
Chapter 302 302 - Settling Down

He glanced to his side to see Tian eating a bag of chips.

She offered him some.

Yue silently ate it. "Do you think it\'s so bad that I lost my hearing?"

She shook her head. "You\'re strong. It\'s okay," she said casually.

For once Yue felt slightly reassured. Looking at his family and Fan worry about his new disability really made him silently panic inside.

But his sister was there to calm down all that anxiety.

He leaned against her shoulders and crunched on the salty potato chips.

It took ten minutes for them all to calm down. His dad looked out of breath, his mum looked like she was finally done crying and Fan looked exhausted.

He felt pity for his boyfriend. But if he got involved in the middle without knowing the context of the argument things would only get worse.Â

Yue put his hand inside the huge bag. Only small crumbs were inside.

Tian handed the packet to him.

He emptied it directly into his mouth and neatly folded it.

She gave him a questioning look.

"Can be useful. Back in those days, I used to make blankets out of them by sticking them together. They are great insulating material,"

"I see," she mouthed.

A hand gently touched the side of his cheek.

He glanced up. Fan was standing in front of him with tears in his eyes.

"oh come on people, I\'m doing well! Why is everyone crying and sobbing? I\'m not dying! I\'m alive and well. I have all my other senses and I have my secondary power. I can easily copy someone else\'s powers and replicate it. so chill,"

Fan nodded and laid his head on his lap.

Sighing, Yue gently caressed his head. "And mum, please don\'t ruin your health by crying so much."

She nodded, wiping her tear-stained cheeks.

"Dad it\'s not Fan\'s fault. I think I mentioned this so many times. Why do you blame him for everything? He is my boyfriend, not my parent. He is not responsible for my safety. I am responsible for taking care of myself. So please stop it. It\'s getting annoying,"

Seeing Fan so vexed really tipped him off the edge.

His parents were protective. That\'s awesome. But they were a tad bit overprotected.

They both silently nodded.

"I love you guys. Come here, give me a hug," he held out his arms.

His dad and mum hugged him tightly and Fan hugged his waist.

After that, everything was calm. His dad and mum finally calmed down a lot, they were even talking happily with Fan.

It was a pleasant sight to see.

"I\'m going to marry him," he announced all of a sudden.

The whole family peered at him in shock. Especially Fan Xui.

"Not now, but soon. The day I turn twenty-two I\'m going to marry him. Dad I give you three years to mentally accept us. and mum I will be staying right next door. There is nothing to worry about. Oh and I\'m going to be staying with Fan Xui from now on. We might do some adult stuff. It\'s okay I am an adult."

Someone cupped his mouth tightly.

He glanced at Tian who gave him a warning gaze.

"What? I\'m telling the truth."

Turning to his side, he noticed his father\'s glare at them.

"Oh get over it dad. Everyone has sex, even Tian does!"

Tian slapped his shoulders..

"Ow.... I\'m just telling the truth."

"I don\'t!" she mouthed and walked over to her girlfriend.

Yue ran to Fan and hugged him. "Fan and I are having sex. Everyone better accept that." he gave a threatening glance at his family.

His dad pouted and nodded. "My child has grown.." he mumbled slowly.

"Yes, into a very big boy,"

The drama ended eight then and there.

Two days passed and Yue spent a lot of time with his family.

After that day, his father never blamed Fan for anything nor obstructed their relationship. Tian was supportive of them albeit she would glare at Fan now and then.

Fan also changed a lot from that day forth.

His boyfriend mentioned that his memories were all merged together.

Fan\'s eyes permanently changed to a blue shade. His temperament also changed. He was like a mix of the cool and callous Fan Xui and his soft and cute Fan Xui. It was a good thing actually.

It was really fun to be with Fan Xui without being guilty about the other Fan Xui. It was a freeing feeling.

"My t-shirt.. I swear I left it here," Lui mumbled, searching under the bed. "Yue, have you seen it?" she wrote it down for him.

"Did you check the cupboard?"

"I did," she mouthed

Yue walked over and found the exact t-shirt she was searching for.

"You\'ve got magic hands kid," she happily took it and packed it in the travel bag.

"Do you guys really have to go? It\'s fun with you, Juda and Tian here,"

Lui just gave him a sidewise smirk. "You know something. Come here. I\'ll share with you a secret." She mouthed.

She picked up her small notepad and wrote, "Your sister and Juda are planning to get freaky together."

Yue gasped out loud. "Really?"

"Yes," she mouthed excitedly.

"That\'s great then. Their love is blossoming."

Her sister was just like Fan, she really liked to cling to Juda. After the kidnapping, it got even worse. She would not leave her alone to the point she followed her into the bathroom.

Poor Juda was seen chasing her out with a bright flushed face.

Lui happily locked her things.

"Lui, how are things going with Bohai?"

She gave him a mysterious smirk and nodded.

"Is that a yes or a maybe yes?"

"It\'s a yes," she mouthed. She hurriedly took her notepad and wrote, "I met him yesterday. The poor man did not even know I was hurt. He even dropped by my house many times it seems. I don\'t understand why he didn\'t drop by here. He knows we are friends right?"

Yue thought about it. He did not remember if he shared this info with Bohai or not.

He hesitantly shook his head.

"I knew it. I\'ll share this house location with him just in case this happens next time," she wrote down.

Yue held her hand. "There will be no next time. You and Juda will not be in any kind of danger."

"How are you so confident?" she gave him a questioning look.

"Because Fan is finally taking control of this place. It\'s all going to get better and better."

After everything was packed and ready, Yue and Fan Xui dropped off the three girls back at their home. it was slightly dusty and there were a few spiders roaming about.

Yue helped clean it up and helped them settle in.

"Where is Hary by the way? I haven\'t seen him in a while?"

"Don\'t know..." Lui gave him a doubtful look. "He\'s at work?" she mouthed.

"Maybe... but he has to come home once in a while right."

Hary\'s room was in the worst condition. His sheets were thrown off down the bed and his unwashed clothes were all over the floor.

"I.... worry about him.."

Fan immediately came to his side with a soft pout.

"What?" he pinched his nose. "are you jealous?"

Fan Xui nodded.

"Don\'t be. I love you wholeheartedly,"

With a dazzling smirk he pulled him into his arms.

Yue loved this warm feeling in his heart. His lover really made him feel like he was on top of his world....

"I\'m planning on visiting Peng Peng. Heard is helped a lot through his search,"

Tian ran out of the room hurriedly. She held his shoulders and said something.

He could not comprehend her words.

"I don\'t get you. Write it down,"

She hurriedly took a piece of paper from somewhere and wrote, "Your friend. He had exceptional senses. Try copying his ability. Maybe you can recover your ability to hear,"

Yue thought about it for a while. Peng Peng had peculiar powers he was not sure if it will work or not...

"I\'ll give it a try,"

Tian let out a breath of relief and smiled at him.

He glanced back at Fan with a worried look.

Everyone was really worried about his disability. Somehow he felt uncomfortable about it. even though he was not able to hear anything, his other senses were still active. He can easily detect movement and take out the zombies.

He believed in his talent.

Fan Xui and Yue are next left to meet up Peng Peng and Qian.

Yue knocked on the door.

"What?" lazily scratching his tummy Qian stood at the doorway. "oh it\'s you..."

Even the crazy scientist had taken a break for the day and was chilling with his lover at home.

Fan gave him a look. "Aren\'t you going to invite us in?"

Qian stood silently for a while. "No," he closed the door.

Fan and Yue stood in disbelief.

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