
Chapter 322 322 - Flawless Execution

He picked up a bag of guns. "is everything "loaded"

"Yes locked and loaded. Just need to take out and shoot," Tian smirked. She moved to Juda and gently kissed her. "I\'ll be back. Stay safe, okay,"

"Hmm, take care,"

This plan only involved four people. Fan, Hary, Tian and himself. They had to move swiftly to make it work.

The place they are going to set a trap was right by the market street. He had once visited this place while he was planning on buying a house. The road was narrow and the building was high as the fourth floor.

Setting up traps in this path will easily slow down the zombies. For that, they first needed to attract all the zombies to that road. Tian took up that job. She was very good at climbing over buildings.

"Be safe. Use the bombs if you are in danger and never get close to them." Yue handed her a microphone. He removed his glove and held out his hand.

With a smile, Tian took his hand.

Yue instantly copied her ability. "Stay safe,"\'

"You too,"

This is the place where they had to separate. Hary was going to be at their rear. He jumped over to a few buildings and climbed up to the top of a building with a great vantage point. He was given a few sniper guns.

If anything went wrong he was in charge of taking care of their backs.

Tian separated and moved around shouting in a microphone. The zombies were very much still sensitive to sound. They all charged behind her.

Yue and Fan hid behind a building silently while Tian moved all the zombies away from the road in front of them.

This is exactly where they were planning on setting up the trap.

Each of them was carrying ten rods. This road had streets lights in either direction.

Yue poked his head out. "They are gone,"

He moved swiftly and separated to twist the rods, attaching them to the both sides on the body of the street light. It looked more like a hurdle. But it had another purpose.

He hurriedly moved around.

Fan also helped out. They set up five different hurdles at different heights. They were all connected by rod as well.

"This is not going to stop them. We can trip them but this really won\'t slow them down," Fan mumbled.

Yue smirked. This is just the beginning. "Tian! Come back here!!!" he shouted as loud as he could.

"Coming!" she said thought the microphone.

In two minutes, she jumped down beside him.


"Ready," she said through the microphone again. "Hey stupid zombies!!! Come here, a tasty meal awaits,"

Yue glanced at Fan. "\'get ready to move towards the wall. You\'re going to plug that hole."

His lover had activated his ice ability one year ago. He was not able to get a full control of it still. The ice blast just freezes everything close to him, so Fan feared using it a lot of times.

Fan glanced at him. "What about you... it\'s..."

"Just watch then. Tian, let\'s go,"

Without a word his sister understood his intentions. They both went to either side and held the rods that connected each side.

Visibly, the rods turned a bright shade of red.

"Shit the hurdles form a closed circuit.... you\'re planning to slice them off using the heated rods,"

"Yes~ now go and do your job husband, we\'re safe here."

Fan gave one look at him. "You\'re brilliant... I just remember I why I fell in love with you,"

"Stop wasting time dear, go go,"

Fan ran off silently, climbing onto the building. They were near the outskirts of the base where the buildings were closely built together. His husband could easily access the wall by just silently creeping close to it.

"Pay attention here. The rods won\'t handle too much of heat. We have to do it in blasts. Got it?" Tian mumbled softly.

"Got it,"

He watched as the zombies rush towards them with their bloody mouths open.

An instinctive fear arose in his heart. His legs started to shake.

"Steady. Don\'t fear them. Think of them as dirty donuts with their mouth open...."

Yue just shook his head. "Can\'t imagine that? Why donuts?"

"Just felt like it," Tian smirked.

The zombie hoard finally reached their first hurdle. Yue had set it up at three feet high.

Without looking at them, the zombies rushed and pushed each other to get close to them.

As soon as their bodies touched it the heated rods burned through them. Their already decayed body could not hold on. They were sliced off.

"It\'s working..." Yue smirked. "I didn\'t think it would work..."

He watched as the other zombies just climb over the dead zombies. Their legs were cut off but they were able to run to them.

Yue had set up the second hurdle right at four feet and two feet high.

Any zombies that crawled under the first hurdle got burned by this and any that jumped got sliced off.

"I hope Fan can plug that hole soon..."\' Tian mumbled.

"Why? The plan is working. We can hold them off for a very long time,"

"Not sure about that. Look," she pointed to the street lights.

The street lights were not made of strong metals they were starting to melt. If they melted away, the rods would not stay in place.

"Shit I didn\'t think of that."

"Don\'t worry. We can take care of half their population. The military that is coming behind us will deal with the rest."

"They are coming?"

"Yeah, Fan prepared the military to come over. Many men were reluctant but he talked them into it,"

Yue sighed loudly. "Yes... that\'s good. We can take out half of the vanguard and fall back,"

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