
Chapter 645 Unhappy Reunion, "Are you really my Son?" (1)

Chapter 645 Unhappy Reunion, "Are you really my Son?" (1)

For a time, the Shadow Realm was quiet as Cynrik continuously dumped one file after another on the ground, many of which had twisted photos of serial killings or other illegal evidence until finally, he stopped and looked up at the stunned expression on Brance\'s face.

"What\'s more, some of these assholes turned into Mana Zombies…" The moment the word left his lips, Brance flinched and corrected him.

"Corrupt or Corrupted Divines, the official terminology is one of those, not Mana Zombie."

"Sure, whatever, I could care less; regardless, some of them turned, and we put them down, so even in death, they could benefit myself and Selene nominally."

Beside Cynrik, Selene nodded, instantly agreeing with everything he said not to put Brance onto the true reason for their actions, swiping all the free gubbins lying around.

"Fuck…even though I know you are hiding the full truth, I can\'t help but be lenient since you actually did something noteworthy for once; however, stealing is still wrong, Cyn…" Before Brance could finish his statement, the small mountain of documents vanished, and in its place was one of the chests from the first vault Cynrik had cracked.

"Say that after you see what\'s in the box, Brancie." Wearing a confident smirk, Cynrik used a tendril of Umbra Mana to lift the box to chest level for his brother to open.

As instructed, Brance hesitantly opened the treasure chest, but as he did so, his pupils constricted since he recognized the contents, and his mouth dropped open before his vision swam. He even released a strange yelping sound brought about by his surprise.

Without hesitation, Brance quickly used his [Inspect Skill] and soon realized his initial thoughts were correct, and what he was observing was half a dozen rare, metal variant Affinity orbs.

"Ho…how…in…the…fuck…" Brance managed to say, albeit with some effort, as he picked up the Orichalcum Affinity Orb as if it were the most precious item in existence.

"Well, the fat bitch who owned the vault that came from was one of the worst offenders I had ever seen. Nicknamed the Queen of the underground Demi-human Slave trade, she stuffed her face daily with delicacies earned from her illegal act while procuring rare and expensive items to boost the power of her children."

"The entire power base of her family was built on the backs of many lost lives, so yeah, you don\'t have to feel bad about taking these lovely and rare Affinity Orbs because, in our group, you are the only one who can effectively utilize them in the first place."

Unfortunately, Cynrik\'s words were brushed aside as Brance gently placed the orichalcum orb down and picked up each Affinity orb in rarity order while muttering their names.

"Adamant, Mithril, Gold, Silver, Bronze…holy shit…this is amazing. I didn\'t even know these things existed, let alone that I\'d ever have the opportunity to find them. I am sure they must cost an absolute fortune to procure if they even go up on the market."

"Tsk, he turns into a kid in a candy store over some shiny rocks; sigh, what will I ever do with this brother of mine…how am I supposed to reveal the good shit we found."

"Sure, this batch of Affinity orbs is nice, but they only scratch the surface of our vast wealth. Isn\'t that right, my Kona?" Peeking at Selene, who had her eyes raised as she witnessed Brance fawning over the orbs, Cynrik teased.

Absent-mindedly, Selene nodded, ignoring that she, too, had reacted like Brance on more than one occasion; only Cynrik didn\'t bother teasing her for it as he was doing his brother.

"Hold up, what do you mean vast wealth? HOW MANY FUCKING HOUSES DID YOU GUYS RAID?" Suddenly snapping back to attention, Brance closed the chest, stored it in his inventory before Cynrik could take it back, and glared at them.

"*POP* ten…twenty… seventy-three mansions, whose counting anyway, just know we gathered enough gubbins and wealth to last us multiple lifetimes with a life of frivolous expenses." Making a loud popping sound and refusing to look Brance in the eyes, Cynrik found a lovely ruinous building off in the distance to admire while casually stating the actual number of Mansions they had raided.

"Sev…SEVENTY-THREE MANSIONS, how, what, who, HUH?" Collapsing to his knees, Brance stared at Cynrik and Selene as if they were monsters.

To have hit that many in such a short time meant they were averaging two to three a day, and with that level of efficiency, they would have little time to do anything else, or so Brance suspected.

Little did he know that Selene and Cynrik had fallen into a rhythm after the eighth or ninth Mansion, and there were often days when they had hit as many as six Mansions at a time.

Other times, they wouldn\'t even bother going out of the Shadow Realm. Instead, they had a full day of smexy time activities, simply enjoying each other\'s company, as their month-long absence was first and foremost supposed to be treated as their extended honeymoon period.

As luck would have it, a particular tiny Fairy gently patted Brance\'s cheek, drawing his attention, and spoke reassuring words to calm down his high-strung anxiety.

-Brancie, don\'t worry, they got stuff for everyone, not just themselves, and since I know the entire contents of their inventories, they can\'t hide anything from you.-

Unfortunately, her words only caused a ruckus with Selene and Cynrik, as they shouted words such as "Traitor, and Betrayal."


"NO! THE ORICHALCUM BARS ARE MINE AND MINE ALONE; AIN\'T NO ONE STEALING THEM FROM ME!" Reacting like a cat whose tail got stepped on, Selene ran away, accidentally revealing her most prized takeaway from the excursion and causing Cynrik to facepalm, as he didn\'t plan on letting Brance know about those right away.

"Holy fuck, you guys actually got your hands on pure Orichalcum Bars…" Thankfully, the impact of Selene\'s reveal wasn\'t as significant as Cynrik expected, allowing him to change the subject with finesse.

"OK, enough about our gubbins, Brance; we need to think about how to deal with everyone above. Jessup has them all convinced we are Mana Zombies…"

"Corrupt Divines," Brance interjected, causing Cynrik to roll his eyes before rebutting and continuing his statement.

"Sure, that. Anyway, Jessup has them convinced we\'ve been turned and are dead. In my quick thinking, I left a note for Mom, but even so, she hasn\'t convinced everyone that things are fine." Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik glanced at Cinyah, who was patiently kneeling on the ground and waiting for their return.

"I knew she would believe my words, but it wasn\'t enough to convince Jessup. Funny enough, Gabby isn\'t even worried about you…which I find slightly strange."

"Hm, oh, that\'s easy; she knows I am not in danger since Jessup already explained it takes prolonged exposure to Divine Particles before turning into a Corrupted Divine."

"At the worst, she probably expects us to fight before I win; however, she should still be worried about me returning to Reality…which reminds me, how would I have done so?"


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