both for Seren and as a reminder for himself. He then leaned down to peck on her veil-covered lips. He could never stop that temptation even if it was over the veil. As his lips brushed against her lips, Seren gasped lightly and she almost had an urge to kiss him back, but she could only hold back and wait for him to help her. With that simple brushing over the lips, their bodies so close only their clothes were keeping them apart, her body was completely lit on fire. She could only keep in a moan. She was trying her best to hold back, and her hands were clutching onto his clothes tightly as if any more pressure would let her rip them apart.

Drayce\'s eyes noticed the flower on her forehead emitting a mild light ray, and now, he was sure about his prediction about it. He lightly pecked on her forehead and moved down towards her neck to dive in gently.

The moment his warm and moist lips touched her skin, a light moan escaped Seren\'s lips as she clutched even tighter onto his clothes, causing the buttons at his chest area to loosen. After taking his sweet time kissing her neck, Drayce pulled away to hold her glove-covered hands. He held her hands in front of his mouth and removed those gloves by pulling them with his teeth. His eyes were staring into hers as he did that, looking on as the desire in her eyes burned brighter and brighter.

Seren did not realize it herself, but she was starting to pant lightly as her body responded to his temptation. What he was doing with his teeth made something inside her quiver in anticipation. She watched him the same way he watched her, with hunger and excitement, noticing every little action of his that only caused the desperate need inside her to grow.

Throwing her gloves away, he moved her finally bare hands to pin them on her sides as his fingers entangled with hers. With a little teasing grin, he lowered his head once more to continue sucking and nibbling on the skin of her neck, leaving a trail of kisses towards her fine collarbones and her wide open shoulders.

Seren let out a soft moan in response. She had been craving this for so long. Whenever she read this in the books, she would remember that time when Drayce had done the same before. Now that her desire was finally being fulfilled, her body kept asking for more. Her upper body lifted on reflex, as if to offer herself for a more frantic touch. Unknown to her, the light moans that were making their way out of her throat were turning into loud seductive cries.

Drayce could feel how sensitive her body had become and she would not resist whatever he would do to her but...he could never take advantage of her. Drayce stopped and looked at her, who looked back at him with a creased forehead, unhappy that he had stopped. Her gaze was enough for him to understand that she was more than just ready.

"My Queen, I will do... something," Drayce said, his voice hoarse and at edge as he tried to swallow his burning desire. "Be comfortable. Soon, you will feel better."

At this point, Seren was barely conscious, her mind already overwhelmed and clouded by the need of her body. She simply whimpered for his touch, wanting his lips on her skin once more. She didn\'t wish to understand anything else. She only wanted him to make her feel better.

With deliberate slowness, Drayce let go of her hands and allowed his rough fingers to gently trace her smooth skin, from her wrists, up to her forearms, before circling towards her shoulders and then moving inwards as if to savor every delicate line of her body. One of his hands moved along her upper body, feeling those curves under that soft fabric of her dress as he eyed them with admiration.

His hands then moved towards the hem of her dress to pull it up. If it was any other time, he would have just torn her dress and completely ate her up like a predator, but this was different. This moment wasn\'t for the two of them, but only for her. He only wished to be gentle with her while he prayed for his devil to not show up.

Seren\'s body felt as if his burning touch was leaving a trail of liquid fire on its wake, and it was consuming all of her, and what little rationality was left in her mind. She did not even stop him even when he had started to pull her dress up. She wanted him to do something as soon as possible. Her breathing had turned ragged, and her moans had gone wild. Her brain had turned into a mess, and there was nothing else but craving left behind.

Once the hem of the dress was up, her slender legs came into his sight, and they were perfectly visible to him due to the light from the lamps inside the bedchamber.

Drayce felt as if he was about to lose it all. His heart could no longer keep calm, and even his own breaths were starting to get ragged as well. He forced out a loud exhale, urging himself to stay rational and not let the wild thoughts take over his mind.

\'Focus!\' he inwardly rebuked himself. \'Focus on what you need to do.\'

Seeing the condition Seren was in, he knew there was no need to ask for her permission and he removed her undergarment, to which she didn\'t resist at all.

As soon as he pulled the undergarment off her feet, he threw it away. Drayce didn\'t look at where he should not without her permission and went back to look at Seren\'s face. She had her eyes shut, as if fully ready to feel what he would do to her. Unknowingly, her body had already anticipated what was to come.

"My Queen…?" Drayce called out to her with light pants. When she finally opened her eyes to look at him, he swallowed in an attempt to wet his dry throat. "Are you comfortable, my Queen?"

Seren was beyond understanding what it meant to be comfortable and just looked at him with the eyes begging for more. Drayce regretted not being able to kiss her when she was looking at him like this.

Looking into those eyes filled with need, Drayce moved his hands along her thighs slowly before his right hand made its way towards the area between her closed legs which she parted in response.

Just as his hand reached the sacred place between her legs, Seren gasped and held her breath. Her reaction amused him as he moved his long fingers along her intimate folds, only to hear her moaning seductively. Her body shuddered wildly under his touch, and he was forced to swallow his own desire once more.

Drayce noticed she was already wet, and it was nothing surprising for him given her condition. The lightest touch already had her responding like this. He looked forward to seeing every bit of her reaction the more he touched her.

Looking into her eyes, as if he could read and feel what she was feeling, Drayce no longer wavered and answered his wife\'s silent plea with his rough fingers. He parted her wet folds and circled his fingertip around her most sensitive part. A loud sultry whimper accompanied her arching back.

"Y-Your Majesty…" she let out in a breathless manner as she clutched onto the bedsheets.

Drayce didn\'t stop and continued to show utmost care on her most sensitive part. Her body was quivering under his attention, and no words could make their way out of Seren\'s throat. Only indistinct moans of pleasure escaped her lips. With each passing moment, the fire inside her was engulfing every inch of her body. She had no other outlet than to clutch onto the bed sheet harder and arched her back with her curled toes buried into the mattress.

Though Drayce appeared calm at the surface, there was a dangerous turmoil inside him, urging him to forget everything and take her as he wished. His wife had surrendered herself at his mercy. There was nothing but his conscience stopping him.

\'I promised her…\'

Drayce moved his drenched finger towards the entrance of her womanhood and slowly inserted it inside her.

Seren\'s eyes widened at the sudden intrusion, but to her body, it was a sweet welcomed shock. It felt strange and new to her, but at the same time, it felt as if her body was screaming at her that this was exactly what it wanted...and it wanted more.

To divert himself from his own needs, Drayce had given his entire attention to each of her reactions, and he caught the surprise and the hunger in her eyes as he felt his finger getting sucked inside by the warm folds of her flesh. Not leaving the sight of her face, he continued to move his finger in and out of her, watching with thirst and fascination as he made his wife climb towards the peak of ecstasy.

When Drayce felt she was finally nearing her climax, he moved his finger even faster. She looked overwhelmed with whatever was happening with her body, all those foreign feelings, engulfing her but didn\'t know how to be free from them.

Sensing her confusion, Drayce leaned closer to her ears and whispered in a seductively hoarse voice. "Seren, let it go."

It was the first time he had called her name and it felt good. He had repeated her name countless times in his mind since the day he got to know her name and didn\'t even see her. He couldn\'t deny he liked her name and wished to say it again and again. He was looking forward to the day when she won\'t treat him like any stranger and ask him to call her by her name and how he would say it without ever getting tired.

Seren had heard him clearly calling her name even though her brain was beyond being able to process anything. She didn\'t know what exactly it caused her but hearing him say her name and instructing her to let it go, made her get closer and closer to the peak of her release.

Drayce finally heard her calling for him one last time as her body arched in bliss.

"Your Majesty!"

She felt like she was floating in the air while moving down towards a pitless valley. She did not know how long it was, but her wits only returned after her widely shuddering body calmed down. She lay in bed with her eyes closed, panting heavily to catch as much air she could.

It seemed that she had lost consciousness.

Drayce let out a shaky breath as he closed his eyes as well. Only now did he realize that his entire body was covered in sweat, telltale signs that his internal battle over his own needs had been more difficult than he initially thought. It could not be helped. He was a man and he had pleasured his wife, the only woman who had affected him in a way no other had done before.

He didn\'t hurry to pull away and watched Seren relax. It looked like she would not wake up anytime soon. Though the aphrodisiac was strong, she had a very little quantity of that juice so this much was enough for her.

This was her first time feeling such a thing and that too was under the influence of something inappropriate. She looked exhausted and had already drifted to sleep. Drayce slowly removed his finger drenched in her juices, and he thought he heard her calling for him under her breath, but perhaps he was simply hearing things since she\'s already in deep sleep.

Drayce never wished her to have the first such experience of her life to be under the influence of something where she will lose her rationality. He always wished her to ask for it when she was sane and give herself to him willingly. But now, there was nothing he could do, and wondered how she will think about it and react when she will wake up the next day.

Making sure she was in a deep sleep, Drayce was ready to go out as his red fiery eyes showed he was going to kill someone.

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