
Chapter 389 389 - Fodder

Chapter 389 389 - Fodder

He watched his mum sob loudly, waving at him.

Yue tightly gripped Fan\'s hand. "We must live… we must…"

"We will..." Fan whispered.

The gale created a great distraction. The cars and busses drove away from the back leaving only forty of them left in the camp. The soldiers all anxiously watched around with their guns ready.

"Shoot!!!" Tian gestured to the two guys holding the bazooka. A huge ass gun that was so heavy that they were struggling. "Shit give it here." Tian grabbed it crouched down and shot two bazookas

The whole ground shook violently followed by the sounds of screams.

"Fan, create an ice shield," Tian shouted.

Fan let go of his hand and started to create a dome-like structure around them. It was strong but transparent like glass giving them visual outside.

Liwei who had been running at them, was nowhere to be found.

Yue looked around in panic. "Where is he? I can\'t see him! Does anyone have a visual on Liwei!" he frantically looked around.

Liwei had disappeared off like a poof of smoke.

Suddenly the ice dome shattered from above and a figure landed behind him. before Yue could even turn back a rotten hand suddenly punched his face.

Yue watched in shock as the fust reached his face. But Fan who was close to him grabbed his fist and crushed it with all his might.


The loud screed let out huge sound waves crushing their ear drums.

For a second, all Yue could hear was the ringing in his ears. warm liquid dripped out his ears.

the searing pain numbed his whole body for a second.

that\'s when he released it. His ear drums were completely shattered.

Gritting through the pain he hurriedly kicked Liwei away from them. "Tian, Fan, take care of the army. I\'ll take care of this one." He peered at the wretched zombie.

Liwei grinned. "Yes, come at me, I\'ll let your dear Fan watch you being eaten alive."

They both rushed at each other at full force. A huge lightning wave and electric flash flashed out of Yue and a wave of sound waved charged from Liwei creating a massive shock wave.

Fan and the others were pushed back from the force.

"don\'t falter your steps! Keep up the circle!!" Tian shouted as she shot another bazooka shot at the army of zombies. They were too close and the ice dome was not able to hold them out.

Little by little, they started to break in.

They watched in horror as the evening sunlight streaming into the dome started to dim. The whole exterior of the dome was covered in zombies crawling up trying to get in from the top.

Tian lit up a huge flame, letting light shine in.

Suddenly a black figure charged from her right. Tian only had a fraction of a second to dodge.

Screams were heard all around her.

"don\'t lose your focus!!!" screamed so she instantly burned the undead with her blue flames.

These zombies were all at least level five, with her fire she was only able to slow them down but not destroy them completely.

Powerful lightening flashed once again this time bringing a lot of zombies close.

She watched in shock as Yue and Liwei were fighting in the middle of their circle. Their power was too strong that creating huge shock waves that shattered the whole dome.

The zombies that were climbing up like ants all fell down. It was a rain of zombies.

It… it was a dreaded sight.

the small saplings that Yue had planted last minute were all trying to entangle a few zombies. But they were not able to stop all.

The Zombies did not give them even a second break. They all charged at them tying to take a bite. A few of the fallen zombie\'s bit into her ankle. But Hary\'s metal-like layer covering her body was able to prevent those things from taking a chunk out.

She kicked it off, grunting. The remaining soldiers, even though they were brave, were not able to handle it. a lot of them fled. Leaving only ten or so soldiers fighting diligently.

Tian gritted her teeth. "Fuck!" she shot the zombies that were coming at her relentlessly.

"Tian at the count of three launch your power." Fan shouted from behind her.

"What is your plan?"

"a shock wave like before."

She understood his idea. A huge blue fireball formed in her hand and on the count of three, she tossed it up.

A wave of lightning hit the fireball creating a massive explosion.


The shock wave was felt even a few kilometers afar.

Chen tightened his arms around his grandpa. "I can\'t see them anymore... I can\'t sense coco… or dad…" his eyes turned red.

"shh, they will be fine. My son never breaks a promise." He whispered, hugging the delicate child in his arms.

Chen silently sniffled. "I want to be powerful…. Why am I so weak..." he sobbed clinging to his collar.

Zou Wei gently caressed his tear-stained cheeks. "You will grow up to be a strong young man. I believe it."

Peng Peng was shaking viably as he gazed behind them. Loud cries were heard from the other buses carrying the families of those Hary who was sitting in the passenger seat clenched his fist. "Yue\'s alive... so are Tian and Fan. But the few other soldiers… they didn\'t make it. some of them are running away." He looked out the window with his brows scrunched up. "Roll down the window."

Hary placed his only intact leg out and all of a sudden small blob of metal flew in sticking to his skin.

Qian gave him a silent look.

"Many died. I only recovered it from those few."

Peng Peng was shaking viably as he gazed behind them. Loud cries were heard from the other buses carrying the families of those soldiers.

"Is running away the best decision?" he mumbled ever so softly.

When their home base was attacked twenty thousand of living were not able to defeat such a huge army of zombies. How can a few humans defeat them?

Yue, Fan and Tian… they were fodders.

His eyes teared up as he sobbed loudly. "Why god… why..."

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