
Chapter 269

Freefalling from over 200 Meters in the sky, Brance angled his body downward with Gabby mimicking his movement as they dove in Cynrik’s direction with the tails of their blazers flapping wildly.

[[Cyn, Selene, both Gabby and I are inbound from above.]] Brance calmly stated as he felt the wind lapping at his face.

[[Copy, this little shit hits like a fucking elephant and has an AGI stat that rivals my own. I can barely keep up with it. It doesn’t help that I’ve already failed to nail the damn thing with FNK (Futae no Kiwami) three times now.]]Cynrik complained as he avoided a headbutt followed by a tail smack, countering by dishing out a couple of Mana-infused jabs on the creature’s body.

[[Basically, it’s almost as if this Void Mouse knows my second strike will severely injure it, so after the first impact, it dramatically changes its body positioning, making me miss the second impact and rendering the skill useless. Yet I still suffer minor backlash in the process.]]

[[That could be the Tamer interfering with the fight and giving it orders.]] Activating [Mana Sight], Brance spun his body slowly in a clockwise motion, like a fighter jet, and looked to the right as he fell, locating the Spies.

[[Confirmed, one of the spies seems to be looking in your direction as if distracted even though he is fighting the Instructors alongside his companions, based on his Mana Signature, he appears to be Mid Tier-3.]] Rotating his body back to his original position, Brance fed Cynrik the data and made his final approach.

“Gabby, take care of the landing; we touch down in 4, 3, 2…” Before Brance got to one, Gabby’s eyes lit up with Psychic Mana, and he felt his body slowing down significantly. As it was, both he and Gabby were in a 225 km/hr (139 mph) freefall; from start to finish, the flight only took around 7 seconds, but thankfully, Gabby reduced their speed much in the way Airbrakes on a plane would, allowing them both to slow all the way down to a pace that wouldn’t injure them.

While continuing their Dive, Gabby and Brance hit the ground, rolled, popped back up to their feet, and took off in a full sprint towards Cynrik, who was nearby enough that they could see him, and a small black blur zipping back and forth exchanging blows.

[On your Six! Flashbang out, Eyes eyes eyes!] Brance shouted, raising his right hand and forming a fusion skill, one part Light, one part Wind. It was something he had been working on as of late. By coating an unstable Light Orb with a thick layer of Wind Mana, he created a time bomb; once it made contact with another object, the Wind Mana would break apart and fuse into the Light, causing a small explosion that ignited a blinding flash. This was his newest creation, Fusion Skill: [FlashBang].

Without breaking his stride, Brance hurled the Mana grenade towards Cynrik, cut sharply, and turned his back and Gabby’s to the bomb so they wouldn’t be blinded.

Likewise, Cynrik kicked backward and closed his eyes while looking away just as the grenade slammed into the Void Mouses’ body and exploded.


“SCREEEEEEEEEE,” the reaction was exactly what the brothers wanted to hear. When Cynrik looked back, the flash had already disappeared, and the Void mouse was on the ground, convulsing as it scratched at its eyes and screeched in pain.

[I’ve got it from here; go after Selene and the others. You need to land at least one hit in on those fucking spies if the party is going to get some XP from their deaths. If not, we have wasted the opportunity.] As Cynrik whipped out both Cold-Steel hidden blades, he dashed forward, used his toes to bounce the rat in the air, then stabbed the rat violently, causing a chorus of pained screams, squeals, and impact squelches each time his blades pierced the tough hide of the Void Mouse.

Grunting in reply, Brance quickly located the black mist moving around like a shadow near the edge of the confinement area and took off in that direction.

“What now, you little fucker? Hurts, doesn’t it? How bout you just die already!”

However, as he and Gabby left, the sound of Cynrik mercilessly assaulting the Void Mouse, both physically and verbally, entered his ears, and he could only shake his head. It was evident that Cynrik was pissed off by how helpless he was throughout the duration of their fight.

[[Selene, meet up with Gabby and me outside building one, we are almost there.]] Taking charge of the group, Brance issued an order to Selene, making the black mist halt in its tracks before darting off in the direction of the nearest Dorm building.

-Your party Leader Cynrik Jetlensr has killed a level 33 Tier-2 Void Mouse.-

-Your party Leader has killed a being more than ten times all of the party’s individual primary levels; rewards will be multiplied by a quintuple.-

-You have received 330,000 XP.-

-You have received 10 DEX.-

-You have received 10 AGI.-

-You have obtained 5 KIN points-

-Your party Leader has received Five dual Affinity Tier-2 Codexes (Dark/Space).-

[[Holy fuck!]] Brance muttered under his breath as the spam of notifications flashed in front of his eyes.

[[Weak sauce, that mother fucker was 33 times our damn level! What kind of bullshit is this? Gimmie 33 times rewards, not five.]]Cynrik was unhappy as he scooped up the original Codex and the four duplicates created by the CSH.

[[Beggars can’t be choosers, darling, hurry up and get over here, I just met up with Brancie and Gabby. We are waiting on you.]] Selene spoke in a teasing tone when cutting in on Cynrik’s pity party.

Frowning at his girlfriend’s comment, Cynrik stored the small corpse in his Inventory and attempted to activate his [Shadow Leap] only to receive a splitting headache in response.

[[Fuck, give me a second, it looks like I have to run, this asshole Geralt’s Spatial skill cut off my ability to enter the Shadow Realm. Good to know that now rather than later, on my way.]] Cynrik stated as he took off in a full sprint while massaging his temples to relieve the pain.

Meanwhile, Headmaster Rivia floated above the enormous cube watching the events happening down below intently. He had already assumed Brance wouldn’t be joining the battle entirely and would only lend assistance before trying to coordinate a strike on the Spies. Yet, even with this assumption, he still allowed the two to enter the confined area.

This was mainly due to wanting to see how the group would handle fighting against beings more powerful than themselves in a potentially life-threatening scenario. Thinking back to the elaborate plot Cynrik had explained this morning, he couldn’t help but wipe away any previous skepticism. It was clear now that the brothers would run head first into battle when faced with challenging opponents.

He hadn’t told Brance before sending him into the confinement area that the orders given to Garrison and Alistar were very different from what he had spoken aloud for the Students to hear.

Instead, all Headmaster Rivia had told them was to merely contain the spies and allow MyrkLys a chance to prove they could stand toe to toe against opponents who outranked them in power and fighting experience. Geralt’s judgment call was to turn this into a combat test; the Instructors would only step in if one of the students were in mortal danger. If not for this order, the Mid Tier-4 Garrison and Early Tier-4 Alistar would have wiped the floor with all the spies within half a minute.

He didn’t expect Cynrik only to need momentary attention diverting assistance to obliterate the Void Mouse completely. This was quite the surprise considering, for the last few minutes, he had watched the student get battered around and basically toyed with by something not even 1/8th his size.

But the new Fusion skill displayed by Brance was just the opening Cynrik required to end the battle in a very Assassin-like style.

‘Hm, it seems that Student Ivar has dramatically increased his DEX and AGI, a decent compensation to keep up. I already knew he was intelligent, but the only way to raise a stat so quickly is if he never uses his free allocation stat points—Clever, but also a bit reckless, very fitting for his personality.’ Headmaster Rivia thought as he watched Cynrik dashing low to the ground across the Core area towards where the rest of his group had already linked up.

Running up alongside the fog, Brance motioned for Selene to turn back to normal, which she did, dropping Benny and a green-faced Melody on the ground.


Brance watched from a distance as the two Instructors were in the heat of a 2v5 battle. It was a 2v5 because he clearly spotted the spy he had assumed to be the Tamer controlling the Void Mouse, rolling on the ground, spitting up blood, and clutching his chest in pain.

Seeing this, Brance motioned for the group to crouch low to the ground and avoid being seen for now. He needed to know the strength of the spies before allowing his party to move into battle; unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for someone who had already blazed past the rest of his party after spotting the downed Tamer undercover of his stealth skill.

In fact, Brance wouldn’t have even seen his brother flash by if it wasn’t for the fact that he had [Mana Sight] active trying to scan the opponent’s Mana signatures.

[[DAMN IT CYNRIK! DON’T JUST RUN INTO A SHIT STORM!]] Brance yelled, startling Selene beside him, but after shooting her an apologetic look, he turned back to look at the Tamer.

[[Fuck all that waiting shit, this guy is mine, he sent that mother fucking piece of shit rat after us and caused me so much trouble. HE…IS…MINE!]] Flitting around the group battle, Cynrik arrived beside the downed Tamer, who was bleeding from his ears, nose, eyes, and mouth upon further inspection. A clear sign of some form of backlash received by Cynrik killing his Tamed Beast, forcing Cynrik to make a mental note to strengthen the defensive properties of his birbs once they were hatched. There was no way he was going to be caught in such a vulnerable position as this man wearing all black with his face covered currently was.

This was a Mid-Tier-3 Being, someone a whole tier and a half above Cynrik, and yet, as the boy stood over the weakened man with his head tilted to the side, he felt no fear or distress, even his [Danger Sense] showed no sign of acting up, a clear indication that he had nothing to fear from this person.

Kneeling beside the man, Cynrik grabbed him by the back of his head, exposing his throat, and jammed his Blackfire-clad hidden blade straight through the flesh and into the man’s brain, killing him instantly. This was accomplished in one fluid movement without breaking his new stealth ability, [Spectre Concealment], which allowed him to make up to five attacks without dropping his stealth.

“Requiescat in Pace.” Cynrik softly said in an emotionless tone as he stored the man’s corpse in his Inventory and dashed back towards his party before he was caught by the enemy or, worse, the Instructors.

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