
Chapter 562 Patricide Of The Patriarch (3)

**Hey guys, I am currently on the road, vending at a Card Convention; thus, Today\'s chapter will be 1500 words, and only one will be posted. When I get back from the con, I promise I will get back on schedule...**

Flipping through the air, Lithlen found himself unable to stop his momentum as wave after wave of radiated gust slammed into his body, each blast snatching away over 10k HP. 

Soaring through the Shadow Realm like a missile, Lithlen eventually slammed into the ground, well over 10 kilometers away, creating an insanely large crater with a diameter of around 600 meters. 

Keeping a sharp and watchful eye on his Grandfather through [Mana Sight], Cynrik\'s eyes flicked to the insane words floating before him. 

Cynrik had anticipated that the gains from killing Viktor would be good, but scrolling through the notifications popping up like fireflies in his vision one after another, caused his brain to freeze. 

Upon gazing at the spam, Cynrik\'s jaw dropped open, and he was soon overwhelmed by a wave of insane energy, causing his body to tremble as not one, not two, but three of his stats rapidly increased. 

  -You have Killed a Level 100 Peak-Tier-5 Demi-Human Viktor Opurn (Human/Red-Dragon).-

  -You have killed a being more than ten times your primary level and  Two Tiers above your own; rewards will be multiplied by the new Maximum Multiplier, a Decuple (10 times).-

  -You have achieved something no one in the History of Vinestra has ever before seen, Killing a Being almost a complete stage above you; as such, you will receive extra rewards.-

  -Besides being on the verge of breaking through to the next stage and having a sliver of Divinity within him, Viktor Opurn was classified as an INDIVIDUAL rather than a BEING, making this achievement much more impressive to the Central System Hub.-

  -You have received 20,000,000 SPN-XP.- 

  -You will now receive personalized boosts to three of your highest stats.-

  -You have received 2000 points to your Dexterity Stat.-

  -You have received 2000 points to your Intelligence Stat.-

  -You have received 2000 points to your Mind Stat.-

  -You have received 1000 Stat Points.-

  -You have received 1000 Skill Points.-

  -Any equipment or items previously worn or held by Viktor Opurn have unfortunately been destroyed.-

  -You have absorbed half of the Whisp of Divinity previously owned by Viktor Opurn.-

  -You have received the Title, Legend-in-the-making.-

  -You have located and retrieved 20 Tier-6 Mana Codexes (Fire/Wind/Terra/Metal)

  -A Bloodline (Ancient Ruby Dragon) has been located.-

  -This Bloodline has been duplicated and stored in special Vials at no cost to you.-

  -You have received 20 Vials of Extracted Bloodline (Ancient Red Dragon)-

Feeling the pain in his body receding, Cynrik quickly opened his status profile and shook his head incredulously. 

: STATS : 

: HP 270,105/270,105 :  90 Per Point 

: Mana 270,331/492,238 :  50 Per Point  (+100,000) 

: Stamina 145,600/145,600:  50 Per Point 

: Stat Points- 2871 : (30 per level) Class (3) 

: Skill Points- 1915 : (4 per level) Class (3)

: Strength- 3550 : 

: Dexterity- 10,450 :  (+2000) 

: Agility- 8450 : 

: Intelligence- 10,450 :  (+2000)

: Vitality- 3550 : 

: Mind- 10,450 :  (+2000)

: Will Power- 175 : 

: Gem Cutting:0 , XP 10/100: 

: Luck- 45 : 

: PSN Resistance- 25 : 

: Killing Intent- 1123 - 8.25G :

"Fuck me, if I had known killing that stupid bastard was this profitable, I would have long since conspired against him," Cynrik muttered loud enough for Brance to hear. 

\'Tsk, it\'s a shame that my RNG is so fucking terrible; just thinking about how the CSH skipped over my AGI stat and increased my MIND stat instead bothers me, but oh well, no point in crying over spilled milk.\' Cynrik thought before looking over his shoulder at Brance, who appeared visibly shaken by what he had just read. 

\'Sigh, new title, new benefits, I suppose, from the looks of it, so long as I have the "Legend-In-The-Making" title, I gain a 25% damage increase against opponents who are a full Tier stronger than me.\'

With his newly Limit Broken mind stat, Cynrik found it much easier to split his thought process, making it seem like he almost had a second brain that could be used alongside his usual storm of thoughts. 

\'Then there\'s the matter of acquiring so many vials of Dragon Blood, hey Tobs, what is the primary use of this shit?\' He asked while thinking about how he had earned not one but 20 vials of the Bloodline. 

  -Well, it has multiple uses, if I am honest. However, I predict you will attempt to ingest it to earn a second bloodline…which I highly advise against, by the way.-

  -You can also try using it in the crafting process of equipment to have a shot at earning increased effects or stat boosts.-

  -However, if you are asking me the best way to use it, I\'d have to say rolling the dice and trying to give Gabby and Benny a bloodline.-

  -As it stands, you, Selene, and Brance all have bloodlines, but the Sanfords are basically ordinary people, so it would be beneficial for your group if, later on down the line, those two get a handful of abilities similar to the ones you got from your Bloodlines.-

\'Uh, huh, and if I were to say, chug or inject it into my body, what are the outcomes?\' Cynrik asked as he fought back the urge to pull out a vial of Dragon blood and examine it.

  -Insta-death. Your Æsir Bloodline is way too powerful to ever bend to having a partner bloodline housed in your body, so it would instantly attack the draconic cells, causing the prideful Dragon Bloodline to fight back, and in the end, POP GOES THE CYNRIK!-

  -Whereas, if you give it to Gabby and Benny, although there is only a 15% chance of them earning it, you have ten shots for each of them to try. Since neither of them has a Bloodline, there won\'t be any negative consequences in trying either.-

\'Got it, so what you\'re saying is worry about it later, okay, cool, moving on, time for battle.\' Cynrik thought with a snort as he noticed his younger brother\'s confused and anxious body language. 

[On your toes, Brancie, we need to move,] Cynrik stated in the mind link as he shook his head and located Lithlen before expelling flames out the soles of his feet and flying in that direction. 

With a nod, Brance followed suit by mimicking his brother\'s flight method, only instead of shooting flames from his feet, two thruster-like jets of HolyFire shot out from his shoulder blades, similar to how a mobile suit would fly. 

As they approached Lithlen\'s crash site, Brance pulled up his status profile and felt slightly helpless about where he wanted to spend his 1000 free points.

So without putting more thought than necessary into the topic, he split the points between his STR and VIT since he was sure there would be an intense battle upon reaching his Grandfather. 

: STATS : 

: HP 871,375/871,375 :  90 Per Point (+225,0000)

: Mana 471,613/471,613 :  50 Per Point (+100,000)

: Stamina 475,125/475,125 : 50 Per Point (+125,000)

: Stat Points- 0 : (30 per level) Class (3) 

: Skill Points- 740 : (4 per level) Class (3) 

: Strength-  10,950 :  (+2500) 

: Dexterity- 6069 : 

: Agility- 2954 : 

: Intelligence- 10,450 : (+2000) 

: Vitality- 10,950 :  (+2500)

: Mind-  2954 : 

: Will Power- 132: 

: Gem Cutting: 25 - XP 32,398/ 778,899 : 

: Grace- 1112 - 8.25G :

Basking in the sensations brought about by the additional free allocation Stat points, Brance steadied himself and followed closely as he and Cynrik landed at the lip of the crater and looked down to where they spotted the broken image of their once powerful Grandfather. 

"Yo, old bastard, did that little explosion kill you, or are you still alive and kicking?" Drawing his kodachi and preparing himself, Cynrik did Cynrik things and started off with a taunt. 

[Really…leading with bullshit again?] Rolling his eyes and transforming his shields into Greatsword mode, Brance stepped up beside Cynrik and complained. 

Unfortunately, his words fell on deaf ears as Cynrik narrowed his eyes and zoomed his vision in, only to see that Lithlen had a handful of empty potion bottles scattered around his head. 


Kicking off the ground and rushing into the crater, Cynrik charged both his kodachis with Mana and swung down on the motionless body of Lithlen.

But right before his blades could find their mark, his Grandfather blurred as he moved forward and delivered an intense palm strike at Cynrik.

Fortunately, Brance was right there in a heartbeat and brought up his Greatsword to receive the attack. 


With a loud clang, the Greatsword was ripped from Brance\'s grasp and embedded in the ground. Meanwhile, he flew backward into the crater wall.

As this happened, the elderly man spun around and snarled at the brothers like a feral dog. 

"I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU YEARS AGO!" Lithlen screamed as his aura exploded forth. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit\'s Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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